Not to mention most popular GEZ Z memes on tik tok are all mocking trannies, feminists, and thots.
Jews, SJWs, atheists, feminists and trannies are getting triggered by Tik tok Christian memes
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I guess gen z never misses huh?
I thought he was silly for saying conservative is the "new punk", but I'm starting to rethink that if there's evidence of actual Gen Z's trolling millenials like this.
Appears that traditional 1950s conservatism that becoming popular not ((Alt-right)) shit.
Im Gen Z here, born 2000. Were kinda getting sick of the PC shit(some of us, not all) that was shoved down our throat as we were growing up. So in a way, yeah this can be a new kind of rebelling the younger generation likes to do against the older. Especially for my self, I was told to accept faggots, abortion, the works. I was somewhat accepted it at first, but around high school I started getting sick of it. School was quite divided with one half mostly boys were conservatived while the other half mostly girls were liberal. Though among the conservatives, some were Republican esque while others were libertarian. I myself would jump from natsoc to ancap here and there throughout high school(pol very much influenced, and 4chan itself was pretty popular there amoung boys in my school) to give you an idea of the situation, I'm from NYC, a very liberal city, and much of the youth is starting to like conservative ideals. It's probably at a much higher rate in more conservative states. Sorry for ranting on, ask me anything about my generation if you want, I'll try to answer back.
Short response: The rebelling for genZ is conservative because liberal too mainstream
Are you from the US? Did you go to a public school?
I am was born in 1999 but I am from Southamerica and I went to a high tier catholic school and people here don't really talk or care about those topics
Yeah, I'm from New York. I went to public school, so the division was real there, I'd say 50/50. As for us, we're not super crazy into the boring side of politics, just the real interesing, trendy, or depraved part of it. For example, half my school openly cheered when Trump was elected, 25% was shocked, 25% didn't care. Though I'm sure some of us like the boring side of politics.
Heh remember when they said the same thing about Gen X?
Wouldn't know, my father's genX and hates the progressive shit going on today.
So how is Gen Z supposed to be more conservative if they were born in the worst period in human history? The past generations aren't like that so why would they? They don't know any better and are already indoctrinated from birth.
< Oooooh, okay … so more useless shit that will eventually be picked-up by clever people to do half-decent videos but is right now filled with 15-second long selfies
Well, I've got some suggestions … pics related
No offense, but you don't know shit about my generation. As you said, we were born in a time of constant war, recession, and natural disasters. A lot of us didn't have much of an innocent child, and all the while we're getting indoctrinated about the left and how they're better, all the while the world is getting shittier and we just about had enough of it. We hate the left politicans we have right now, and want change. We want something more drastic, we want to go back to conservativism. Even when I was in a public school in NY, half the school rooted for trump, and many refused to participate in liberal marches. Sure, we all ain't conservative, but even the liberal portion of GenZ think GenY liberals are stupid and crazy.
Heh, sooo he and I have a lot in common then?
yeah, I'm co-opting this as a webm thread
lol what's the message you're trying to put out with all these videos
God bless you, generation zyklon. It's up to you to save America.
Where did you even read "kek pwnd"?
We can't do it on our own. Our generation are also realists, and we're kinda winnie the poohed on our own. We need the help of the older generation(you guys) and gen alpha later on to truly bring back the love of Christ in a world where it desperately needs it.
You are not Gen Z, you are a second-wave Millennial.
The true Gen Z are those born 2005 and after.
Many sources agree it starts mid 90's and ends mid 00's but I won't argue with you. Last post tonight so good night everyone, and may the Lord bless you all.
no u
Imagine my surprise.
I always thought the silent generation is mostly regarded as the ww2 soldiers generation, not the kids born in the depression.
LOL at the hero/artist/prophet/nomad pooh
"Many sources" also only give 15 years to something called "gen Y" (1981-95) which is rubbish. I know there's a lot of teenage mothers from that era, esp. in east London, but srsly
Didn't. Was suggesting got pwnd by (even if he did get trips)
Anglo spotted
Gen X here. You warm my cynical heart.
