Why do Protestants and Catholics on this board fight each other so much when there are bigger issues that are directly affecting our faith? I love debate and all because it builds our faith, but we should also really focus on the things above.
Threats to the Christian Faith
On the contrary; the reason any of this threatens us is because certain nameless people and Christian denominations allowed it to, continue to allow it, and spread their cancer outside the USA to indoctrinate more people and drive them into the same hell. There are no threats to Christianity that aren't self-inflicted, martyrdom from enemies is easier for the faith to deal with than subversion from within.
It doesn't help that bad actors on both sides of the isle unironically defend sodomites and accept them in each respective clergy.
Diplomatic unity is a contradiction. There is no such thing.
This would be good, this way priests wouldn't have to conform to what the government says their religion is. Maybe give an exemption to cities under 100k people.
I'm neither, but I like a lot of you (not necessarily all of the theology or leadership). I posted in that evangelical/zionism thread earlier, and think all of us traditional Christians are enemies of the world. If it gets bad enough, it will be us who suffer persecution. No one else. So in that spirit, we have to stick together. Not in some gay ecumenical sense, but in true brotherly love, and proudly being "fools for Christ" in these times.
Literally none of that affects my faith. If they affect yours, then maybe you need stronger faith.
I don't think he mean personal faith, but our society at large. "The" faith. Or that's how I read it.
In that sense, I agree. We could do with getting past some of our hangups here and realize there be dragons about.
"Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught…"
Look at this, he/she was right:
Protestantism is a bigger threat to the faith.
Catholicism is a bigger threat to young men and boys everywhere.
Y’all although debate is great, this was made for unity. Try and focus on the other problems out there
pretty much this
To claim this is to say that there was no right Christianity before Protestantism which is completely absurd. Be more measured in your approach, user.
I concede to your correction and apologise. But I find the original claim in itself an inadmissible exaggeration.
The dude was just giving banter about the pedo epidemic my guy
Top jej
The biggest and most ancient threat of the faith is the belief that sanctification grants justification while the opposing party abandons sanctification altogether.
Homosexuality is a problem for homosexuals; heterosexuals face heterosexual problems.
Remarkably similar to above.
Merely human; the failings of a priest can't be seen as a reason to abandon Christ.
You make it sound like the majority of them haven't taken up the arms of evil.
Everybody's an ancap when it's their turn to render.
Would not be an issue at all if national homogeneity weren't a taboo topic in the modern era. Islam takes every gift you give them, melts those gifts down, and forges the material into weapons to be used against you.
New? Silly me, I've only heard of 1800s Marxism and its same old facade of taking care of "the less fortunate" as an excuse to destroy the middle and steal the top of the social ladder.
Because every denomination ever proclaims themselves to be the one-and-only, and other denominations are enemy factions regardless of the season or century.
An innocent thread died for this.
Top ten saddest deaths in anime.
Also you missed my point. You recongnize these as issues, but you, and none of us on this board for that matter, are really doing anything about those above issues. Instead we can hear screeching about the problems themselves, while no solution is provided. This thread should be a wake up call for Zig Forums to fight the true things hurting our faith instead of arguing about sacraments or how Martin Luther was a big fat heritic. Do you see my point?
This is some kind of mutant lolberg logic, the mass push for popular acceptance of all these things is an assault upon the faithful
there are none, nice try
Not homosexuality itself…the raise of that sin! I suffer from SSA and I struggled with it for many years with many moments of failure; but I want to make amend for my failures…not all homosexuals are LGBTQIAetc, and not all LGBTQIAwhatever are homosexuals; many of them are just on the fad bandwagon for brownie points.
Even when I was an active homosexual I found myself being ostracised due to my anti-“marriage” and anti-adoption positions. Please don’t take this as a justification for a terrible sin, but for a defence of the struggle some homosexual persons are going through in their thirst for God’s light.
Well, snares to our salvation, maybe?
