How do I overcome “church hurt”? It still plague my head even though the last one happened 4 years ago and I still sometimes can’t stop thinking about it
How do I overcome “church hurt”...
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What is church hurt?
It is similar to hoof rot.
Basically when some at or from church wronged you and that could range from someone talking shit about or at you to sexual or physical abuse
What is the question in the OP? How to forgive?
If you're like me, you'll get fed up with Protestant churches and begome gadolig. It's always the same nonsense with Prots:
Priests don't come up to and chat with you, and neither do parishioners (unless you decide to hang around after Mass), no one's going to heckle you about becoming part of the Church, and Catholics do not believe in "tithing". You're there to celebrate the Eucharist, not hear a pastor's sermon or gossip, so there's no drama to be had.
I don't know how to tell this to you but the greatest sex abuse scandal in history is currently ravaging the rcc
Yes, and the catholics are doing something about it. News @ 11
If we really want to go this route, if Prots hadn't protted and created liberalism and communism Jesus' Church wouldn't be facing these sex scandals. On top of that, prots and orthodox aren't immune to sex scandals and coverups either
Nice alt history
Next you'll be telling us how using a teaspoon to remove water from a leaky ship is also effective.
Also, your pic is amusing, because I'm not a prothead.
the idea of a "separation of Church and State" a founding staple of Liberalism, is drawn directly from Protestant ideology dude
You're conflating classical liberalism with liberal progressivism
one arose from the other, it is an applicable argument
Unfortunately, one leads to the other, user. It's like making a distinction between "2nd wave feminism" and "3rd wave feminism", when both follow the same path to degeneracy. Read:
That's a fair argument if you mean
Reformation>classical liberalism>progressivism>communism
But what was implied was
I would only say that protestantism is clearly anti-commie and anti-progressive as evidenced by evangelicalism today, the consistent inheritors of the Reformation as foiled by mainliners.
This is the exact topic of the book "christianity and liberalism" by Machen (OPC founder). He argues liberal christianity is not only a non-christian religion, it's an entirely new sort of religion in history.
all of which I agree with, but the fact of the matter is, is that the reformative christianity is inherently unstable; it has given rise to much bad fruit
How did you reach that conclusion and what's your metric for measuring the fruit?
How are you concluding that it starts with the Reformation and not the various heresies that popped up after (chronologically)? Could you not use the same rule on the RCC?
Your own words:
"That's a fair argument if you mean
Reformation>classical liberalism>progressivism>communism"
No, the Catholic Church cannot be held responsible when the modern political philosophy arose from an understand that is rejected by the Catholic Church.
Progressivism and communism are likewise opposed to the principles of the Reformation
There are no "principles" of the Reformation, most reformation sects were not Lutheran, no matter how much he tried to make all Reformation Christians Lutheran.
Ok kid
not an argument
The reformation "principles" did not lead to unity then, and it most definitely did not lead to unity now. It led to outright dissolution of Christianity, we see that now.
The RCC started going down the liberal hill long before "modern politics", when it embraced hellenistic philosophy and scholasticism. Read the 2nd link in . The RCC is completely responsible for the fruits its produced, including the reformation.
How exactly can you lay the fruits of the reformation, of progressivism, of abortion, contraception, divorce, cohabitation, masturbation, all on the One Church and scholasticism that not only denies all these things, but refutes it?
Staying from the seat of St. Peter has given its just rewards.
Stop going to church and don't give them any of your hard earned money or time
Your time is better spent actually caring for the homeless and the orphans directly. Volunteer your time in organizations that directly help the poor instead of some political social club
Don't go to church, people are horrible.
Once again, read the 2nd link of if you care to understand how the west (as a world view) started all this. It's ironic that you're basically making the same argument as the "classical liberal" was making earlier now. Being against the degeneracies of later stages of liberalism doesn't absolve the RCC of it's role in giving birth to them in the first place. Being at the top of a slippery slope doesn't magically mean you're no longer a part of that slope at all.