When does it all end? I can't take this anymore, virtually every class has a teacher talking about feminism, women's liberation and so on. Granted, this is a private course, but still, i think that the educated class of my country ( Brazil, a country with a catholic foundation!!) are infected with pozzed ideology and a hatred for the catholic church. How can we discredit those myths to the public? Honestly things just get worse for my country
Be me
It ends when you stop it, user, and you just sat there instead.
Also one thing that i found interesting is that he said the crusades had the intent of raping people too, like, rape is a sin in catholicism, how can they send their own people to deliberately sin lmao
Yes. I should have confronted him. Next class i will confront him, no matter the consequences
Well, Brazilian here too, teachers in this shithole are the scum of society. I got to read some of ENEM top essays, and the shit they say there is full leftist and anti-christian propraganda (In the essay about "Religious Intolerance", the guy/girl said that the jesuits when converting the indigenous, was a proof of intolerance and they because of that they were bigots and so on…). God, this country education is doomed, only by homeschooling, you will be able to have a true christian education.
A great tribulation is going to come. It will not be the final trial before the Day of the Lord, but it will be a great tribulation nonetheless. Every country, even the most historically religious ones, will be infiltrated with anti-Christian ideals. All churches will be persecuted and dwindle in numbers, and different religions will have to form an alliance to fight this poison that will have taken over every society.
But we must be prepared for this. Christians of different confessions must continue ecumenical dialogue so that our common goals may be clear. Furthermore, this will end several historical schisms, because the spirit of love and fraternity will conquer.
However, our enemies outside the Church will use our strength against us, by trying to influence different denominations and religious communities to fall into syncretism and destroy this pattern of unity.
We must stay strong and have faith in Christ. Let us not remain attached to our historically Christian countries, but rather seek the only nation we truly belong to - the Kingdom of God - and urgently submit to one another in humility, giving oneself up for our brother in Christ in the Church, and for our estranged brethren who are schismatics/heretics, so that the love of God may eradicate all falsehood that poisons Christendom today and close the fractures that we have caused out of pride.
There is a reason for why Christian Zionism is on the rise, why modernist Christianity is everywhere, why the Catholic Church is rotting from the inside, why the Orthodox Church is struggling with corruption, and so on. Our enemies (may God forgive them) are aware that religion is the way of peace, and they seek to pervert all religions from within already so that we may be disadvantaged when the time comes when Christianity, Islam, etc. will be thought of as purely cultural things, remnants of a time long passed, and even your average lazy Christian will be considered a dangerous fanatic.
Yes. It's this kind of shit that makes me really angry..teachers with no knowledge whatsoever about these topics rambling on and on about a thing which many people find sacred. Also, i don't know if it's true, but it seems that if the homophobia act is passed, any person with a negative view of homosexuality could be arrested. This is ludicruous!
Well, the homophobia act is going to be voted today, but it is probably going to pass, unless a miracle happens. And about the teachers, yeah, most of them have no knowledge, specially about the affairs of faith. Most of them got stuck in the "university intelectual mindset" ( Prideful of their "status", not wanting to learn, can't make an argument without logical fallacies), this mindset will probably remain forever, unless someone erradicates this education system.
Well, if it pass, we're screwed. This education system truly is shit..i have a little sister of 7 and i pray everyday that she doesn't get subverted by jews like everyone else…Brazil's situation is so bad that it makes me compelled to try a coup de'tat and just rule Brazil with an iron rod, fixing all this nonsense.
Brother. You have the solution already and you don't even know it yet. pic related
Just contact the president and tell him your school is infected with commie filth. If he is true to his word, it will be delt with.
Next time in religious propaganda class bring up "sicut judaeis" and if that charlatan of a teacher even knows about it, ask why today only excerpts of the first part are mentioned. As for your daily school struggle…find a bunch of like-minded kids in your class or from school and stage a boycott against harmful indoctrination. Do this by sitting together and teaching each other about a related, but more valuable topic. Let the spirit of boycotting Marxist propaganda travel, by discrediting official curriculum and offering kids a group learning circle. A great topic would be basic philosophy about current problems. Don't rebel against authority, but boycott harmful teachings. Don't back down, get parents involved, and if it blows up into expulsions. gather together in study groups while openly defiling the state curriculum.
