Hello Zig Forums,
I am an Anglican from birth and was baptised an Anglican by my parents, but have not really started thinking seriously about faith and salvation until recently.
My question to this board, is whether I should develop my faith within my Anglican home and church l, or whether I should convert to Catholicism? I realise that this is quite a serious issue, as most catholics I have encountered have told me that even if one lives a life of piety and goodness in faith outside the Catholic Church, I will go to hell.
On the one hand, I have the same problems with the Catholic Church as most Protestants have had over many centuries. I question the doctrine of papal infallabilty, due to the corruptible nature of man. I question the perceived ability of priests to forgive sins, as I struggle to believe that anyone bar the Lord has the power to forgive sins. I also struggle to believe in the notion of ‘no salvation outside the one church’, as the idea of good and faithful Protestants going to hell, including my own family, seems unpalatable and unacceptable.
Maybe I just don’t have the information, but I know this is quite the catholic board, so feel free to give your case and clear up any misconceptions you think I might have.