The concept of Purgatory is comfy

I am a Protestant, but I don't get why so many evangelical types in the US are so terrified of a bit of purgatory.

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Because that's not at all how it works.
It's not hell-lite that you go to if you were a good boy with "just" a few sins. It's also not like Heaven, there is no joy in being there (although there is certain hope). You don't get to watch TV, you don't get to "talk" to people. Purgatory is just between you and God and it's all about purging you from ALL impurities, even the smallest ones that would make you undeserving to be in God's presence.

You have to be purged of these things, either in this life or the next, there's no way to avoid it. The great, great majority of people who would go to Heaven have to go through purgatory first because they are imperfect. Those that we call saints are the ones that attained this state of near-perfection in this life, so they most likely go straight to Heaven.

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Obviously the people in heaven would make tv shows about their time in purgatory.

How do you know? What if the friends that make along the way in purgatory helps you become a better person?

I-I'm afraid there's no TV in heaven, user.

Then the equivalent. Plays, books, whatever.

probably because there won't be any tv or nice conversations and you'll probably going spend your time like this: link related

Did you read anything of what I said?

I was making a joke chill man. I have no idea if purgatory really exists and how it is there

Not believing in purgatory probably nets you 1 month in purgatory.

kek you're probably right

Mayyybe, but you don't get to see them in purgatory

That's a possibility, but either way it won't be a very pleasant experience. I'm not sure about this and many other things, why don't you just read what the big saints said about purgatory instead of asking some random internet people?

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Because I want it to be a surprise and I like playing games on the hardest difficulty.

Heaven is one big continual Divine Liturgy, my dude. Everyday is Sunday in heaven.

I don't think they have plays or books either, my brother.

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Plays exist wherever humans exist, user.

I don't think Humans exist in Heaven.

That's not purgatory kid.

What purgatory really is.

What exactly is the problem with people discussing the end-game of their religious exercise? Are you meant to follow the rules and do the rituals for absolutely no reason?


That is what bothers me with normal religious people. They don't act like you would expect, if there really is a heaven, god and their religion is true. They don't treat it seriously.

Because it's a comforting lie that leads people to hell, not knowing the urgency


“‘He is there,’ said her angel, ‘and he suffers much. Would you be willing to endure some pain in order to diminish his?’ ‘Certainly,’ she replied, ‘I am ready to suffer anything to assist him.’ Instantly her angel conducted her into a place of frightful torture. ‘Is this, then, hell, my brother?’ asked the holy maiden, seized with horror. ‘No, sister,’ answered the angel, ‘but this part of purgatory is bordering upon hell.’

“Looking around on all sides, she saw what resembled an immense prison surrounded with walls of a prodigious height, the blackness of which, together with the monstrous stones, inspired her with horror. Approaching this dismal enclosure, she heard a confused noise of lamenting voices, cries of fury, chains, instruments of torture, violent blows which the executioners discharged upon their victims.

“This noise was such that all the tumult of the world, in tempest or battle, could bear no comparison to it. ‘What, then, is that horrible place?’ asked St. Lidwina of her good angel. ‘Do you wish me to show it to you?’ ‘No, I beseech you,’ said she, recoiling with terror, ‘the noise I hear is so frightful that I can no longer bear it ; how, then, could I endure the sight of those horrors?’

“Continuing her mysterious route, she saw an angel seated sadly on the curb of a well. ‘Who is that angel?’ she asked of her guide. ‘It is,’ he replied, ‘the angel-guardian of the sinner in whose lot you are interested. His soul is in this well, where it has a special purgatory.’ At these words Lidwina cast an inquiring glance at her angel; she desired to see that soul which was dear to her, and endeavor to release it from that frightful pit.

“Her angel, who understood her, having taken off the cover of the well, a cloud of flames, together with the most plaintive cries, came forth. ‘Do you recognize that voice?’ said the angel to her. ‘Alas! yes,’ answered the servant of God. ‘Do you desire to see that soul?’ he continued. On her replying in the affirmative, he called him by his name; and immediately our virgin saw appear at the mouth of the pit a spirit all on fire, resembling incandescent metal, which said to her in a voice scarcely audible, ‘O Lidwina, servant of God, who will give me to contemplate the face of the Most High?’

“The sight of this soul, a prey to the most terrible torment of fire, gave our saint such a shock that the cincture which she wore around her body was rent in twain; and, no longer able to endure the sight, she awoke suddenly from her ecstasy. The persons present, perceiving her fear, asked her its cause. ‘Alas!” she replied, ‘how frightful are the prisons of Purgatory! It was to assist the souls that I consented to descend thither. Without this motive, if the whole world were given to me, I would not undergo the terror which that horrible spectacle inspired.’

