Are people really paid to shill here?

Are people really paid to shill here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, they get paid in (you)s

They get paid every time someone claims another poster is a paid shill.

They get paid in grace if they're cathodox and do good. Prots do it for free.

No prots do it glorify grace

this board was made to promote heresy. don't get your theology from this board. don't take this board seriously, as it likes to take itself. it wouldn't even be so ad if you didn't get banned for making the slightest joke or shitpost. its still an imageboard for winnie the poohsake, but they allow no fun because "it's a sin." everyone here is a LARPer and the mods are the worst of all, pretending they are some holy standard

What about the occasional muslims, atheist and larpagan trolls?

Israel is known to have an internet defence force to "defending" against "anti-Semitism". I'd imagine they're paid to troll Pol on a daily basis, both here and halfchan. Is it too out of the ordinary to expect them to troll here as well?

Bearing false witness is a sin, user

Being partially blind doesn't make one fully blind.


go back fag

They go to the afterlife their god(s) has promised them. Unless they disobeyed the wishes of said god(s).

its like poetry

I've seen an influx of larpagan and atheist shills lately. Stay alert, christanons.

I've seen some people whose writing are so strawman like I refuse to believe they are even Christians. I couldn't make some of the posts up myself even if I tried to make the most stupid strawman I could imagine. As in, they hit every major talking point like a Vox episode on Christianity.
Maybe some very dedicated Pope Francis lovers got addicted to hating us on here, that's also a possibility.

Bumping for shill awareness.

I wish.
I could donate the money to charity.

Since this page is hosted on NSA servers, they are not only getting payed to "shill" their agendas, but taxpayers are funding the bill.



We have an Ukrainian government shill in here currently.

Nah, there's some atheists who come to debate us.

It's not hosted on NSA servers, it uses CloudFlare as it's CDN.

That means that if the fags from other religions disobey their gods they go to our heaven?

The thread about medieval pogroms was almost certainly made by JIDF.

There are a lot of internet prots brigading here from somewhere. Not sure if they're payed though

Look it up Cass Sunstein and cognitive infiltration.

I suspect there's some discord server dedicated to post larpagan baits every now and then.

Yeah, user, you are toooootally in furious warfare with middle eastern secret services on this board.
And you are winning, too.

I'm literally on a jesuit payroll. Because there is nothing more important than shitposting to annoy a handful of ortholarps on an anime board

Kikes hate the Christ, and we know for sure they actively try to disrupt Zig Forums, is it too much of a stretch to assume they don't do the same here?

Here's how these sort of campaigns actually work:
a)public blanketism of internal discourse via big groups of NEET's, aka 50 cent armies in China and Russia;
b)if the group is relatively smaller and somwhat close to their ideology, entryism(what Stormfront did to halfchan Zig Forums)
c)well-organized targeted campaigns to slander X or promote their viewpoint among the general population;

No decently organized group is gonna waste time and money posting, once in a blue moon, some mildly inflammatory things on sites that are tangentially related to an offshot of their supposed target(even assuming Zig Forums's invocation of the JIDF boogeyman is NOT just a combination of their posters's self-importance and paranoia, comparable to /x/ screaming "Disinfo!", "Gov Shill!" whenever someone calls them stupid)

This is such a relatively unpopular board that it blows my mind people believe this. Yeah I don't doubt the government has people watching Zig Forums and /b/ on halfchan, and maybe even posting sometimes to try to datamine or influence the conversation. But doing that with every little board would be expensive and unproductive.

the only time I'd imagine any paid political shills come here are in actual political threads

if you notice these guys in Zig Forums and /tv/, they actually rarely post outside of certain threads. they probably get paid for specific shilling objects (all of Zig Forums, certain attempts at swaying public opinion on /tv/, /v/, etc)

Zig Forums has a big influence. It would be stupid to let them roam wild if I was a company made by masters of propaganda which was created solely for disrupting arguments on the Internet.


As a shill you need to remember who you are up against.

The Spirit of GOD says, "When Donald Trump is elected, a sign will be given. The Earth will quake and shake because of who I have Chosen. (How many earth quakes have occurred since in announcing?)
Its a shift, a shift in the Power structure that is taking place and another sign will be given when it falls without grace. A lightning strike and a great wind shall topple the so called Great Monument and they will not be able to mend. It will be a sign that the Luciferian reign and ungodly powers are coming to an end. I have had it with time and truth that bends. When it topples and shatters the capstone the builders accepted will be exposed for all to see and the one they rejected who is me. For these ungodly powers I lord God will expose! From the Illuminati to the Cabal, they are beginning to decompose. For those that speak of myths of wrath to come are creating fanaticism and they will go down to the abyss with a cataclysm. Remember and be wary of your words and deeds

Zionists yea

JIDF is not a secret service, though. And your post does glow in the dark.

I think they are more "useful idiots" than actuall professionals that get paid.

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Shill for Christ, brother.


You do realize they exist and that they are not secret right? painting everyone as "nut conspiracist" is not an argument

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Why would they waste their time and what will they gain from it?

They have nothing better to do
They sow discord and discontent which demoralizes people. It's a common leftist tactic. Once you are able to demoralize your enemy you are able to break them. think Israel hijacking Palestinian airwaves to broadcast porn, things like that.

