How many of you are converts?

I was thinking about this recently. How many of you guys (or just Christians as a whole) are Christians because they converted, and how many were born into it?
No I do not consider you a convert if you were a fedora and then came back later in life. I think you are truly a convert if you have no prior experience in Christendom.
Do you ever wonder about things like this? I have been seriously thinking about this. When I came back to Christ I largely discarded most other religions, and didn't pay them much mind, whereas if I were raised another religion I know for certain I would have looked into that religion and discarded most others.
No idea where I am really going with this, I guess I am just trying to verbalize my thoughts.

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How is one born a Christian?

I think he meant people who grew up in Christian families.


I converted from protestantism. Does that count?


I became a Christian when I called on the name of Jesus Christ to save me from hell when I was 17. I was a cultural Christian for a year before that, and before that I was an atheist.
I had always seen the world as an evil place and the majority of people as acting incredibly evil. I knew society was on a downhill path and I couldn’t find any secular answers. I had a thought, “the world always says the Bible is wrong and evil, I bet it’s the exact opposite.” So I began to read the gospels. And that’s how my track started to getting saved.

My Mother is basically a witch and i was raised as nothing

Want to elaborate?


Is she a literal witch (unironic wiccan/occultist) or just a terrible person?

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I was born Catholic and went to Catholic school up until 7th grade. I never stopped believing in God but haven't really gotten into truly living the faith until recently. I don't think it really matters how you come to Christ, but there's a definite tendency for those born into any form of Christianity to not look deeper than just going to church on Sundays, and this breeds agnosticism and apathy. I think I would have come to Christ regardless of my upbringing assuming I had unlimited access to the Internet, like I did growing up. Regardless, God would have found a way for you to know Him even if you were brought up in a different religion, user, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Pretty sure that's half the board, and the other half is cradle.

I was a convert, but that was in my teens years ago. You may as well call me a "native".

I was raised by two atheist parents. They weren't like, fedora atheists though - one time I did catch my mum reading The God Delusion so maybe there was a slight fedora tendency there. I found god in my mid-twenties after losing all hope in the world. Looking back now, I struggle to understand how I didn't just kill myself. The life of an atheist is an incredibly depressing one and you spend your day dodging big questions and perusing vice to distract you from your own mortality. Call it all one big cope; but when you have to choose between hopelessness and hope, the choice seems quite clear. I found Pascal to be a real help in organising my thoughts. I feel that for the first time ever I have life in me.

My mother's family is Catholic. My father's family is Methodist. I grew up in both churches. I was baptised Methodist, confirmed Catholic. I broke away from the Methodist church when the old minister retired and they hired a woman. Not that I have anything against women, mind you, but a woman preacher? That dog don't hunt.

I was a Hindu before calling the name of Jesus to save me.

I was practically born into it, even though my family went later to follow a more spiritism path. I did catechism in my teenage years, though I lived most of my post puberty life as a filthy atheist and degenerate. Though finally I've seen the errors of my ways, and heard the calling of the church last year, so in some way I also consider myself a convert.

I feel alot of anons here are converts, myself included, overall though I'd say through the entire world converts are probably less common

My paternal grandparents were Catholic, and my grandfather slapped me once and they had my rapt attention ever after. My Dad had rejected religion, but my grandmother fed me a communion wafer (I wasn't even baptised) and the terror I felt around them made me associate Christianity the sacred.

My Mom taught me a prayer, and explained Christianity to me from the perspective of an Atheist via a childrens' Bible that my half-brother sent me. Said half-brother proceeded to try to convert me when he baby-sat me several times.

In 2015, my life fell apart from drug abuse, and the visions I got drove me to various strains of religious mania. I was emailing my grandmother, and I came to see my violent, drug-abusing atheist parents as the source of all my problems. I was also an atheist, and it became obvious to me that atheism = drug abuse = masturbation = misery.

These dots became connected, and suddenly I saw that God had always been trying to reach me. God didn't touch me through Buddhism, Islam or Paganism - I never called any Bhikkhus, despite 15 years of private involvement with Buddhism and professing to be Buddhist, and Satanism lead to me cut myself with knifes.

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Well, that is the default way things play out of course (inheriting our world views from our parents), and God doesn't penalise people for not having been exposed to the true gospel, it's only a problem if people willingly turn away from it once it is revealed to them. If a person actively decides to search for 'the one true religion' later in life for whatever reason however, Christianity does still present a compelling case for any critical neutral observer legitimately looking for the truth, even if some of its followers were lucky enough to just get dumped into it without thinking about it by default. Starting with its sound roots in ancient Judaism:

then subsequently building up to the reliability of the NT:

and why christianity makes the most sense philosophically:

That was basically my trajectory for becoming Orthodox after I rejected the atheism I was raised with.

