God will get you a wife when you stop masturbating
God will get you a wife when you stop masturbating
I already have a candidate too.
While God obviously has a unique plan for everyone, it is very reasonable to think that God will not bring a spouse into our life as long as we are bound to our sexual desires.
I used wife ambigously, one may be married to the church.
Can you marry an angel?
I'm never going to get a wife am i? I've prayed for it hundreds of times (see: parable of the persistent widow) and I'm no closer to it. I will try nofap but I don't expect anything other than dying alone.
Its a sign isn't it.
Yes, stop fapping
Something I desperately want to stop doing anyway, maybe the dubs will ring true.
Let's make 2019 the year we finally end self abuse kings
I got you bro let's do this.
I will never get a wife, because I'm a 4 psl. Celibate is the only way to man like me. It's over.
Now stop to thinking about it.
You should think more about it.
And convince yourself through God's grace why you're right.
What is a psl?
On the contrary, I have stopped masturbating for over a year and a half and still know tfw no gf. Therefore God does not give men wives when they stop masturbating.
Pumpkin spice latte
Fixed that for you, OP.
Rain falls on the just and the unjust. I don't think God rewards or punishes our behavior on Earth, or at least reliably
reminder that masturbation is gay incest.
You don't read the bible much do you?
What I nut in a gf.
Speaking of which can you get Church married and not legally married so that you aren’t in the government’s tangle of “””marriage”” but still married before God?
nutting in a gf is worse than masturbation. its fapping + adultery because there's no procreation. if you just winnie the poohed her raw and impregnated her, it would be less sinful. you should really repent and stop winnie the pooh her.
go away
Where did I say I was using a condom and also where did I say she wasn’t my intended life partner
No user you're the one putting words into 's mouth. Whoops!
Unless you're married already, it is adultery to have sex with her. You might marry her later but that will not change the fact that - regardless of the fact that you did not have a condom - if you had sex before marriage, it is adultery.
Therefore you do not "nut in a gf", you nut in a wife.
Not necessarily. And even if he does it might take longer time.
That being said it will help a lot to do nofap.
Tfw hoped by this age I would have a son but don't even have a job, car, house, or gf. I tried nofap. I tried morefap. Praying seemed to just sabotage things. Nothing works.
Oh and i also might be turning into a low functioning psychotic so everything's going to be ten times as hard. Maybe God just doesn't like me.
And I have aspergers.
God does love you, I assure you, I experience some of the same thoughts. If you're as bad off as you're saying, you have to put work into yourself before you get settled. If you were to meet the perfect woman right now, you would destroy your family before too long if you are unstable. You have to find stability. A patriarch of his family must be like a foundation, if you are unstable the whole house will fall apart. Get yourself straight before you worry about having a family, otherwise you will hurt those you want to love.
unless one of you is infertile, then there is birth control involved. also it doesn't matter what you intend to do, stop fornicating for your own good
There's no cure for aspies and everything that can be done for psychosis is already being done. My mom said I need to find a smart and calm girl if I want someone compatible with me.
No one is able to tell you no. All I'm saying is be prepared. Having a family isn't easy, it can be very stressful. My mom used to tell me the same stuff, but the devil is in the women and they can never be easy. I'm sure you can find a woman, but the real question is can you find a woman who will deal with your issues and can you provide for her? You can't provide for yourself based on your previous post, how can you be trusted with a family? You're not dealing with objects, you're dealing with other people. My mom used to tell me that I needed a girl to "rescue me" but she never came. Don't get hung up on what our mothers say. You have to judge yourself as accurately as possible to figure out if you are actually ready to have a family. I know it's what you want, but can you *do* it? It's not like the movies, man. It's a lot lot lot lot lot of work.
He died for you.
I already did and still no gf. But I don't care tbh.
Hopefully so, may it be God's will.
But I think its a wrong assumption to make just something that should be good for your soul while waiting something in return.
I know that feel, been struggling with this lately and specifically today had a very bad feeling of loneliness and missing my succubus ex.
To be fair I would miss my succubus ex too if actually making the /x/ meme a reality is what cemented my faith in Christ.
I know what you meant.
You actually summoned a demon user?
I think he was being figurative.
Me retarded then
Yeah, like being figurative, she was a charming beautiful cute girl, with wide hips and a big bosom, from which she constantly seduced me with. Not only that, she played the conservative protestant, a good girl to marry, that she was in for the commitment.
It took a while but she got me to fall madly in love, only to completely shatter my heart to pieces and leave me alone to clean the mess.