Now watch these guys inserting quietly into the system once they're 20. There is no "left" vs "right" There is only a hegemonic system making people more self-centered and enslaved by mass distraction/capitalism so they forget their souls.
The brainwashed lefty on twitter, the frustrated Zig Forumsack, and the normal guy who just wants to play his "vidya" without SJW are all going to hell overall. What's the point of this thread exactly?
Collapse is coming. You'll inherit the future. Make it something good. Learn from the Millennials that weren't retarded. We literally can't change anything.
It's not a sin to rebuke a thot.
actually misdirection but I'm fine with that
Honestly I think Gen z conservatism is just for the memes. I don't think there's been some kind trad revolution in the couple years that I've been out of school. School will always be the same, especially after the advent of social media: most people don't care about anything and the people that go against the grain are just being edgy for its own sake. This could just be projection on my part though.
I don't expect some "trad revolution", but I could believe in subtle paradigm shifts. Like a group of buddies sitting around making fun of fags.. and not caring. It's a good step at least.
Is it just the white males who are conservative or also the minorities?
No. I remember gen x being made fun of for being baby boomers with worse taste in music. They are not wrong. Demolition man was warning about PC culture all the way back in the 90s.
Gen X didn't give you false hope like baby boomers or millenials. But provided no solutions either..
No generation saw the damaging effects of Tranny normalization and feminism first hand than gen z. Do you think it’s a Coincidence Tranny mocking memes taken off on tik tok when you can no longer make fun of cross dressing on television or make women jokes? They see SJWs censorship first hand. Making fun of SJWs became apart of meme culture because that how they grow up to be cool.
Nice memes.
So whats the deal here?
I'm gen millennial, and I can confirm that it was riddled with pozz propaganda, it was already shit when I arrived here, but I've seen it going from bad to worst.
Literally lots of old timey friends going homosexual, including girls. Many others failing miserably in unhappy relationships (including myself), the relationships that do end in marriage usually have a reverted role where the girl is the male and so on.
My generation was winnie the poohed up and showered with false expectations, you could say the guinea pig of the internet.
It makes sense that gen Z is rising to be pissed with this falsehood, I truly hope they can become stronger and change something. But at the same time like user mentioned, on the girls side being mostly liberals, worries me a lot.
That's how it starts. It goes from "he who must not be named" to "lets make ironic fun of this taboo" to "maybe some of these ideas are good". Not everyone will catch on, but it's we get huge exposure for ideas that would never see the inside of a school textbook.
wow that's a flash from the past, guess I should watch more inspirational Stallone movies.
Demolition man was ahead of it’s time. It actually freaky at times.
And here people in the army thread don’t believe that America is swinging right.
We're not overtly conservative as some of you may think, but we're definitely much more right leaning then generations before us. As for a trad revolution, that remains to be seen. I'm not doubting it, but not completely sure either. Places away from big liberal cities are your best bet for one (though big cities could instigate something if they do something really degenerate, nothing like a revolution though)
White male genz are definitely the majority. However, it is growing for minorities as well. While the numbers are quite divided right, with some flavoring conservativism, some favoring Liberalism, and the rest not really caring. As a Hispanic, I can tell you tge divided is strongest with us, with you either being highly conservative, highly liberal, or not giving a shit at all. Numbers are most likely higher among those outside big liberal cities and the younger of genz. As always, it's mostly the males who are conservative.
I don't think we'll be able to make a complete 180, not on our own. At best, we'll just stop further damage. We need the help of you guys, and soon gen Alpha.
They don't hang out with young people very often, though I can't blame them since a lot of us are still in high school.
Gen Zs are idiots. Their idea of opposing anti-patriarchy is
I can relate to the last video.
Yes. Yes it was. And no one took the warning seriously.
Is this in voting records or is it in culture and thought? Here, a lot of the minorities have enormously social conservative values (read: Muslim and Chinese) but are ambivalent in economic values.
