Someone on 4/pol/ told me the effects of baptism include heightened consciousness, heart opening bliss, illumination. Is that true to some extent? Can orthodox or Catholics confirm?
Someone on 4/pol/ told me the effects of baptism include heightened consciousness, heart opening bliss, illumination...
The Effects of Baptism include:
-The remission of all sin, original and actual
-The remission of the punishment (including temporal) due to those sins
-Infusion of supernatural grace, gifts, and virtues
(The infusion of Sanctifying grace makes the baptized, adopted sons of God and heirs to heavenly glory)
-Conferral of the right to special graces to aid the baptized to fufill their baptismal promises
-Impression of a character on the soul that is an eternal seal
Maybe. I was baptised as a child and even I fell out of Holy Mother Church for several years before I knew what a mistake that was. If you want bliss/peace of mind, pray the rosary on the daily. It transforms you.
I was baptized as a baby but I feel like I need to do it again after my return to Christ after many years of atheism and paganism. Can I or would it not count?
As the scripture states, "there is one baptism". Anyone doing otherwise is in error. For a funny story, even St. Athanasius, when a little kid, was found playing around with friends and they were "pretend" baptizing each other. A bishop caught wind of this, admonished them, and merely christened them.. acknowledging Athanasius' baptism as valid. Then he took him under his wing.
Baptism by water is a ritual signifying the new life that a believer now has. There is nothing magical about it.
Baptism of the holy spirit is the point of salvation, when the spirit now dwells within you.
itching ears
read the Bible
Baptism can not be repeated because it leaves an eternal seal upon the soul. What you need is confession
Baptismal Regeneration is needed for Salvation.
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The thief on the cross wasn't baptised, yet Jesus saved the thief because of his faith that Jesus was who He claimed to be.
Yes, but baptism isn't "optional". Anyone who isn't being crucified needs to be baptized.
Then why does the Bible tell us that we are saved by grace through faith, not that of works lest any man should boast? I'd say the thief on the cross is a perfect example of God's grace, an undeserved blessing.
because the Bible says to do it, just like any other instruction. "If ye love me, keep my commandments"
It's not optional for Christian living, but it's not a requirement for salvation.
Absolutely agreed. The Bible also tells us that in the wake of that undeserved grace there are things we must do and things we must try not to do.
Don't be my sister, who thinks that she doesn't have to go to church or get baptized because "I'm saved". Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
Do you see a contradiction?
Yes, if we're talking about the same objective. That's my point.
It is a requirement put upon Christians, but not a requirement to become born again.
There is the "baptism of desire", which applies in the case of someone who is driving to church to get baptized, gets hit by a bus and dies.
But baptism is a requirement for salvation. You must be baptized, or actively working towards being baptized. Don't let "faith alone" keep you from observing the Lord's commands.
we don`t do drugs
what if Christened in one denomination you no longer believe to be the True Church?
In Christ, there is NO division & no denominations. We Are One; One Body!
I think that if you were baptized as a child you will ALWAYS be called back to god. Notice how secular folks are always saying stuff like "I have no problem if someone wants to be Christian, but at least let them make the choice to get baptized when they're old enough to understand it." this is straight out of Satan's mouth. If you don't even believe in god, why would you care about baptized babies? It would just be a stupid pointless moistening of a baby to you. Also if you read articles online by Jew York hipsters, a TON of them were baptized and they literally write about how they cannot "shake the indoctrination," as they put it. The Holy Spirit is calling out to them and they've been tricked into thinking its just childhood physchological conditioning.
The day if judgement will be more tolerable for Sodom and gommorah than for people who were reborn and still deny god's love.
misapplication. The call to unity is for the local church.