From cradle lukewarm Methodist to edgey nihilist/satanist to Orthodox convert here. Had my eyes opened on 4pol of all places - been a long road but it's worth it.

Technically i was born into a Catholic family, Baptized, and received my first communion, but eventually everyone in my family accept my grandparents stopped practicing and I fell into atheism/agnosticism. It worth noting that while I had gone through PSR and all that,I didn't really understand or care about what was being taught to me. And that's to no fault of the instructors, I was just an inattentive kid who found it all boring at the time.

It wasn't until freshman year of college (2016) when I really got into religion/spirituality, and that was mainly for political reasons initially. I had started to identify with the alt-right and became sort of soft-core WN in early 2015. Prior to that I was a Marxist, but after studying econ and psych and also feeling outcast by my peers purely for my race I jumped ship. I looked into the Christianity mainly as a political tool and for the sake of connecting to heritage, rather than genuine spirituality. I had looked into other religions prior to that though for philosophical reasons.

After going through some personal issues with mortality in my family, disillusionment from politics, and some minor proselytization, I started reading scripture and found in it answers and fulfillment the material world had never provided. Specifically, I started with Job on a whim, which given where I was at mentally was probably some sort of guidance from God retrospectively. I remember crying a bit near the end… Naturally this led from one thing to another, and started coming back to the church. I contemplated Protestantism briefly, but I didn't think the Solas were in line with what I had read, and as a former Catholic at the time I saw a lot of misinformation that put me off. Ultimately I went back to the church because I just felt it was the most in line with scripture.

Started going to church every Sunday, going to confession more frequently, reading more scripture and the writings of the Fathers/Saints, going to Newman center meetings, etc. I was finally Confirmed last March, and I'm working on joining the OSB. I consider myself a convert by most measures, though technically I could be considered someone who just went astray. But like I said, spirituality was nothing to me really as a child, and I actively sought to destroy it as a teen/young adult, and I had never been confirmed, so I think conversion is a more accurate term in my case than repentance.

I'm still probably not what people would think of as the typical christian, but I think I like it that way tbh. I still have most of my hobbies, I still have mostly atheist/agnostic friends who are fine with me being religious, though I do pray for them and my family is still non-practicing unfortunately, despite admiring my spirituality getting them to go to church outside of Christmas and Easter has been borderline impossible… again, I pray for them. , but Christ now takes precedence over everything else when any sort of conflict or obligation may arise.

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I'm definitely a convert. When I was a child, I was in a Jehovah's Witness cult with my mother. I never really believed it. My mother eventually quit which caused me to lose two of my best friends(ex-witnesses aren't allowed near current ones) so I developed a low key hatred for religion. Forward to teen hood and I was a mess, nihilism consumed me and almost drove me to suicide. Soon after, I started desiring God's love but could not believe in him, but I wished I could. I started larping as a Crusader online and somehow that turned into the opening of my faith to God. He moves in mysterious ways indeed.

I was raised by an atheist single mother. Fell into typical spiral… hedonism, drug and porn addiction, hookups, and eventually suicidal ideation which lasted a number of years. Like other anons I felt there was something wrong with the world from a fairly young age… I had my first existential breakdown around age 7, lol. When I was maybe 18 the Lord slapped me, but not quite hard enough to get through my thick skull. Explored Gnosticism, Hermeticism, chaos magic, etc…. finally found my way through Plato to Plotinus and Ficino, leading me to St. Augustine. God is good.

This, you can be born into other faiths, you can be born Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic or Jewish, but Christianity is a choice always.

I chose it when I felt I had exhausted every last option, after some time as a Jordan Petersonite, I realized that I needed to grab hold of Christ's love and see where it took me, because worldly philosophy is ju

…is just insufficent, when you think seriously about it.

If you're parents attempt to fulfill the requirement of bringing you up in the faith, then yes, you can be born or at least raised christian/in a christian household. Sage for unnecessary overly anal specificity.

I was raised as a muslim, I wish I became a Christian much sooner.

Does my case count?

>On the way to BEGOMING ORDODOG right now

Went to a lot of non-denominational churches when I was a kid, became a fedora as a teen, pagan as a young adult, and now I'm on the path to confirmation in the Catholic Church this Easter Vigil.

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Welcome home (to Rome) friend :)

Convert here. Atheist family; I wasn't baptised at birth. I crawled out of the existential black hole of atheism, poked and prodded at a few religions such as paganism, Islam, etc., but settled on (Catholic) Christianity as historically reliable and personally transformative. Been almost two years now since I was baptised and confirmed.

