Assuming that there wasn't some kind of miraculously divinely constructed 23 pair of chromosomes to unite with Mary's pair to create Jesus, Jesus is essentially a male clone of Mary right? Like he and Mary share the same genetic material as monozygotic twins as both would inherit all their genetic material solely from from Anne and Joachim except they are just different genders. But once again this of course would be assuming that there wasn't some miraculous pair of 23 chromosomes. Or is it perhaps possible that somehow God actually used Joseph's genetic material to combine with Mary's without the two actually having to have sex, like IVF? Or is that heretical Should we even try to scientifically explain this though? What is your opinion?
Assuming that there wasn't some kind of miraculously divinely constructed 23 pair of chromosomes to unite with Mary's...
No we shouldn't. It's a miracle that Jesus was born of a virgin. The mystery of this miracle ought to stay just that, a mystery.
Christ taking human nature does not mean "getting 46 pairs of chromosomes". Don't project your materialism unto Christianity.
It's not outside the realm of possibilities that Joseph's dna was used, even though he didn't conceive the baby
It was important for him to have the right lineage of course
When will Xians realize their religion have been debunked already?
Yes, Mary's blood is Jesus's blood. It's spoken of by a few Catholic philosophers.
How’s it feel to know your philosophy is what enables sodomites and sexual promiscuity, not to mention the destruction of freedom of speech?
Docetism detected.
The idea that Jamaicans are the same as Belgians, that men are the same as women, and that a man becomes a woman when he mutilates his genitals and takes hormone pills are ideas that are demonstrably false and yet people carry on as though they believe it every single day.
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
The other half of his DNA was God's
I'd be speechless too if I had no arguments.
Who cares? We know that Christ was fully human and fully God and that's enough.
Not how that works, just leave it a mystery.
Saying there is more to human nature than genetics is not docetism. Do you even know what docetism is?
Based prot
These papists are nuts
Both of them are.. and their heathen counterparts in this thread. All hold up systematic models/theologies and scholasticism.
based and redpilled
These pathetic Xtians are sooo narrowminded
m'lady, let us watch Richard Dawkins together
He couldn't have been a clone of Mary. Cloning might be possible, but can't be incubated inside the clonee since their identical DNA would mean the cells would just be absorbed by the wall of the womb.
I didn't realize it was current year.
Shows over boys.
the hypostatic union is Catholic/Orthodox dogma though, are you crypto-catholics?
Trying to explain God's direct work in a way that follows human logic is perhaps one of the most pointless wastes of time in existence.
If we can't find an explanation grounded in materialism, it's not real.
Miss me with that gh@y sh1et.
I'm not certain I follow, but if they were identical, they'd share 2 x chromosomes and both be female. What happened with the virgin birth is a miracle that was done by the Lord himself, through whom all things are possible.
I'm Orthodox. I'm not talking about theology (which we're all on the same page on at least on this, I hope), but approach. Both Protestants and Catholics are nuts to me (or at the very least, wasting their time) because they both try to approach divine mysteries with their intellect. It's a woefully inferior tool for the job.. but they prop it up as something of worth. I'll never convince them though.. so…. carry on.
I’m finna boutta put a lid on your barrel.
Seems like God and St. Paul called the Philosophers of Athens to bend towards the True God, not hang up their Logos and give up.
Welp! This is why St. Thomas Aquinas is a foundation for Western Philosophy and the Orthodox just threw their hands up and influence nobody.
No, Jesus was genetically at least half divine. If Jesus looked like Mary, i.e. 100% Jewish, why would the Jews invent in the Talmud that he was the bastard son of a Roman soldier Pantera?
No, Christ was genetically divine, and God is a Southern European Aryan.
1 Corinthians 20-24
God's essence is unknowable to us. We can only understand His energies (actualized activities in the world). No matter how brilliant, no matter how insightful or wise a theologian may be he will never be able to articulate God's essence, he will never be able to fully understand it. We can only partially understand God through participation in His uncreated energies, through coming closer to Him.
Given the horror-show that is the past few centuries of "Western philosophy" they seem to have been vindicated.
this is really all these stupid questions amount to