They are split on immigration, but even then, many of them are feeling the pain of poor city planning (not able to cope with such enormous expansions) and see their fate is as bad as the whites - the immigrant Chinese compete with locally born Chinese and whites for homes and jobs equally.
The idea of things getting this bad was considered science fiction back than.
For the sake of argument, John 8.
Do not strive in contentions.
All obstinate mortal sinners must be admonished as a spiritual work of mercy. Admonishing is not condemning.
I think you're an outlier. If you're 18 or under, wait until your colleagues go to university. Maybe then you will drop the 'we' and use the 'I'. Let's hope that I'm wrong and a political movement comes into place to remove Jews from worldwide power and influence.
You're the idiot, that type of thinking is only on the liberal side of genz.
Dude.. you have a pic of Chris-chan. Pretty sure millenials own that one.
It's culture and thought mostly, as many of genz are still not able to vote or didn't really get a chance/have care. As for economics, a large portion I believe are at least in favor of some sort of free market, albeit with some regulations like no monopolies or trusts. Few are actually for sociaism and communism, mostly just liking it for the memes.
Sure, maybe some people, but not all. We like to think for ourselves, I believe we value free speech more than the generation for us. Of course, they'll hate you left or right if you say cotton picking tigger, but that's Zig Forums tier shit. We basically all unanimously believe you should h the right to voice your opinion. The future isn't going to be bright, but it isn't going to be totally bleak either. We have a long road ahead of us, so stop complaining and support us when you get the chance.
Those are all millennials, I know few genz who have fallen that far, only really doing it for the meme.
Sure. May God be with you during your struggles ahead.
Thank you, may Gid bless you too.
Cute, yet cringe at the same time. I know you are trying very hard to sound "too mature" for your age, but the truth is that Gen Z is lost. The amount of degenerate media Gen Z consumes along with their addiction of smartphones, rising mental illness, rising homosexuality, mumble rap, Xanax abuse, porn addiction, video game addiction tells me otherwise. Gen Z is not based. Gen Z will be another consumerist generation. Yeah, polls say Gen Z is more "conservative" but children before coming of age will always tend to vote conservative before the liberal brainwashing kicks in. Older Gen Z has the worst aspects of liberals and conservatives. There is no true conservative movement, only an edgy backlash to SJWs because of "muh tik tok pepe memes".
The hypocrisy, along with the degeneracy Gen Z showers itself in while not being aware tells me this generation is yet another lost one.
Voting patterns almost never grow more liberal with age, user. For almost all demographics, the older you get, the more conservative you are. And I guarantee you that sample "1/4 of Gen Z is homo" was pulled almost exclusively from Western urban centers. Almost all polls like that are conducted in the cities.
Yes, the older you become of age, the more conservative you become
However, when I stated that "children before coming of age will always tend to vote conservatives", I was referring to early millennial children in the 1980s. Millennials had 'ALMOST' conservative media growing up, and this made them to lean a bit more conservative. Also, children have common sense when it comes to genders (2 genders) but fast forward to 30 years later and the majority of millennials support cutting genitals off, due the liberal brainwashing they received from their safe spaces and in college. Gen Z is also facing the same fate but they're being edgy just to get a reaction out of SJWs, not like they actually believe in conservatism anyways. They are being indoctrinate in school or social media apps run by you know who.
Gen Z voted 71% Dem in Texas.
No, not really.
(2nd picture)
Question that was asked to students:
As you can see in figure 3, the preference for “open learning environment” over “positive environment” shrank from 56 points to 41 points in just 12 months.
Also, in that very Cato survey I linked
Hard to believe Chris-Chan was ever that skinny.
Whats Zig Forums thoughts on this guy? I've seen people bad talking him as another edgy millennial, but so far all his videos were spot on.
Plus didn't even know wth was Tik Tok, doesn't it also censor lot of content?
It actually really brings me hope if this generation really has this tendency, thought I don't think its widespread like that still. Many youngsters in my country are completely pozzed.