This was just more a month ago and I'm still struggling badly with it, without really understanding, going from missing her and wishing to see her again, to hate against a cruel bitch.
These are trying times, and I've been constantly praying to god to give understanding and showing me the way and strength to overcome this.
But was the girl just in your imagination?
I need a job
Yeah. Maybe you are destined to be a monk, or even a priest married to the church
No Nut Nineteen begins now, fellow /christians/.
What if I don't want a wife?
historically, and still to this day, marriage recognized by the state was to protect the woman from an economic deprivation from the husband.
if I am able to stop masturbating, I will have no need of a wife.
You wouldn't be fit for a wife anyway. If you did find one for your reason, it wouldn't last long and you would get divorce-raped in court. So count your blessing you realized this before it would be too late.
I pray you mature enough that you do find the one for you someday.
Found the user with no wife, children, or life experience. The user your quoting is absolutely right and you would do well to heed those words. Women aren’t just “buckets”, believe it or not.
Didn't work for me.
Did you pray and ask God for one?
The last one is teaching me more daily never to get the first two. Or never have children if I get a wife.
Nephews are annoying enough for not even a half hour.
Yes. I've prayed for and against a lot. The more one prays the more one realizes it to be nothing more than make belief self consolation.
You have no joy in your heart, do you?
If you think prayer is just belief reaffirmation than you don't have Faith.
You're likely not in a place where a wife would be good for you yet. Seek God more and improve yourself.
Why is faith terrified of reason?
These are dangerous digits!
Someone better answer this guy!
It's not.
I might be working on just that…
Sounds like you're into nephilim. Got a succubus fetish?
He isn't wrong, though.
>Got a succubus fetish?
Don’t put your words in His mouth… I don’t have any clue if I’ll get a wife, I just want to stop being a degenerate lukewarm “Christian” and learn to respect myself as God’s fallen child.
uh, literal imagination? hummm no, I really dated her for 9 months
What may actually have happened is that I hoped and projected in her the ideal woman I wanted for a wife.
How does this work with current governments like the US government? Many of it's officials (especially democrats) are awful people.
Yeah, no chance of that, I mean our state is another mean of community at which we should work for and help improve, but there are high chances of our current govt being corrupt and evil. eg: live in a country that was lead by closet communist for 16 years, and nearly went to shit
Agree, but as pic related from another thread, the establishment changed and enabled women to become emotional monsters.
What if you masturbate into your wife's panties when she's not around?
i think there was a saint martyr who was killed because he wouldn't burn a pinch of incense to caesar
Correct. There's a hierarchy of authority:
My goal is to get a NoFap streak of 2 years, and then get married.
As apostle Paul says, some men cannot control their lusts and it is better for them to contain them within marriage. I do not want to be one of these men, I want to thoroughly defeat my lusts and then marry and have children, for the racial sake.
Lmao at the Cathocucks who get forced into celibacy only because they want to be priests. Father Hernan can't impregnate a Spanish woman, so Paco has to do it. The Cucktholic mixing of races.
You can be a married Priest with Kids.
Generally speaking, you can't. Deacon yes, priest no.
Time commitment would make a priest a poor husband and worse father.
I want to get married and have a dozen or so kids. It'sbeen on my mind all day for over 2 years.
Lies. I've meet my preist's wife and kid and they love him more than ever since he joined the clergy. Just because it wouldn't work in a Catholic setting doesn't mean it won't work in a Christian setting.
how does that work? i found out on christmas that the newly-ordained deacon at my parish has a wife and son because he talked about them in his sermon (his first christmas one ever) and was confused. he seems like a really nice guy
There is a married Priest near me who is in charge of a couple parishes. Also, all Eastern Orthodox and Eastern rite Catholic Priests may marry.
I am hoping that by conquering my porn and fapping addictions I will no longer be obsessed with sex and intimacy.
Then it wont matter if the Lord provides a wife.
H'okay. ty.
Easier said than done. This has been a problem for so long , for me. I think that I cannot kick it alone. I need God’s help. I don’t know where to start or what to pray. My own self control is not cutting it.
You think God actively materially rewards those who act a certain way? I don't think you read the Bible much.
user, I can tell you with 100% certainty you are wrong about this, prayer is a very real thing and it is very personal when and how it is answered. Perhaps you are praying incorrectly? See the end of James for some more information. Ask for wisdom to perceive his responses , and to open your ears and your mind to be able to perceive him. Remember you mean nothing, you are nothing, we are weak and sinners, you have no right to ask for anything to benefit you, and in fact you don’t want to benefit the sinful you, you want food for the Holy Spirit inside you to grow stronger , and you (even your sinful you) wants this, even if you think for some reason that you don’t right now. God is truly great and truly wise. But that is the sinful me, and I don’t want to feed him, I want to destroy him. I want to grow God. His will IS my will, in that respect. God answers prayers, and you can and will experience this yourself if you let him teach you how to listen. You have to realize you’re a sinner though, you have to want to destroy yourself completely. Enough experience with sin will teach you the validity of God’s law, and it will produce this desire in you, but God can also produce this desire in you , because as you get closer, fear disappears and joy and peace dominate.
