Redpill me on the Society of St Pius X
Redpill me on the Society of St Pius X
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They're back in communion with Rome my dude.
no - that's not a reconciliation from schism, it just means the Church acknowledges the validity of SSPX confessional absolution
the Church does the same for the Orthodox, whom are also schismatics
Based and red pilled. Lefebvre did nothing wrong. Go to their website and check out their stuff.
No it doesn't.
SSPX have no canonical standing with the Church and they tell people not to goto the Ordinary Form mass, look into the FSSP or the other numerous latin mass societies, your diocese might even have one, or a few.
Well in my area the FSSP church is staffed by the same kind of effeminate, likely homosexual "men" as the novus ordo churches. Meanwhile the SSPX priests are normal, manly people who don't talk with lisps. I think I'll stick with the SSPX.
sounds effeminate
Your homosexual novus ordo priest probably already excommunicated himself after giving one of his fellow homosexuals absolution after they hired a gay prostitute together. We've only had about a million stories of effeminate homosexual priests doing this. I doubt many novus ordo ministers are still legitimate.
>As long as the Society does not have a canonical status in the Church, its ministers do not exercise legitimate ministries in the Church. There needs to be a distinction, then, between the disciplinary level, which deals with individuals as such, and the doctrinal level, at which ministry and institution are involved. In order to make this clear once again: until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the Society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers – even though they have been freed of the ecclesiastical penalty – do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, 2009
Don't look at the spoilers, you might get triggered!
Why don't you provide a link brah?
Get out with that fagocentric worldview.
I will judge any denomination based on it's fruits and SSPX is frankly nothing more than legalism pushed to the extreeme.
Not that I approve of Vat2, but it had SOME good ideas. As a wholeI would prefer throwing it out, but if possible, we should keep the baby and only get rid of the bathwater.
Homosexuals in the hierarchy of the Church is the biggest issue facing Catholicism today. And if you are judging based on fruits, then you will surely have to judge the SSPX better than the novus ordoites, since the novus ordo Church is collapsing while the SSPX is thriving.
You do realise that there are such things as:
1. Diocesan Tridentine Mass
2. The FSSP
3. The ICKSP
None of which require the rotten fruits of the SSPX, vid related.
There would be no FSSP without SSPX…
Exactly. Without the SSPX the Latin Mass and every aspect of what it has always meant to be a Catholic would have been memory-holed out of existence. The bishops tried to stamp out the Latin Mass and the SSPX had to fight hard to preserve it.
Michael Voris is in no position to criticize anyone else. The SSPX are good holy men who preserve authentic Catholicism
pathetic. did the people whom Judas exorcised or offered absolution to abandon Christ?
Michael Voris is an active homosexual who only publicly repented after being caught out. SSPX are schismatics, and are in no way holy.
SSPX was a form of competition which has kept the traditional calendar alive. Probably a good place to take your kids in a school
For good reason. The Vatican II sect is completely and utterly compromised. 70% of Priests are active homosexuals and the Novus Ordo is a complete joke. If SSPX are schismatic then the follow up question is why do you remain on the side of the schism that is clearly corrupt and satanic?
You would abandon your mother when she is afflicted with cancer.
You're siding with the tumor against your mother.
The Throne of Peter is where the body lays
The Church is the body of believers, not a building, a throne, or a single person.
The Church is with the Seat of St. Peter. Any church that is not with this church, is not the Church.
The SSPX are not sedevacantists.
They are in schism.
They're in schism with the tumor, not the Chair of St. Peter.
They are in schism with the Pope
Nope. They are not.
The Pope the head of the church says they are.
Unless he declares something ex cathedra then an individual Pope can be wrong about something just like any other ordinary person.
SSPX are cool guys, they fought for the extraordinary form when nobody else would. Also their publishing arm, Angelus press, is probably the best bookstore you can get.
In terms of their status, it's debated. Theyre basically in full communion, but under disciplinary measures. They should fix that, and they could easily.
However, these days you can get extraordinary form priests in most dioceses. There isnt really a reason to go for SSPX
1. No, they are not officially schismatics.
2. Yes, there was an abuse incident involving SSPX.
3. Yes, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the society's founder, illicitly concecrated 4 bishops without the Apostolic Mandate, in defiance of the Code of Canon Law, and against explicit warning by John Paul II, a pope recognized by SSPX.
4.Yes, those Bishops were excommunicated.
5. Yes, those excommunications were removed by Benedict XVI.
6. Yes, Pope Francis stated in 2016 that all future Confessions heard by SSPX priests are BOTH valid and licit.
7.Yes, their cannonical status is still in question.
8. Yes, SSPX has stated that NOT going to Mass on Sunday is okay when only Novus Ordo parishes are within the vicinity, in direct contradiction of Church Teaching and Canon Law.
All this is to say that one should tread lightly when dealing with SSPX. The opinion is split among faithful Catholics (I detest the use of the word "trad" in a tribalist context) as to the nature of the society. Now, I'm not supposed to give my opinion, but I would recommend that one should seek out options that aren't as precarious as SSPX. There are plenty of extraordinary form Roman Rite Masses, whether they be FSSP, ICRSS, or diocesan. Here's just one of the directories available online.
They saved the Latin Mass so in a way Lefeb preserved the Church against the work of Satan. I'll give him that much, I don't care either way I have diocesan tridentine in my city.
I can only chalk it up to the effeminacy of the times that they haven't been declared out and out schismatic. I imagine the Vatican is hoping the founding schismatic generation will simply pass, and their successors will return to Rome, but I've yet to see any proof of that.
No he doesn't. The Popes have said and say now that sspx is within the church, therefore not in schism. If you declare someone to be in schism who the pope says is not in schism then you become the schismatic
nice try
wait a minute
if the pope isn't the pope…then who is he?! the nega pope?!
the poope