Has anyone here played the game Agony? It's set in hell. It got pretty awful reviews. The company that made it is Polish. There are random Bible verses about hell shown in the loading screens, some from the deuterocanon. There is nudity in the game, but the context is so horrific that I don't really see it as pornographic. There's a character called the Red Goddess which is presumably supposed to represent the Scarlet Woman from Revelation. I find it interesting because it shows hell in a serious and horrific way. It may be edgy, but then how could hell be otherwise? A quote from a Vice article:
I'm not encouraging anyone to play it, but I'm just wondering if any Christians here have played it already and what their thoughts on it were.
Has anyone here played the game Agony? It's set in hell. It got pretty awful reviews...
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Wasn't there a vidya thread, or did that die when we got those halfchan toast spammers?
Anyway, vidya games are boring and dont give me the same satisfaction as praying to God. If you can dedicate 5 hours a day to play vidya, you can dedicate an hour for prayer.
These guys dropped the ball.
I thought hipster types loved vintage stuff…
*i-t's not that it's real or that we believe in it or anything, but you guys should not be so mean to satan*
>Talking shit about Alighieri
Out the window the review goes.
Oh, so this is where Catholics go to when they die.
I've never played it before, but looking at gameplay of it, I don't see why the reviews are so negative. It looks stunning visually, and the complaints about gameplay…
Catholics are Nicene Trinitarian, so the faithful ones go to heaven.
he will (most likely) eat these words. hopefully not, but if he does it will be right and just
I disagree.
Why don't you address the issue instead of posting non-arguments.
OK. I'll adress your argument.
Like every human being the pope is a sinner and as such he makes mistakes like we all do.
One does not simply be the leader of the Roman Catholic Church and venerate a Muslim Quran. What kind of example is he trying to be for his Catholic laity?
Also, apparently the Muslims worship the same God as us according to Vatican Doctrine:
Makes you wonder why el papa wants them on Europe…hmmm
Sauce: vatican.va
I think that most media that features anything to do with Christianity will get a bad wrap from reviewers just because it didn't go out of its way to shit on Christianity. Same thing happened with Dante's Inferno (the videogame), it was better than God of War (had an actually good story and even a moral to the story, better level design, better everything) but because it didn't altogether trash Christianity and the concept of God it was hated and despised. It even tried to paint the crusades in a bad light but that wasn't enough but at the end of the story God was still good.
Does anybody here have any opinions on games as an activity for Christians? Games that either use religious imagery, or games that have in-universe fictional religions, or games that have you fight evil, games that try to separate fantasy magic from witchcraft, or historical strategy games that involve religion in some way. Any opinions as to if any of these kinds of games are acceptable or bad activities?
I like Elder Scrolls games, but I don't take it seriously. It's too silly to take seriously anyways (even by the writers' own standards (they consider it open to interpretation and individual outlook themselves). As long as you do that, I don't see the harm in it. No different than viewing other "world building". Just because Tolkien was a Christian doesn't make his nonsense fantasy world more valid. They're both nonsense, but a fun way to waste a couple of hours.
Quotation out of context.
The document is just trying to find a common ground between other religions but conveniently you left out the part we're it says that despite that, if they reject the Church they are going to hell.
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
What part of "keep [yourself] unspotted from the world" don't you understand? Christians shouldn't be playing video games anymore than they should be watching movies.
I didn't start it, but there is one now
All leftist journalists go to hell, especially the ones from from Vice.
I never found anything pro-Christian in them. They're fun, but I think it's bad for the faith because it demands people to seek entertainment value in it. If they can't find anything entertaining, then they immediately drop it. Christianity is about enduring hardship to remain on God's path
From what I noticed, the symbolism in games like FF7 just draws in Christians to make them lose their faith in God. Even if it's about killing demons, it's not necessarily a good thing. Doom has a community of "ironic satanist" trannies as opposed to militant Christians.