Why are women so evil?
Why is reddit such a godless place?
Why are women so evil?
Why is reddit such a godless place?
Huh, moms not like that. Nor my sister, or my girlfriend either.
Secular society is evil.
Secular woman and men are evil.
Christian Men, and Woman, are not.
the man in that """relationship""" is just as bad and responsible for the situation. I have no sympathy for either one there, only for the child she will probably end up murdering, and if not murdered, will be raised by degenerates.
Why the winnie the pooh are you still browsing Reddit? It's a shit hole filled to the brim with tolerant leftists. It's the Sodom of the Internet. No good can ever come from there.
Don't make the same mistake Lot made, leave that place and never look back. You can't change Reddit unless you are insanely rich and buy it from the shareholders or you do some really malicious black hat hacking, which we cannot endorse. Just focus your attention on praising God.
Plenty of Christian men and women are evil, common thorough history.
inb4 they are not true christian
No, they where not True Christians
obviously not. Are true christians evil?
True christians can be evil, just like anyone else, such as when they preach and destroy native religions.
Christianity, like Islam, conquers and destroys, it can never create.
By human standards very easily yes. There's a saint called moor slayer. He was obviously doing good in God's eyes and defending Europe but if you bring him up to a leftist I'm sure they'd think he's evil.
It was good when Japan destroyed and rooted out Christianity.
If only the europeans had been wiser.
There is only one way to the Truth and that is through Christ. Native religions do not bring you to the Father.
Why are you posting on a Christian board when you're not Christian?
Christianity is not the Truth. Native religions that pass by bloodline, that is Truth.
Because I see many people here falling for jew trick, I want them to know that they are falling for jew trick.
*or stronger
Anyway, I think it's better if you leave for now, we'll welcome you anytime you've changed your heart and/or mind
Jews are the ones who propagate pagan culture. Stop being retarded
No, I will stay as I wish.
Absolute retard, jews rule the world and there are millions and millions of christians and muslims, while pagan culture remains deeply hidden.
Who propagates what? That much is clear.
You have no clue what you're talking about.
Go back to /x/ and practice your 5 dimensional Chakra meditiation so you can larp as a vessel of Odin
Funny, now the christians base on their "tradition" to take over me.
My tradition lives on with my culture, with my blood.
It doesn't need any phony ceremony where you bow down a certain time.
Yes. But God's standards are not human's
you have to go back.
You fooled me. Go to /x/ to preach about how you're the buddha aryan super sayan thats passed down through centuries of hidden bloodlines. Tell them how you btfo the demiurge and discovered true reality and you opened all you chakras. I'm sure they'll be very impressed.
You're not wanted here.