“Some days later, the same angel whom she had seen so dejected appeared to her with a joyful countenance; he told her that the soul of his protégé had left the pit and passed into the ordinary purgatory. This partial alleviation did not suffice the charity of Lidwina; she continued to pray for the poor patient, and to apply to him the merits of her sufferings, until she saw the gates of heaven opened to him.” (Purgatory, by Fr. F. X. Schouppe, SJ, 16–19)

Why are you posting an image of a woman doing satanic hand gestures?

Because it's stupid and puts God in their own box.
For all you know heaven and hell may be things far beyond our understanding.
Better to strive for virtue to have earned the least amount of grace from God than to contemplate on something you haven't earned and probably wouldn't understand if you had.


That's actually the American sign language way of saying "I love you", if the thumbs were tucked it'd be devil horns

I looked up this THOT because I didn't know who she was and I suddenly looked at her nudes out of pure curiosity.
Should I go to confession now?
I mean it was pure curiosity, nothing happened.

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That would be cornuto, it means that your wife is doing someone else.

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Did you want to look or was it an accident?
Whether or not you found it arousing is besides the point.

Good works are the outward sign of a saving faith, but it is not the works that save the person.

You can't fool God so don't even bother trying. Go to confession and confess that you looked at a nude image of a woman knowingly, whether it's mortal or venial I don't know your situation, either way receive confession. God bless.

So what are saying?
Some of your works are done in faith and others are not? Who's your second master?

I wanted to look at it out of curiosity as in "wait she posted nudes?"
Like any other image, but nudes.

It's not about fooling God, it's about it being a venial or grave sin so I could take communion.


Nibba I can only take confession at sundays after mass, hence I want to know.

Can you not pray and honestly repent and not do it again, or do you need extra counsel for that too?
Are you going to get a penalty ticket for this?

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No no no, wait.
I can turn this around.

Bro, purgatory is gonna suck. We’re gonna roast, 1 Corinthians 3:15 style. It’s gonna take forever to burn off all of my uncleanliness.

Will you get a tan?

I personally do not think it is confession worthy. You are not deliberately going against God, I imagine you are similar to me in that you click on images before really taking the time to consider the implications of clicking on such a picture. I also end up clicking on sinful pictures just to figure out what something is that I saw in the thumbnail or to confirm a suspicion. I do not act in clicking it for the sinful aspect of it. And after typically think to myself 'oh right I shouldn't open that sort of thing'. I think its just a habit people browse from browsing chan's for such a long time. Though it would still be a venial sin.

u mad bro?

No u.

what do you suggest for people who find it hard to take really seriously

I'd tell them to go out into the desert for 40 days on minimal rations.
Clean their soul right to the core.

I'm a prot, but can actually understand going to purgatory for uncofessed sin. What I don't understand is why Catholics believe you can go to Hell for unconfessed sin.

Because there's mortal sin an venial sin. An unconfessed mortal sin sends you to hell, an unconfessed venial sin is cleansed in the fires of purgatory.

The biggest distinction between mortal sin is venial sin is knowledge of your sin when it's happening. If you do something knowing it's a sin and still do it, it's a mortal sin. If you don't realize or your sin until later it's venial.

Gonna be radiant white my tigga

In Purgatory you are being purged in fire, the same fires that burn the damned in Gehenna/Hell. Purgatory is painful, but not as painful as eternal damnation.

Just FYI - purgatory isn't really about unconfessed venial sins. Remittance of venial sins is the easiest thing really, even just beating your breast 3 times will remove it, or our Father, Holy water etc. Being free of guilt of sin isn't why you go to purgatory. You have to do penance for all your confessed sins in purgatory. Just cause they are absolved doesn't mean you don't have to do penance. Only way to escape it is through an indulgence but that means you've somehow perfected yourself since you have to be completely perfectly free from all attachment to sin, even venial

yeah, which is why it's wrong
it's (works salvation)^(works salvation)

It really isn't. The holy souls in Purgatory can do nothing to help themselves. They literally just sit there and burn til they're welcome in Heaven. All they can do is have faith that some day they will be welcome in Heaven. In other words, if you land in Purgatory, it's sola fide all the way to the Pearly Gates.

i was about to post something nasty in other forums but cancelled and come to Zig Forums instead.

i love you all. have a good day/night

Check out pic related, unfortunately I can't find an english version, but this is what I imagine purgatory to be like. You can check out the whole movie, I strongly recommend it, its called "Our home astral city".