This advice is much easier said than done, I realize this, I realize this fully, and I am in this thread because I have just made a big mistake with porn. It’s hard to hear God when you are in the middle of being willfully disobedient. But I will praise God always, because God is the only way forward, there is no light or truth outside of him. I know this is true. I am struggling myself figuring out how to get past the pornography addiction. I am 31, and it has dominated my thoughts and actions for far too long of my life. But Until I can figure out what to do , here, I wil keep praying and confessing this and coming back immediately into his light, because I know the answer is no where else. Also, I have prayed for you personally, and I have prayed for all anons in this thread. that God would bring you personally, and all of us, the wisdom we need to perceive him and the discipline needed to direct our thoughts in a direction that will help us grow closer to him. Prayers are answered all he time, friend. Have faith , God is very real. This prayer will be answered. God always allows us to pray for wisdom, and it is a prayer that truly works. This advice is much easier said than done, I realize this, and I am in this thread because I have just made a big mistake with porn. We need those of you who burn the brightest and hottest to shine his light to all of us more than ever. Godspeed, brother. Stay strong in the Lord, friends.
Friend, God does actively materially reward people. His presence is the fear killer. He is my refuge, and there is joy and peace under his wing. This is a very real experience, and it is very comfy there. The Holy Spirit convicts hs and teaches us , and the path to God ‘s light is truly blessed, because there is no fear with him. Fear comes from rejecting him, and knowing that we need to be corrected and purified in order to become near to him again, and I WANT to become near to him, and you want me to , and I want you to, because we all will be very seriously , materially better off without fear resting in the sure knowledge that we are doing God’s will, and he uses and protects us to implement his plan. Following his law means we don’t need to fear—walking in the way of the truth and the light leads straight to God’s presence, and is such a better experience for you (and all of us) than walking back and forth and back and forth along the wicked/crooked paths, stumbling along (and alone) through the darkness.
Does not watching/writing porn/erotica slowly eliminate/reverse fetishes that developed over the course of the habit?
Yes it does, but it helps to fill in the time and the eventual dopamine withdrawal with something productive (like lifting weights, reading books, studying the Bible, learning a skill, making art, etc). Keep your time and hands busy with things other than just browsing the Internet and your temptations will flee from you.
it won't be easy and I'll take approximately 90 days to wire your brain back to normal but I believe in you and I'll keep you in my prayers.
What if I don't desire a wife? I have chosen celibacy.
I am not fit for a family or company
I've went 13 months before before I tripped and fell to temptation. I won't make that mistake again. I'll make it through 2019 and hopefully with the Lord's help kick that sinful habit once and for all.
Get married to the Church.
Curious, how big of a blow did it feel like? Did you feel high pentence? Or did you shrug it off?
This. People need to stop thinking like this and get into a mindset to do what pleases God.
I just failed last night.
I went without 3 weeks tops, and I can't seem to be able to go longer than that.
I completely stopped with intentionally seeking out porn but it's hard to avoid sometimes, and when I see some, or even just some suggestive imagery or a pretty woman, I get triggered and I try to fight every time but it gets the better of me.
It's because your brain hasn't fully rebooted yet and during the withdrawal phase, it is very hyper-sensitive to any triggers. You need to make this a medium-to-long-term objective of yours and get your brain back to equilibrium. I would even go the extreme route and cut off access to the Internet for some time as well and just read books, go full 1980s mode if you get what I mean. If it's too much to bear, I would try a "controlled emission" that you plan out (e.g. 1 month from now).
I've been porn and masturbation free for almost 5 years now, I can go on /b/ and not get triggered, that said I still avoid it if possible (flee from sexual temptations) but it's been well worth it. The only problem I face these days is nocturnal emissions but that's honestly better than masturbating for the nightly (Satanic) ritual.
"dear Lord, grant me swift sleep and strong dreams to know your will."
are you implying there is a contradiction? If so, I do not see it…
The Jeremiah reference is a good one though, thank you for pointing it out. I don it think it is entirely relevant just here, but it is wise advice for me to remember and I’m actually very glad I read that just now.