It wouldn't surprise me if there were actual Roman Catholic vocationists shilling on here, because they have all the money in the world and nothing better to do with their time. This is what the mods probably are.

Frankly, if God is too much of a coward to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his followers are more than happy to enable his reckless behaviour under the common argument "muh free will exonerates God", why should I, or anyone, even bother following the impotent retard?

I see now why the kikes laugh at Christianity. It's a joke religion predicated entirely behind 'Heaven on a Stick,' don't mess up or you're going to suffer for eternity! This farce is unnecessary.

I spit on god.

Really just think about it. If your son murdered his brother then of course he should be punished. But wouldn't you contemplate your failures as a father?

God isn't infallible, so why would I follow him?

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I wish I was paid to cockpost.

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There's hardly any doubt at this point. Just look at the thread about modesty. I suppose that shills prefer to act late at night, so stay alert.

Found a member of the JIDF

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Are Khazars middle eastern?

I strongly assume there are plenty of people from a Catholic vocation here, whose life expenses are paid for by the Catholic church - and who have nothing better to do because their parishes are so small.
So yeah, kind of.
See also:

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This post is annoyingly dumb.

So monastics? Or priests? Or deacons? Who are you speaking about?
So, a local parish—poor as they usually are since wealth, contrary to what some people think, isn't just loosely shared around in the Church—is going to fund people to shill on some obscure, irrelevant imageboard? This is some next-level conspiratard-posting.

And those links. You think it's some "gotcha" moment? Some secret that no-one knows about?

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Any of those if they have Internet access.
I lived in a Catholic country and the priests had large salaries and the parishes were very small. Who payed the salaries, whether the state or the Catholic church, I don't know, but I assume there is plenty of people who are directly paid for by the Catholic Church, which is very rich.
This is not what I implied, read my post again. And even if I had implied it, it would not be "conspiratard-posting", but online-shill organizations do exist, as you can see in the very real JIDF.

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I don't know what shithole you are from, but priests do not make large salaries here in the deep south. In fact, the only ones who do are the prosperity gospel preaching megachurch "evangelicals". I can assure you Reverend Bob at the United Methodist Church of Anytown, Alabama will barely clear 30k a year, if that. I can also assure you that Father Robert of the Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church of Whatevertown, Arkansas isn't making more than 25k a year. Pastor Jim of that independent fundamentalist baptist church down at the strip mall in Georgia is probably not making a single dime and is living off of the income from his lawn company.

There are shills all over image-boards, but they aren't from the papacy, I'll tell you that. I'll also tell you that the average monk/nun has absolutely zero time for shitposting, as those men and women have their entire lives regimented around work, prayer, and service.

I'm not even a Catholic, but you shouldn't compare the works of Caesar to those of God.

So, coming back to this post 2 months later, the best you could come up in the meantime with was indeed calling me Schlomo?
C'mon guys, put some effort.

Anyway, Christ has risen!
Have a nice morning/day/evening/night

Austria. The average salary is 27.000€ pre-tax, whereas the salary of a Catholic Priest is 36.000€ after a few years of service.
From all the denominations the Catholics have been the most expansionist. I really wouldn't put it past them to evangelize online.

It's true the majority of this board is Catholic, but that's because there's a massive amount of American/West European ex-Zig Forumsacks here who investigated Catholicism because it's what they perceived to be a traditionalist vanguard. You must be new here to be assuming such outlandish theories, not to mention unfamiliar with Catholics and the inner workings of Catholic parishes (that 36000 is nothing when you actually have to pay for a functional church and community).

That's a fantastic claim.
Pretty sure the priest doesn't pay for the church, only his living expenses.

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Cherry picking doesn't change dogma.

Give the vatican enough time and it eventually will become dogma. At least that's what happen with the marian dogmas and the Monastic movement.

Marian apparitions are literally Jesus' Mother, the queen of heaven, giving us information. Like Telling us to repent snd pray the rosary everyday. That doesn't mean it changes dogma dramatically like allowing sodomites into the church would.
Funny enough, Francis and Benny16 both have already reiterated that sodomites aren't allowed into the Church. Completely in line with the CCC.

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Stop. "Useful idiots" isn't a nice description for paptists, even when it's the most accurate.


I dunno. All I know is I wish I was paid to suck dick.

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No. You're reported.

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Go away, sodomite.


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The fact that this thread got swarmed by degenerate sodomite porn posting shills pretty much proves it.

Frog posters are literal shills. Every time someone posts a frog, they are being paid to D&C the board.

Many posters on 4chan threads often sound like a commercial shill campaigners.


Prove it, tigga.

It proves itself.

Ok heres a frog when and where can I expect my payment?

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Of course they shill, for example the western intelligence services didnt like the orthodox threads here, because in their eyes it spread russian influence,point of view (no joke), so lately they have been supressing them and started shilling catholicism. Havent you noticed the shift? Suddenly out of nowhere catholic threads are everywhere, you would think the entire vatican inteligentsia moved here…

Probably the other way round, FSB stopped funding ortholarp threads around here.

funny, i thought most of the ortho's were crypto-protestants looking to start flamewars or literal jay dyer shills