How do you feel about the gays?
How do you feel about the gays?
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
They are mentally ill and need help.
Checked for schizophrenia
I think they need to check the catalog before making a bait thread
1 Cor 6:
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral,[b] nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
I like to think of the story of the adulterous woman. Jesus didn't just forgive her unconditionally, He asked her to go and sin no more. We need to be trying to save those around us if we can. But saving them means they have to get out of the water, not just hold onto the life preserver we throw to them.
Pic related
unrepentant gays should be killed or at least banished
Its tough for me, on the one hand they are all made in God's image and just as deserving of love as any other. However they also tend be staunch opponents of Christianity and promoters of lifestyle that are not only spiritually harmful but physically as well. Of particular note are the behaviors of gay men their sexuality has gotten so prolific and reckless that its actually producing antibotic resistant gonorrhea, chlamydia and even syphilis to the point that its going to create a crisis akin to AIDs. Even their own spokespeople are freaking out over it.
Still dealing with homosexuals is a sure method of hammering out a Christian understanding of love
They defy God by putting the semen into shit/receiving semen into their own shit for their hedonic pleasure….guess how I feel about that?
If they abandon their ways, repent, condemn sodomy, do not support it…. they are all right of course.
This and what St. Chrysostom said
You enjoy it?
It is a grave sin to believe that anyone is beyond God's forgiveness. Jesus came for the sinners, but of course it's also true that we can't achieve salvation without God and his mercy. They should try to learn to curb their lust and eventually achieve chastity/celibacy, but it is natural that they fall on the path. As long as they take up their cross and follow Jesus, they will be fine.
That being said we can't just wash our hands off them. Their absolutely infernal sexual practices are putting all of humanity in danger because of the new antibiotic-immune bacteria that they produce. At this point, enforcing a strict gay-quarantine or at the very least an STD-infested quarantine should be done until all the sick people are cured/die off. This can't continue, freedom can't be used as an excuse to expose humanity to such deadly diseases.
What about the lgbt that are faithful and do good works and regularly assist church and follow the commandments? For example, a transgender woman that dates a man and is also deeply religious
What was the official position of Byzantine Eastern Christianity on the gays? What did the saints say?
I've heard they were not very "liberal" when it came to homofags.
If they are members of the lgbtqp community they aren't following the commandments. A transgender "woman" that dates a man is a homosexual and you cannot be deeply religious when a sexual fetish defines your social identity.
Romans 1 though. They rejected God and God gave them over to a reprobate mind.
If they were deeply religious they wouldn't be promoting or legitimizing disgusting and satanic practices like transitioning and sodomy. If they were devout they would listen to God and not the (((satanic left)))'s lies. If they were the children of Abraham they would be doing the works of Abraham. Instead they do the work of their father, the devil. He was a murderer and a liar since the beginning. And because I tell you the truth you believe me not.
How do I feel? Revulsion and disgust. However, my feelings are not important. What I know is that the Lord has rights to just conduct from His creatures—apparently homosexual ones included.
Also see and
We have seen exactly where tolerating sodomites gets us as a society.
Male homosexuals should be hanged. Lesbians should be forcibly married to a man who can keep them in line.
God wills it.
Vain, self obsessed and confused.
t. brainlet
Come on now, this is an easy one isn't it?
I have to balance my care for society to not be influenced by them, but also to show them love. And to remind myself that I, too, am just a sinner… believe me, things will just go very wrong when you forget this.
If I enjoyed even the mere thought of something literally satanic in nature, as the putting the semen into feces is, why would I call myself a Christian in the first place?
You're new here aren't you? That's like saying "he's a porn actor but man he is deeply religious".
If you do not see the contradiction of engaging in sodomy and being deeply religious, find out what it is. If it does not help I do not know what will lad.
Do you want my ironic or unironic opinion, user?
Love them as Christ does, but don’t agree with their sexuality. Recongnize that if they don’t change they’ll go to hell, but don’t shove that in their face.
You can't be a Christian transgender because transgenderism is inherently satanic. It's a crude attempt to pervert your nature, because you think you know better than providence.
is it the temptation, or the act that condemns someone with this particular sin?
I dont think I can stop being like I am, I have tried for a long time, but I have never acted upon it
Action but dwelling on thoughts can be sinful (that doesnt matter if you're straight or homo)
I was told that if you confessed your sins and swore off being transgender on your deathbed, you went to Purgatory, not Hell, and were eventually purified of transgender desires and sent on to Heaven.
How is that not being transgender and Christian?
How are either of these people supposed to be keeping the commandments?
Why wait? I can understand someone who doesn't believe it's a sin, but if you believe it's a sin, why would you give in to it with the hope of sneaking out at the end? Why do people try to play rules lawyer with their salvation?
A transgender woman is actually a man, so that is a homosexual relationship.
Let me suggest that Gender Dysphoria is like Heroin addiction in the power of the compulsion to act on it.
A heroin addict can be an addict while admitting that it's bad for them. So too with the tranny.
So, the tranny asks God for forgiveness, and promises to allow God to purify him at death so he qualifies for Heaven. This is more pleasing to God than pretending it isn't a sin.
I mean, if a tranny finally decides to be a man when he finally goes to meet God - metaphorically, isn't it like admitting your gender dysphoria wasn't real to your father. Contrition, in other words? Asking God to fix you isn't wrong, and a tranny who considers being transgender to be sinful isn't advocating sin.
