Crusader memes are cringe and people who post them are more often than not larpers

Crusader memes are cringe and people who post them are more often than not larpers.

Also the word heresy is used too often and the original meaning of the word has pretty much been lost to the average layman.

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Crusaders on the internet want to take back Constantinople….. not knowing that the Crusades are responsible for it in the first place.

You're not wrong, neither was the sack of Constantinople.

I love the crusaders but I hate Catholics. I think the French, Italians and Germans are great nations, which have been corrupted by Catholicism, not defined by it.
Had these peoples been Orthodox we would today have paradise on earth.

Also, I think it's hard to give proper homage to the heroic Christian crusaders without also giving homage to today's pedophile Catholics.
A truly sad fact, that the Catholic church still exists.

don't start with this shit

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inb4 deleted by mods because truth hurts

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few sinners dont define all of christianity

All your popes have been sinners.
Isn't the sole premise of Catholicism that popes define Christianity?

So edgy …

Not true.

All human beings since the first one have all been sinners.

What now, hmm?

all humans are sinners.

Then how can they define dogma? Your popes have been especially grave sinners and degenerates on top of that, which is unsurprising.
Repent for Papism and return to Orthodoxy.

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I'll take 1000 crusader larpers over one ortholarper.

I am not knowledgeable enough to debate, because teaching falsehoods is also sinful. But I am not listening what pope is saying. I just read the Holy Bible and listen to what Jesus is trying to tell me through Holy Spirit.

I'd start with ad hominems too if I had no arguments. But don't worry, the (100% Catholic) mods will shorty delete my posts, so you cathocucks can pretend you've won the debate. It's all you know how to do.

Then you're not a Catholic.

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I'm becoming a Catholic, not everything a Pope says is Docterine.

From the NS Sherlock institute

If you wanted to retake Constantinople you would need to either improve intra-Christian relations to the point where denominations don't all despise each other anymore, or create a superpower of one denomination where church and state are combined. Since neither of these two things are likely to happen in the 21st century, your best bet is to wait for the Erdogan regime to collapse under its own weight then form your own backwoods militia group in-country. USA is its own McChurch with no regard for Constantinople, Russia still can barely keep their military's lights turned on, EU is just soviet union 2.0,

Show me on the doll where the Filioque argument hurt you.

You're just here to cause trouble. Spend more time away from the internet.

Now you see why they so easily transitioned into becoming commissar butchers. Sad.


Literally everyone is a sinner
What's your point

I'd prefer to start by taking back Jerusalem.

Yeah, cuz the Orthodox never sin, right?

That doesn't mean you've won anything, you know.

Ain't everybody a sinner?
Of course the pope's are sinners.
Do you think this is an insult wtf?

Lmao@ur life

Fine, forget Catholicism. Pick up a bible sometime.

No wonder you hate catholics so much. You understand nothing about it.

Apostolic succession.

No they are uplifting an inspiring.

Everyone is a larper if you think about it.

It's not used often enough.

Those don't change anything anyway.

Crusader Meme Thread

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Why has no one called him out on saying this reddit word?

No. You are retarded if you think so.

No one notices when butthurt muslims make threads under the cloak of reddit-speak. I dont know why.

I think tge DEUS VULT memery, even if it is all ironic, makes people excited because they are seeing a side of Christianity that you don't often see.

Modern Christianity is all about "falling in love with Jesus" and "Relationships" and feeling warm and special. This may appeal to some people, eapecially women, but it doesn't excite men very much. Christianity sort of has a reputation as a feminized religion. Compare this to religions like Islam, which freely use martial metaphors and allegories in their spirituality. The word for the daily struggle against Shaytan, the devil, is "Jihad"; the same word for "warfare". Muslims identify strongly with the warriors who fought and died for the faith.

People,especially men, want to fight for something, to build things, to wave a flag. Not have a relationship. The Crusaders represent something that modern Christianity has lost. That masculine drive to build, quest, fight, and die for the God they love.

Masculine christianity is what we need for men. Luckily if you take christanity seriously and don't just rationalize the Bible to suit your interpretation, it is quite a challange to be a good christian.
It takes courage and strength of character. The world is not made up of Teresas of Avila and Thomas Aquinases. Men have a very strong warrior component to them that can't be destroyed. Men like this are men of action first and can only be men of contemplation second. In fact, if they contemplate at all they do so in order to fight better, to act better. With practice this can be turned around so that men act and fight in order to contemplate God but this can only be learned through action and contemplation. You can't get away with shirking these duties and no amount of theological knowledge can replace spiritual practice.

Men need to fight but this mustn't be war. It can be a surgeon fighting for lives or a stonemason fighting to build something.

literally reddit

oh gosh

t. burger larping as Orthodox.

It's pretty funny OC

Great comment, seriously, the masculine is purpose and sacrifice, that's what I take too by being a devout Christian.
Question is, you be aggressively chasing your goals and purpose, but there shouldn't be violence component to it, like it would be hypocrisy to have a christian death squad.

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Not an argument.
Some are not, as you said yourself.

Tbh, I became Christian because I was larping as a Crusader. Odd how God will allow Himself into your heart if there's an opening.

Pope Boniface VIII was 100% innocent and a victim of slander for political reasons.

based tinfoil-zucchetto man


Muslims only took Constantinople because it was demoralized and wrecked, after the raping the West already did to it. The idea that they could have taken out the Byzantine Empire all by themselves is silly. That's giving those idiots too much credit. It was primed for them, sadly.

Honestly the christian knight is a good role model for men, protestants took away all the saints and societal role models for people and now everyone wants to be an uber degenerate celebrity rapper ceo banker