What you have to understand is that modern school systems are over, that we are in an occupied nation, and that your future will not be in this system anymore. So you have to find alternative means to support yourself and help others. This sounds terrifying at first, but you will soon find out how much more you can learn outside this nightmare by doing it yourself. Good luck!
Ah, that reminds me of something stupid I witnessed today.
The thing is, this is not a school, this is a private course..but i could try that.
Not a school, just a single class from a private course…my parents are paying for this and the classes are good content wise, but the constant preaching and subtle critiques makes me mad. There are some good teachers, like the history teacher (ironically) who encouraged us to read the bible.
That's really good. I will be entering college in this year or the next one, but it will be a STEM course, so i won't be expecting too much nonsense..damn i really have to build to courage to speak out.
Do not let these moments pass and start networking a counter culture. Reject, boycott, expand, offer an alternative. It's a war for your future, don't be a spectator.
Is that really a hill you are willing to die on?
I thought about it,and i'm not so sure. I mean what's the point. They're all going to have the same feminist worldview..i spoke with an atheist friend about this, and he still rejected the facts. I don't feel like doing that at all anymore, and my contempt and hatred for the modern world is just growing..
sorry for being a little black pilled, and sounding like a coward, but this whole thing leaves me disgusted and i doubt there are people in my class that will be at my side anyway. Today after class i spoke with a prottie girl, she seems pretty trad in manners and views of marriage and so on, but even her was unphased and uninstered in my words..she seemed like the typical anti-catholic protestant, bu whatever..i wasn't interested anyways.
I've talked about this quite a bit with my priest and it isn't about being blackpilled necessarily… We are not called to seek out martyrdom. We are called to speak the truth, but standing up in class and giving a dissertation on the faith is first of all going to be unconvincing to most of your classmates, and second of all going to severely negatively impact your own future. Of course there's always the chance that we will turn the heart of some cold unrepentant sinner, and that this negative reaction is merely part of the cross we must bear in this world. That being said, let's go ahead and apply Occam's razor and say the real reason you would speak up isn't from a place of love and sincere desire for the salvation of the others involved, but rather an impulse to justify yourself and your beliefs. Exercise careful discernment. I found myself in the latter camp, and though I don't doubt you to be holier than I, it is worth significant meditation and prayer before any Christian undertakes such a trial.
I mean, it's not about me. I know the truth, but i get worried about other people being deceived..but never mind. I will pray for them instead.
My advise is to emphasize first and foremost that the teacher has no right to impose his personal biased opinion on his students. The duty of the teacher is to give the students well sourced, well researched facts and let them make their own conclusions. If he doesn't do that and instead insidiously impels his students to hold the same opinions, then he's a failure as a teacher. From his discussion, it's clear he's passing off, pardon my latin, bullshit cliches about medieval society as the truth, which could be easily blasted apart with even a smattering of the facts, which you should deliver in your next class to his face without mercy. But the main point you should drive is that his instruction is ideologically driven, and as such inappropriate for the educational setting.
What? There are tons of writings from women from the middle ages. Marie de France, Christine de Pizan, Heloise just to name a few.
catholic church is half the reason why most people were literate in the west after rome's fall
well, among those who were literate I mean
You're 500 years too late, bud.
I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
John 17:14
And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
1 John 5:19
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. John 15:19-20
What do you mean by this?
Most people couldn't.
that's just flat out lies though. Some nuns were able to write and read, Hildegaard, for example, wrote a lot of music and books. It's just that, unlike today, women weren't running around chasing """success""" and instead were chasing vocation.
Most people couldn't read and write, historically.
Submissive somehow implies men were tyrannical or that women didn't have autonomy in their own spheres.
All societies have hierarchies of responsibilities. Kings were supported by the people and many were deposed.
The inquisition didn't even execute many people compared to the French Revolution or any other leftist revolution.
The Church never wrote or enforced laws, nations's mostly operated their own legal system and means of enforcement.
Implying expansionist Islamic Caliphate wasn't a reason.
I never said people couldn't read, idiot. Clergy, nobility and wealthy could read and write. The average person generally could not.
It depends what period we're talking about. 'Historically' may not be precise. After the 1500s there is a general trend over time of increased literacy.
I don't know where the stats come from.
wow dude, I was agreeing with you.
I was saying they were lying.
Try to avoid using insults.