I'm very aware of what dysphoria feels like, I cried myself to sleep last night because I wasn't born a girl and asked God not to give me a longer life than is necessary to accomplish whatever it is I'm meant to do on earth.
There's a difference between failing to resist on occasion, like crossdressing alone at home or something like that and repenting immediately afterward, and organizing your whole life around it by taking HRT for an extended period of time, claiming to actually be a woman or a man when you're not, and surgically modifying your body. There may also room for understanding for someone who converted after becoming a tranny and is too afraid of dysphoria to stop, like an addict. But to tell God you're going to willfully disregard His will until the day you die is horrifying and a blatant disregard of the most important commandment to love God with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind.
The problem is the sequence of events here. Without doubt, a genuine deathbed repentance and acceptance of Christ gets you salvation. The problem is that's not something you can plan ahead of time, and Christ specifically warns us not to try it, Matthew 24:48-51.
I do think it's possible that this person might still be saved, but it just seems like a deeply wrong course of action. I won't pretend it doesn't tempt me but my revulsion is greater than my desire.
I don't speak to God about it at all. He knows how I feel, and I don't want to bother him over something I know the answer to. I just beg for mercy for being a sinner.
I should pull back the curtain, and admit that I'm a tranny on HRT trying to convert. I've never even been baptised.
I don't even dress like a woman. I just want a feminine body, and I can't stop myself from doing things to get it. If God removed my desire, I would accept that out of trust for his plan.
Imagine having a few decades of freedom before an eternity of having to live in your Dad's house as a man. He won't let you come back in until you admit you're a man and always were.
Why does it really matter how long it takes you to finally admit it? I've offended God on the worst imaginable level. My life is a horror movie that ends with me totally humiliated before God.
If I stop taking the pills, I'll lose the feminine features I've gained. None of my relatives have died suddenly - it's always after a major medical problem that doctors told them was going to kill them. So they linger on for a few months or weeks, and finally die.
I think at least such a person gets credit for admitting the truth. Enough to buy their way into Heaven when combined with contrition.
You're a better man than me.
If we still had capital punishment we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today.
If you would be as virtuous as you think you are, gays would follow your example and we wouldn't be where we are at.
Look to yourself first and don't slip on your stones.
They are a plague on humanity. They are also more likely to be paedophiles (
The God of Abraham is against them which is good enough for me; science or no science.
I remember you from the other thread. It's good that you're still around.
You should. God loves you and cares deeply for you, and anything you feel compelled to talk to us about is probably something you should talk to God about, too.
This is good. You should be willing to give up anything for God, but also understand that God will not take away what's good and right about you. Whatever this desire is actually pointing to, whatever it is you need to actually be whole, that will be done if you trust in Him. If what you need is to be a girl (I know not many people here will believe that could possibly be true, but I do), it will be done. Nothing is impossible for God.
No I'm not. I feel like I'd be spitting in God's face if I just decided to knowingly organize my life around sin, but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't tried to rationalize my way into thinking transition isn't a sin. Even in this thread I'm being a hedging coward and phrasing everything in terms of if it's a sin, rather than just saying that it is, because some part of me still hopes I'll find some loophole, even as I criticize others for doing that same thing in a different way.
That's not how that works. These predatory freaks have always been around and they don't give a damn how virtuous other people are.
How is that user being virtuous today supposed to reverse the effects of the Protestant Reformation and humanism that happened hundreds of years ago?
If anything, that user reminding us that our ancestors didn't have to worry about Pride Parades, super STDs, child sexualization, transgenderism, and the radical leftists is what we all (Caths,Orthos, and Prots) need right now.
Tolerance got us into this mess, tolerance won't solve it. If sodomy was once again illegal there wouldn't be Marxists in the school system teaching kids to be tranny faggots. Bolsonaro got this one right when he banned teaching kids this retardation.
They don't give a damn, because your normal people don't give a damn from top to bottom.
have you even read the Old Testament? If the public at large doesn't care about moral law, sinfulness will spread. Now you blame gay people for being willingly predatory and such, but that is the nature of every human being. The key is to tell them that being gay is something you should repress and hope to eventually defeat.
In the ed, it is you who don't give a damn about people and you condemn yourself to wrath, which is in the enemy's playing field.
Being virtuous all the time is key.
You think your ancestors never had to worry about fornication? have you even heard about ancient Greece? Or the story about Sodom and Gomorah?
You mistake tolerance with virtue, yet fall into wrath like the other user.
The problem of today's degeneracy isn't a lack of resentment, but tolerance for apathy.
And if you think making it illegal would change anything you're a naive fool.
Feelings can be manipulated and even brought about by demons. So my 'feelings' on homosexuality matters not. God's will is what matters.
As a pagan, the modern faggots need to be killed simple as that.
They corrupt society with their vile practices.
There's no curing, no reforming, faggots = dead.
Where I'm from we give the death penalty for drug traffickers too. I have no issue with that either.
In 2015, I started reading the Bible. A few years ago, I started praying to God to earn Heaven.
My IRL friends question my faith, so this board is all I have.
I'm afraid God will think I'm asking him for unholy things.
I can only think of one loophole;
We're two on Earth; I think we can grant each other wishes.
And what do you do with the addicts?
Kill them too?