Yeah, so what? The generations before us got conplained at for tge comic books they were reading, the video games they were playing, and the TV they were watching. We were born in a world of technology, of course we use it. You need to stop condescending us when it was YOU and they people before you that had created a world like this. Oh and yes, we do go outside and hang out with friends, in fact we love it.
Dumb ass, we're barely represented on that chart. Those statistics going down are from your generation, not mine. And 2016-2017 most of us were still highschool. Hell, a lot of us are still in highschool. I didn't say all of us were conservative, but it's much more than your generation.
Your generation is much more lost then mine, your people support the shit that's going on right now. The addiction you speak of is simply a lifestyle for us, much of our day to day activities are completed using devices. And yes, we know when to unplug when we're with people. Rising mental illness is either due to self proffesed psychologists saying so, or the shit you put on us. The rise in homosexuality is mostly from females, as I said before, were more liberal. Not all of us like the music coming out, and some of your generation likes it too. Drug problem is more of a geny thing, not all of us do shit like that. Porn and video game addiction is as much as a problem for you as it is for us. As I said before, were more conservative, not all. We can make a change, if we get help. Stop trying to find things that make it seem worse, and find a solution.
The older of the genz tend to be more liberal, but the younger more conservative as you said. While yes, we want a reaction for a laugh, we do generally believe some of it. A millennial might support gender change for children, but I know no genz that would support that.
You can't argue against facts and statistics. Gen Z is not based. Gen Z is less white, more pozzed, and more degenerate than any generation before it. Look at the first picture. Minorities make up the majority of Gen Z. Gen Z whites do not dominate the demographics as much as the non-whites do.
I'm a former Millennial-Gen Z (1997), kiddo. The difference is that I am not a retard and I know this generation isn't fixing anything but the fact that you are blaming the Millennials for proves my point that Gen Z lacks self-awareness.
Politics aside, I'll discuss about religion, more specifically Christianity from my generation. I will be blunt, while we are more conservative, we are typically less religious. Most are simply agnostic, while some are atheists and some a secular Christians. The actual devote Christians are there, just in small numbers. The younger of genz tend to be more devote, though again in small numbers. The only good is that we are less anti-christian. Many agnostics accept as part of culture in a sense. So if there's one thing we need help in, it's our conversation. To give you more hope, if you theological knowledge is good and you can answer any question they might have, a genz will be easier to convert then older generations who simply won't listen because of there hatred.
For heavens sake, you're using infographs and vice as a source. I never said that genz is more perfect, we do have problems, like every other generation before us. I never all of us are conservative, just more of us. If your such a depressed man with no hope, would you feel better if I said we're all winnie the poohed and have no future? Is that what you want to hear?
Further more, that infograph just proves what I said if you read my earlier comment
And tell me why using infographs is bad?
Ironically that's how Gen Z expresses themselves with nihilism via "edgy" unfunny memes.
Listen, as I said before and will way again, we're not perfect. Yeah, a lot of us are depressed, I mean, who wouldn't be? We grew up in economic downturn, where a terrorist attack happens every year, and political figures just point fingers at ech other. We laugh at the bad because it's true. During the depression era, people needed a laugh because how bad it was. We're not perfect, the generation before us wasn't perfect, nor the generation after us will. It's just how life is. But mopping around is going to solve anything. Like it or not, we're the generation that's going to inherit so much shit to deal with. We're young, rebellious, and edgy now, but when our time comes we'll be ready, because we know bad. user, please have some hope in your life for once, pray daily, and if things don't go as planned, just keep pushing. Hope seems vague, especially for a generation like us, so we must turn to faith, and spread that faith towards our fellow peers as well. With God's blessing, we CAN make it.
Guess they never miss, huh?
The madman strikes again,
Is it just redpill after redpill?
Just look at this, in one video he went from female degeneracy, good guy syndrome, to even porn addiction.
Uhhhh no user actually he's a basic bicth cuckservative because he doesnt wanna gas black people lol