Answer her.
Mother Mary
because I don't deserve His goodness and He deserves better than my badness
please pray for me Blessed Virgin Mother
We all are not worthy user. God is truly great. The greatest great. Which is why we must strive to do his will.
I'm not the one who was requested to birth Christ.
Already planning to. What do you want me to do?
Lord have mercy on you for blaspheming the very flesh he grew from.
I am sorry :(
Being unworthy should not be an excuse to not try.
She lives user. Repent and believe in the true Faith. I pray for your mortal soul.
I'm on my way mother to be a good Catholic
don't forget to tell your son I was a good boy when I die
From now on all generations will call me blessed.
Good work.
Because I, a person in a crap sack world with no actual apparent interaction from God and a bleak outlook for humankind at best save for choosing to believe really hard, have considerably more doubt than a person who was literally impregnated by God and lived through the single most miraculous period of human history according to the religion, effectively never having to believe in the first place (rather just knowing).
IF it weren’t for the fact someone whose been dead for 2,000 years is speaking to me now, I wouldn’t have even entertained the question, but now I’m open to play ball.
how can someone who never died be dead
Their knowing is our knowing user. Their faith provides the structure for all faith. I'm assuming you're well read and know of the Book of Wisdom's Second Chapter. It speaks of the bleakness of life without God and without faith. Life without God's love is meaningless and futile. It's incomplete. Mary understood this, she said yes to God with fullness and God made sure she was known to all of humankind.
God is just. He deems rewards.
Fine, someone who absconded from the mortal realm in an unconventional manner
Thousands didn't believe in Jesus even though he turned water into wine, they didn't believe, healed hundreds of people, they didn't believe, multiplied bread twice, they didn't believe, calmed a storm, they didn't believe, walked over water, they didn't believe, resurrected a dude that was dead for 4 days, they didn't believe, resurrects from the death 3 days later, they didn't believe.
People in that so called miraculous century didn't believe as well. It has nothing to do with the times we live.
Damn even the disciples lost faith and tan away until the Lord resurrected and even then St. Thomas had to touch Him to truly believe.
Mary always believed because she was created with no original sin, she belonged entirely to God, sin had no hold of her she was just like or first parents before the fall, and that's why she received God himself on her womb. And like our first parents were destined to live forever, before the fall, she knew not death, because death is a punishment for the first Sin, and since she didn't have the original sin she was assumpted into the Heavens prayer over us.
Thanks user
Because He that is mighty has done great things to me, and holy is His name.
Join the Discord server my friend, you'll like it there
Why is this cringeworthy woe is me excuse so popular amongst the impure? You are impure because you are proud and God has given you up to your degenerate passions. Repent your pride.
What's funny is that if someone said shit about their mother they would punch them in the face.
But they think Jesus won't mind if they say shit about His mother.
it doesn't matter because they are already saved xD.
God was all the time with the Jews, but not with the Christians now.
Of course he can send his mother or other Saint to instruct us or warn us about shit.
And implying the Church doesn't study thoroughly and apparition to make sure it's legit.
But we shall know them by their fruits as the Master taught us.
And we just need to see the fruits of Fátima and Lourdes for example.
and besides you aren't even forced to accept them according to the church's doctrine even if approved by the Church
The Son has a Mother, heretic.
To believe that Christ already judged you one of the elect is a sin of presumption.
It is the Son who will judge you.
Read the apocalypse pls.
I was being ironic making fun of baptist beliefs.
Sorry for the mis-fire, but many baptists unironically believe it like that.
I know, that was the joke.
I too keep my senses sharp and sometimes I fire at the wrong guy. Never mind bro.
If Maria was here, I would ask her if she approved of Pope John Paul II adding superfluous mysteries to her perfect weapon against satan. and before anyone says it’s optional, why are the Lumanous Mysteries in every rosary book at the bookstore?
I mean it breaks the 15 mysteries number. The rosary in my country its even called a "terço" which means "a third". With 20 mysteries that isn't true anymore, but that's just number autism.
I would pray them and I consider John Paul did a good thing. It's also good to meditate on the mysteries of the church like the Eucharisty.
Because I am weak still and fail to be my best, sorry mother.
Please forgive me and give me strength to trying until I make it.
I became lukewarm, I became black pilled, and I got tired of being seen as a degenerate for my hobbies so I just became one to prove they were right in the vain hope they'd leave me be.
I weep for you. I pray you find your way back to the light.