What is Zig Forums's opinion on saying the N-word?
What is Zig Forums's opinion on saying the N-word?
Nest*rius did nothing wrong.
I don't have the slightest pooh to give about your racial sensitivities whether you be tigger or birdshit.
Terry, is that you?
My worldview isn't warped around race and the oppression olympics. What a sad time to live in when the absolute worst thing you can say in society is something that offends a person, but it's completely normal and okay to use the Lord's name in vain or offend God. Sad! Jesus knows I don't hate anyone because of their ethnicity even when I break one of the million social ethics surrounding wrong-speak.
People should be more concerned about saying the Lord's name in vain
I don't see any reason why we should say it, and there's a few pretty good reasons why we shouldn't.
Kyler? Caleb? Which one of you is this?
I don't mind it and I say it as a joke but you shouldn't say it on real people with real feelings.
If you mean it as an insult, it's no different from any other insult and you shouldn't go around insulting people.
On the other hand, liberals are turning "tigger" into some sort of word of power, any time you mention it regardless of context, everyone has to be shocked and outraged. That's BS, words only have as much power as you give them.
/christan/ is not allowed ty write "Nigger". Only rune adepts blessed by Odin can write the forbidden lore.
It's the word describing a black thug who is uncultured and is lowly scum often demonstrating criminal or savage behaviour. I think it's a fine word because it's shorthand for my long winded explanation in my previous sentence.
tiggers in my country aren't special snowflakes like black burgers.
Nobody used the polite word of tiggers here, not even the sjws.
Ironically our polite word for tiggers (negros) actually became the American word tigger.
Hatred is a sin, it was always that simple… I suppose it gets filed under wrath?
The very premise of such a taboo word that you dare not utter it around a certain group is evidence of the emotional inferiority of that group. Stop and think: do Scandinavians get pissy about any name for them? Do Australians?
Consider the etymology of ñigger. Does it mean anything inherently spiteful? "Spic" means "no speak english", connected to mexican laziness and stupidity when they inhabit our country. "Wetback" implies mexicans swam across the rio grande to get here illegally. These are spiteful, but does the average Hispanic cry or get violent about it? In my experience it's a funny joke to them.
ñigger means black. It was the first rung on the ladder of terms for blacks that are progressively becoming naughty words. As time goes on the marxist elites pick a new word to condition us to say, then say the last one was evil and racist.
"afro american" -> "colored people" -> "african american" -> "people of color"
When will it stop?
If you're afraid to utter a socially deemed taboo word, you have been successfully propagandized.
tigger just testing
But is my opinion that the word on itself has no meaning, it all depends on which intention comes from the one that said it.
For example a fellow negro may say it without any prejudice, as a sign of brotherhood and informality.
Its also my understanding that offense in itself is only taken by the receiver, you can only offend someone that's willing to be offended.
And in such ways, having taken offense of something means that you actually agree or believe with it.
Based Portuguese brother?
Doesn't the bible say to let no unwholesome or crude words leave your mouth?
Do not have any issue with it. Sometimes I use it.
When you think about it calling someone "white" is also an insult. European and european descended peoples are pretty various ethnicities. Then you see everyone slandering them and while doing that calling everyone "white".
Content of your message>"wrong" words used
It's a word generally used to make people feel like shit. I occasionally use it in a mild way, but no, i'm not a fan doing 'harm' to people, mostly because i know i will have to account for my deeds and actions one day.
Le pharisee has arrived.
It's a word generally used for humor or talking about the bad behavior of another group. And some people need to be made to feel like shit, don't be a linguistic pacifist, you can say "the n-word" in self-defense. Also everyone needs to feel more like shit, there is too much pride in this world, and if you let a word make you feel like shit, you definitely are too proud.
I saw his message, he was ban…KEK.
….he cute
This thread proves that Zig Forums is as Christian as a brothel in Thailand. Just seeing how you guys are trying to justify using a word who's meaning you very well understand because you just want to use it. I wonder if you would use the same excuses if you stood before God on judgement day.
Im offended that you would equate us to Thailand. How dare you use such offensive language on a Christian board. Because im so offended you are less of a Christian than I am.