I'm a millenial atheist and there's something VERY wrong with Christianity

More specifically with Christian music. I have more of a sense of the "divine" listening to the soulsborne soundtrack than listening to gospel music. Even in the Catholic church I was raised the songs were awful and cringy, save for one or two, listening to some lame drummer is unpleasant.

So I think you guys should protest for some better music.

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Other urls found in this thread:


*byzantinally clears throat*

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Christian music covers all genres for the most part. Don't like one genre switch to something else, or go old school with chants and classical music.

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I mean you aren't wrong my Fedora friend, some Christian music especially the contemporary is cringy. that's why I thank God everyday for orthodox choral music.

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We already have good music. Not sure what those churches you're talking about are. I switch the TV to them sometimes and dislike much of that music myself.

The eternal bugman, straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel.

Encore. Makes even the Pope (not his church) listen.

novus ordo ruined everything

This, i agree. Heretics do degrade the quality of the faith. Original Christian chants that we still have with us today in Orthodoxy.

I am a Catholic and yeah both Latin and Byzantine chants are great
I think I've never heard someone a chant in another language apart from Latin, Greek, and Aramaic. I ddi hear the Litany of Saints in Spanish during an ordination but it didn't sound like a chant
That'd great


Like I said earlier, it all depends on the genre

*oOOooooOooOOoooOoOOooooOh intensifies*



You know the beat threw me off.. and the goofy antics.. but she's a great singer.



There is good "modern" Christian music, it's just not played on the radio now. The corporations that own the radio channels want you to be turned off of Christian music, that's why they only play soulless garbage.

Chants sound demonic, and in most cases you can't even understand them. I have a feeling a lot of people just pretend to like them because it sounds edgy or "tradition".

I like them because the heavens have opened up and I've heard their chants myself. I can't help but seek things on earth that reflect it now. Everything is dung in comparison.

Sorry, but you won't be getting Pat Boone in heaven, you Phillistine.

I can understand most of the Latin ones

The first chant I posted here was in Greek and English. Not "demon tongues". This is retarded.

Just stop, you are embarrassing yourself.

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We read exactly what you said. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and give you this. You surely love this don't you?

Isaiah 55:8-9
Matthew 16:23
John 15:15
Colossians 3:1-4

It's fine if you dislike chants or think they sound ugly, but please be careful of calling them "demonic" like that. They are the result of hundreds of years of Christians expressing their experience of Christ everyday and singing it. I will not call your testimony of God "demonic", so please do not call our testimony of God "demonic".

We can't help you get good taste, user.

Attached: poor.png (839x647, 40.63K)

IIRC that character is a drag queen so you're right on the mark haha

I did read it. You equated praising God and celebrating in his wonders with demons. You completely remove the whole meaning of what is demonic to begin with by even going here. Simply because you didn't like.. a motif or aesthetic, if you will. Despite them praising God.

Demons don't praise God. If you take anything from this at all, please just let that alone sink in at least.

Besides, a couple of these chants are direct songs adapted from PSALMS. They are Word of God themselves. Not the goofy Protestant crap that makes up it own lyrics. But the Word of God. That's what older traditions have over the modern stuff, if anything. That they heavily use the Scriptures.

Any music with a drummer is unlikely to have real music. Have some of the real stuff:

youtube.com/watch?v=CwGWocp80-o (Bach was a Church organist. All his music was meant for God. This counts.)

This is what Churches used to sound like, before pederastic sodomites and boomer-hippies screwed the whole thing up. (See Vatican II, Protestant Megachurches, etc.)

Anglican High-Church has the best music atm. Some traditionalist Catholic churches will as well, though these will typically be groups like the SSPX, FSSP, Anglican Ordinariate, etc.Orthodox music is absolutely divine as well, if you can get it.

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I'm afraid those two statements don't conflict.
Once again the 4chan crossie astounds us.

This was taught to you by the Jewish media. This is a lie, a false association.

you mean protestant music

Play Armored Core, casual.

You’re allergic to beauty.



Probably. About every 3rd post has been completely basic questions that any regular user would know the answer to.

Is she trying to dress like some sort of priest? And why does she have magical powers? Reeks like corruption to me.

Baptist: The Post

Kek, and I thought my Church using an acoustic guitar during Mass was bad.
When it comes to Catholicism, I agree… the Orthodox are fine afaik, while Protestants have always been tasteless. When the hippie Boomers die off, I imagine we'll see a shift towards how things were before Novus Ordo.


Agreed. Gospel music is pretty awful, this is why I listen to some gregorian and byzantine chants when I want to listen to christian music.

There is something wrong with the entire music industry, user.
No, forget that, there is something wrong with the arts & literature.
No, forget that, there is something wrong with academia.
No, forget that, there is something wrong with politics.
Everything has lost its touch these days, OP.

there is something wrong with the world these days
there is something wrong with everything
there is something wrong with me
Praise God!

The word you seek is 'solemn' or even 'ominous'.

What even is this?

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This thread needs more Latin

Palestrina - Sicut cervus (Psalm 42)

Adoro te devote

I chuckled

I love traditional chants, but this is actually banging

Now I love me some tradition, but sometimes modern spirituals can be pretty good. That is, as long as they are slow and reverent. This seems like the same thing with all good christian music. It must be calm and collected as opposed to hard and aggressive.

Prima Luce - Immaculate Mary

Ave Maria

Btw, just for note. One and post Id, and anime pic. Pretty gay tbh.

I think people wanted a music thread again

I agree. Some Christian music just sounds like it was created to sound like Christian music, not with the intent to worship or honor God with their talent.

Why is it not banned again, jannies? What's that? Your waifu's a crusader?

We don't have those here. You're in no position to make demands since you're clearly fresh off the boat from 4chan.

Ok, jannie.

Lol go back to half chan

Ok, I'll spoon feed you. We have Admin > Board Owner > Board Volunteer. Admin doesn't interfere with the running of individual boards unless the Board Owner is doing something illegal. Board Owners have basically complete autonomy over the board, its rules, and its settings. Our Board Owner's name is "tutor", a very nice fellow. The Board Volunteers are the Board Owner's police force and answer only to the Board Owner.

We do not have "jannies", we have "vols". Ok? OK!

Janny is the term used by users of the 4chan board /jp/. Why would a /jp/sie care about anime?

jannie mommy teaches yummy yummy in my tummy

I think you're taking your "job" a little too seriously there hotpocket

no thanks


Keith Green is the only Christian musician I need


Every 4chan board uses janny, but I think the historical origin is /sp/.

I'm not sure whether to blame you for not knowing or not.

Question, anons: Does anyone know of any recordings similar to this? youtube.com/watch?v=9F1l6xXLSI0

Yes, I know, I know - it's a secular recording, but the absolute /comfy/ levels of the campfire-acoustic sound makes it perfect for cruising in my car at sundown, admiring the Lord's creation. I've tried looking at various "Find Songs Like This" websites, and haven't had any luck, so maybe someone here will know of another recording like this

Orthodox music is the best music there is, Christian music generally is great apart from the modernist stuff. You're in prelest for saying otherwise, but since you're an atheist that's trivially true already.

So? since you're millennial you can think of them as the hidden gem, hipster thing that none of your friends know about either and thus you'll be unique. Imagine the insta stories.

I'd bet money that you're a homo