It would be extremely painful

Forget 2:24, how do protestants answer James 2:22?

how can you be terrified of the unbiblical?

When I read threads like these I'm reminded of this comic I saw during my late childhood.

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the biggest thing nobody gets is that there is no sex after death, neither in Heaven (because it is pointless), and neither in Hell (there is no pleasure in Hell, only pain).

the entire point of Hell is that God is putting a stop to all of the reprobate's pleasure for all time

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Pretty easy. Faith was shown through his works, and because his faith produced works it is shown to be a saving faith. If I say that I believe in God but don't do anything good, am I really being a good follower of Christ? Not really, my faith isn't truly alive (hence, faith without works is dead). But if I'm faithful to the Lord I will do good works because that's what He would want me to do. Those good works aren't the thing that's saving me, my faith is, but the works show that my faith is a saving one and not dead.

To add onto this, I'll give the example of Abraham. When he went to sacrifice his son, he had faith that the Lord was right, and so his action of almost sacrificing his son wasn't what made him righteous. What made him righteous was his immense trust in God. I give this example becuase the new testament even tells us that his faith is what brought him righteousness.

So basically, we all just go to purgatory? Everyone will probably go to purgatory if it exists.

But if the souls inhabit bodies, why wouldn't they be able to do all the things that a body normally does?

That doesn't follow, the soul isn't a mini-body in a giant robot.

Probably don't even make it to purgatory if you don't believe in it

So the purgatory is to purge the uncleanliness out of us? If yes then where do we go after the uncleanliness purges?

>In Micheas, in the 7th chapter (8, 9): Rejoice not, thou my enemy, over me, because I am fallen : 1 shall arise, when I sit in darkness, the Lord is my light. I will hear the wrath of the Lord, hecause I have sinned against him, until he judge my cause and execute judgment for me : he will bring me forth into the light, I shall behold his justice. This passage was already applied to the proof of Purgatory amongst Catholics from the time of S. Jerome, as the same S. Jerome witnesses by the last chapter of Isaias where he says that When I shall sit in darkness . . .I will hear the wrath of the Lord . . . until He judge my cause—cannot be understood of any pain so properly as of that of Purgatory.

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And you can conveniently buy your way out of it thanks to indulgences


Fake and gay.

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You move on to heaven.

You come over to my house, where we play Playstation, eat tendies and drink dewey. You have to bring your own controller though!

I'm Catholic so I submit to the Church's teaching, but I don't understand the torment of purgatory and hell - how can it be if these places exist outside of space and time as God does? How can anything happen outside of space and time, given that there is no space to do it and no time to measure it?

Are you worthy of Heaven? I'm Catholic too, and I know I don't want to go to Heaven. What right do I have to stand in front of the Lord? None, I know I'm not worth it, I'm not as good as I could be, and for every step I take towards God, I take two to the side. If someone told me that despite my flaws I was going to Heaven, I'd feel guilty and unworthy, not happy. I rather redeem my sins and failings first, be it in purgatory or through an eternity in hell. It'd be incredibly unjust otherwise.


Purgatory isn't torment. It's a cleansing of venial sin. Like how one smelts ore in fire to burn away the impurities to reveal the pure elemental gold, God smelts away our sins in purgatory to burn away the impurity so we are made perfect once we are allowed into paradise with Him.
As for Hell, well…it's a life of eternal punishment for the wicked. Our God is a just God afterall.

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Doesn't exist. Just as dumb as soul sleeping too.

The Bible says one goes to heaven or hell. That's it.

after the toll houses, of course

Is it therefore safe to say that if we don't enjoy going to church on earth, we won't enjoy heaven?

Yes. Assuming you go to heaven which would be unlikely.


Now, the chapter and verse, if you wouldn't mind.

I won't say Toll Houses are "Gnostic" like some. But they go back farther than that and are equally stupid: It's Mithraic. And really, older than that: The Mediterranean was obsessed with trials and labyrinthine like structures to initiate people. This is another form of it, with Christian/Semitic trappings involving demons. Orthodox need to stop pushing this. It's pagan and for old goy cultures who should be lost to history already.

And consider this: If it was so crucial, it'd be in the Seven Councils. But the afterlife is one of the subjects where Church fathers (peacefully) debated and disagreed on and didn't make All of the Specifics a rule of faith (this is a Roman Catholic trait. Not Orthodox).

That's because you don't understand the gospel

Not really. In Church Jesus is literally there with everyone. If you aren't enjoying God's real presence here on earth, why would He allow you in Heaven?

And neither do you.

The book of Nestle, chapter 5, verse 34