I mean…Better burn the bibles and bring down crosses, his über-rationality couldn't match my faith in God.
So unless someone can rebuke his points, he BTFOed the billions of christian in this world.
Only Mother! This Atheist TOTALLY destroys the bible and faith
Other urls found in this thread:
Miss boobs also refute God. and the YouTube comments too.
So how do we keep faith in this case ?
For our gospel came to you not merely in the form of words but in mighty power infused with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. (1 Thessalonians 1:5a)
Does he take on the Qur'an?
I hope they find the joy of Christ.
Good attitude user
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
He doesn't actually make any points, he just goes on a rant trying to make belief in the Bible look ridiculous with oversimplified versions of the stories. The closest thing to a point he does make is the statement that the Bible's age takes away from it's credibility but he ignores all of the historians from the same time period that back it up (Josephus, Pliny The Lesser, just to name drop some off the top of my head).
This guy's a moron. I'd destroy this n00b in a debate any time and any day.
wow no shit, really? :O
my sides thinking he will be dying and praying to God
mfw I watched 10 seconds of it
I saw the first 20 seconds, he brought up all the "rape and murder" in the Bible and how God wanted Abraham to kill his own son as a sacrifice (spoiler: Abraham never did).
Ironic that fool never brought up how the Baal priests would sacrifice their first-born children and how we're still practicing Baal sacrifice today in the form of abortion.
It's like these guys don't have the reading comprehension capability of a third grader.
Let them stew in their own ignorance.
I don't watch garbage.
All atheist and anti/christian content is garbage.
You can make anything sound ridiculous by over-simplifying it. Here, let me show you, I'll make bread sound idiotic:
< First you take these indigestible plant seeds that humans can't eat and you grind them into a powder. Then you add water to the powder to make a sticky paste. You add some really tiny mushrooms that are so tiny that you can't actually see them, but trust me, they are really in there. So you leave that paste sitting around for like an hour or so, and during this time the mushrooms start eating the paste and then fart into it, which blows up the paste to three times its size, because eating and farting is apparently something mushrooms do. Then you take this mushroom fart balloon and put it in a heated box, where this paste made from indigestible plant seeds and mushroom farts magically turns into perfectly edible bread.
I couldn't make this up as a strawman. Wild that these people actually exist.
Conviniently forgets the part where God sends him an angel to tell him to stop.
If that was true that means he couldn't turn on a lamp at night since only the sun gives off light.
The lack of logic in this kind of argument is so obvious that I am surprised people who like to think they are so rational and logical believe it. It is absolutely non sequitur.
For exemple, christians don't beleive in the Quran and think most of it is a bunch of lies, but that does not make them doubt God, but doubt islam. The same logic should be a applied here: if they don't beleive in the bible, than they should only not believe in abrahamic religions, but not deny every single religion and even the ideia of a non-material reality/being. The existence of God does not depends on what religion x or y said; to some extent, many philosophers, like Plato, belived in God/supra-material realities and forms regardless of religion.
Atheists are completely blinded by their ignorance and fear of something they cannot see.
Really makes you think
I feel bad for these people who haven't been given the wisdom to get past these basic obstacles or the faith needed to follow Christ.
Why these people aren't nihilists yet is beyond me. Read some Nietszche, Kierkegaard, and Camus, and either accept Christ, commit suicide, or embrace the absurdness of reality and reject morality and do crazy shit
Or you could read Carl Jung and then grow up and read the bible.
Until some atheist dismantles the Summa Theologica I have no reason to entertain their intellectual vomiting under any circumstances – and neither do you.
How much of a ignoramus do you have to be to not understand that:
a) it presages the Son
b) it's a lesson–showing that He does not require human sacrifices.
Zig Forums is a Christian board, newfriend.
Its funny that even the top tier atheists never screw around with St. Thomas.
They completely ignore him.
I wonder why.
B-b-but Pope Anderson told me the bible WAS God
There's a reason Christian debaters are barred from using St. Thomas in a debate.
Looks like we've been BTFO'd once and for all bros. Brb buying my fedora right now, religion is FINISHED.
My ears.
Guess weve been checkmated huh guys? Better tear down those churchs for a sodomite
Is this true? Wtf?
I don't have any evidence but I heard from a friend that they are prohibited. For good reason also. If Christians use St. Aquinas, the debate'd be over in a jiffy.
I never though I would see soulburner in Zig Forums
But then the atheists are assuming defeat even before the debate. Or are they so blind I'm their pride that they don't care?
Lol St. Thomas must be laughing hard.