Modern society is truly hellbent to atomise/making us into lonely monads in a crowd of faceless drones whilst feeding our egoistic/hedonistic side and desires.
It has always been this way.
What did you think I was trying to do, trick you?
What does it mean?
Same-sex attraction. Some Christian communities use it to distinguish it from simply "gay" or "homosexual" since there's no consensus on whether those terms denote someone attracted to members their own sex or someone openly practicing/advocating sodomy.
I heard that >>>/nofap/ helps with straightening out someone's sexuality.
It's doctrinal. Deal breaking dogma. My best friend is a Catholic, I'm a Pentecostal. We get along fine. When discussing our beliefs, it gets heated, almost ended our friendship a couple times, now we just banter and share memes. As far as beliefs are concerned, Catholics and Protestants have a ton in common, and have the potential to learn from each other in a real profound way. It's as soon as you get to justification, faith vs works, the priesthood, baptism– the real fundamental things that makes someone a follower of Christ; it's not about getting along, Catholics and Protestants can do that just find so long as they understand each others beliefs. It's when they begin to work together that it becomes impossible. Protestants are obsessed with not being deceived. They're constantly vigilant against believing the wrong thing.
This is likely due to the fact that it has evolved so many times at so many points in time. Lordship salvation, "easy believism", calvinism vs arminianism, once saved always saved, the nature of sin, how much sin does it take to cut you off, does sin cut us off at all, does it break fellowship or put us in true danger, prosperity gospel and seeker friendly heresies, near death experiences sowing distractions towards heaven, and near death experiences of people going to hell, visions, prophesy, and a myriad of minute doctrinal issues that split believers down to the individual. It causes Protestants to be inherently distrustful towards any other person of faith, especially when they don't understand the other persons beliefs due to the attitude that they don't need to because it's heresy. Naturally, Catholics look at this and want nothing to do with Protestants. Even if that weren't true, the extreme orthodoxy and legalism found within the Catholic Church makes them skeptical against any sect not of their own by virtue of their own orthodoxy, and the imploring never to venture outside the borders of their dogma.
This is why the two groups can't get along, just to scratch the iceberg. But my friendship with my Catholic friend has caused us to find the remedy to this feud altogether, and that's the fact that among this labyrinth of dogmatic beliefs, it's easy to miss the most important figure of them all. Jesus Christ. Chances are, if you're a Christian, and you believe anything about the Bible, another Christian is going to call you a heretic. It's utterly unavoidable. Who then can be right? Only one is. I'll tell you who the true Christian is, and that is the Christian who in their own confusion and earnest seeking of the real Jesus, realizes the sufficiency of Christ alone and the core message of the entire Bible which is built on a solid foundation of trust of the Lord. The Lord Almighty is worthy of our trust. He is trustworthy. If you believe in the gospel, and you place your trust in him, and earnestly seek to do his will, he is faithful to show you what his will is. The problem with Christianity is that because man is blind, he tries to find ways to see through the diligent study of scripture on his own accord, coming to his own conclusions and trusting the words of men instead of trusting the Living Breathing person of Jesus Christ who was and is and always will be the Word. The Way, the Truth and the Light.
Making the decision to actually trust him is what actually separates the true believer from the false believer. The sheep from the goats. Putting your trust in the hands of the Most Trustworthy will never fail the earnest heart, because God is faithful. His eyes search to and fro along the Earth for the heart who genuinely seeks him. It isn't the good Catholic or the good Protestant who will enter the Kingdom. It isn't the one who relies on their works per sae. It is the one who becomes like little children, trusting the Lord as a child, eager to do his will as a child, delighting in the praises of his Father as a child. This is who will be saved, and this is who you should be associating with and getting along with. In the spiraling hallways of manmade doctrine, in my deepest confusion and fear of what is right, this is the only conclusion I have come to. This is the only conclusion any earnest heart who desires the Lord will come to. And it's in this utter abandon of pride and self righteousness that one realizes the true sufficiency of Christ.
God bless
Great post amen.