Quite frankly I've just been lurking every now and again, not so much as a convert as more of a curious mind. It seems as if me attempting to escape politics instead of basking in it has made me realize that the political sphere is a deterioration of the soul, spirit, and mind. But before I came to this conclusion I can say that I felt sorry for the West's decline of religion and culture becoming more relevant today than ever before. Instead of being a part of what was a part of ancestry people have decided to reject their own because of past actions, and blame the culture that they were apart of rather than that of the actions that were done and why, attack on traditionalism, family, etc etc, I'm sure my point is made clear by now.
However what didn't help my curious mind was my father's and sister's resentment towards Jesus Christ while growing up, never understood it and why it was either, considering our own neighbors, they were Christians no doubt as she had a picture and materialistic symbolism representing Christianity, helped us during rough times, and others it felt like we couldn't leave without a gift of parture sort of speak.

I think that if you were baptized as a child you will ALWAYS be called back to god. Notice how secular folks are always saying stuff like "I have no problem if someone wants to be Christian, but at least let them make the choice to get baptized when they're old enough to understand it." this is straight out of Satan's mouth. If you don't even believe in god, why would you care about baptized babies? It would just be a stupid pointless moistening of a baby to you. Also if you read articles online by Jew York hipsters, a TON of them were baptized and they literally write about how they cannot "shake the indoctrination," as they put it. The Holy Spirit is calling out to them and they've been tricked into thinking its just childhood physchological conditioning.

The day if judgement will be more tolerable for Sodom and gommorah than for people who were reborn and still deny god's love.

Tbh, I think you are right in you hypothesis. From my own experience being a cradle Catholic helped me come back to Holy Mother Church after years (nearly 16) of leaving it behind and persuing hedonism, occultism, and even Islam and Orthodoxy. Even when I went through my occult (Roseacrutian) phase I still knew God was the supreme one, the one in charge of everything. I just knew him by a different name.

God sure does work in mysterious ways. I'm gonna thank Him for having my mother baptise me tonight, thanks to your post.

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I'm a convert. Mother's family was "Methodist" and my father's family was "Catholic". I knew next to nothing about Christianity other than what the media told me. I was a fedora until I experimented with Paganism. After a bad experience, I turned to Christianity.

Even comparing these. Wow.

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Look, I have respect for the Orthodoxy, dont get me wrong. If it wasn't for the Orthodoxy I would never be as spiritual as I am now. I have more respect for them then the Muslims, but both never could cure me of my iniquity like the Holy Mother Church has. I ment no offense and didn't mean to make it seem like they are the same.

Now I am planning on becoming Catholic so that I may atone for my sins and trying to go monk mode so that the secular world won't possess me with evil spirits again. It's great to know that in this horrifying journey called Life that we can still find Goodness within it.

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I converted in 2009 and before that I was an /x/-tier occultist. Family wise both of them were irreligious Jehovah’s Witnesses (dad side) and Buddhists (mom side)

And if you looked hard enough, you would have found God there. (or, rather, He would have come to find You).
The word for "the word" is Logos
Jesus IS the logos
Jesus is the perfect man
And his Word goes out through all the cosmos
Also, did you know?
'kosmos' = ‘world’
akosmos = ‘disorder'
I find this psalm to be very comforting. It was true of myself. No human being came to 'convert' me. If they had, they would have failed. I grew up in the church. then i left the church, hard, for many years. God came to find ME. His Word was always there. The universe itself is a testament to its maker.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.
12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

"Cosmos is originally a Greek word, meaning both "order" and "world," because the ancient Greeks thought that the world was perfectly harmonious and impeccably put in order. We now use cosmos without the idea of perfect order. Now it means, "all of creation," and particularly on the scale of the stars, the planets, the black holes, the other universes, …. "
probably a better source, but that gets at the heart of it i think.

The Roman “Catholic” Church is very of this world. Just look at the Vatican and now Francis. It’s a clown show after Vatican II.

Christ did not live like how any of these modern Popes do. You could take God out of the Vatican and it would keep on running.

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I was born into a family of conservative lukewarm Christians.

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Sadly true. The sad thing is that Francis actually has stripped himself of the more fanciful adornments and titles of Pope (and seems to like walking even.. rather than be carried around in a chair). But even his humility doesn't resemble the humble beginnings of Jesus, Mary in the manger, John the Baptist in the desert, the Apostles on the run..

Maybe the average Franciscan monk reflects the way of life (which was partly St. Francis' goal, I think), but it gets lost in higher ecclesiastical levels.