Will God give us cool monsters in Heaven to look at and ride?
Will God give us cool monsters in Heaven to look at and ride?
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Hope I can hang out with friendly lovecraftian monsters tb(h)
Heaven is nonstop liturgy, fam.
Couldn't the monsters be incorporated into the liturgy? Like, Jonah shows up and literally gets eaten by a whale?
literally laughed out loud in real life
also; it's 'great fish'
There will be a New Earth, presumably with animals. He made the Earth very good in the beginning, I don’t see why the New Earth wouldn’t also be very good. If by “monsters” you mean “weird-looking animals”.
i was wondering if he factored in the absolutely terrifying agels, wheels within wheels and etcetera
We’re explicitly told those are in the throne room, so yeah they’ll be there.
ye, i'm on top of that – was just wondering if OP was looking for monsters to play with, would he be thinking about how some of the angels are so alien to our experience they would strike him with awe
now i'm musing on how these awe-full creatures are only shadows of the alien Majesty of God, His self revelation declaring that He is 'Holy, Holy, Holy!' meaning 'Other, Other, Other' or 'Apart, Apart, Apart' and completely foreign to both ours and even these angels understanding as to be altogether and infinitely wondrous
which then leads me to thinking that OP won't even care about dinosaurs in Heaven, since he would have opportunity to be amazed eternally by the presence of The One – thus the eternal liturgy of praise from the collected saints
course i only came in here to say lol to that guy with the bit about Jonah, so what would i know, huh?
Nope, but you won't care.
Most likely your desires in heaven will be totally alien to the desires you have now. All activities and pursuits fall short of the almighty, God will be all you need in heaven.
I'm happy I brought you joy.
Yeah, that's what I meant - hence the cryptozoology.
I heard of that, but like said we get a new Earth so I'm curious if this means we'll live in a magical fantasy land filled with wonderous creatures like Middle Earth or something.
What the Bible says is final and I believe it, but I was motivated to become a Christian by what can only be called childish delight in the incredible beasts, events and figures of the Bible. I want to experience the incredible world of Genesis, have visions like Moses, etc.
that's quite endearing
just going back a second though, the creatures were created by The Creator, and the vision Moses had of God were of that same Creator, so while i'm with you that eternity is gonna be wondrous and likely filled with fantastic beasties such as God said he delighted in – like the Leviathan of Job (that God seems to say He made just because it was cool) – i think your greater delight will be in your Maker who will capture all your attention
… though i suppose God might similarly reveal more of Himself by His creatures and so captivate you with His infinite zoology
I hope there is /comfy/ in the New Earth.
I've actually had visions of Heaven before, and I've been told these visions were probably Satanic. I'm torn between accepting what I'm told by other Christians, and accepting the divinity of my visions.
In Heaven, I was vomiting psychedelic mucus that felt connected to me like an organ. The mucus flowed throughout the entire universe, and I felt chained - if I moved, I'd be dragging this mucus-line behind me.
I was also 'dancing,' but it was more like being tossed between multiple frying pans while projectile-vomiting.
I was terrified by these visions, and they made me glad to be on Earth. It was literally was Moses, Ezekiel, etc describe. I saw seeming impossible things happen, and it felt like Heaven was inevitable and nigh. I got an impression that I had to stop masturbating, or I'd never get to see this Heaven - but Buddhism, not Christianity motivated this NoFap at the time.
I came out a Christian, so I think I saw Heaven. But others disagree. It kind of hurts me when people call my visions Satanic, and only the promise of Salvation makes me willing to give up my visions.
What I saw was that Man was God, and he'd just forgotten his true self. It was like God's self was inside of me, and my true self was God's self.
I can worship this 'inner self' - if I'm not mistaken, St. Augustine said that God was nearing to him than his own heart;
Also, this part of the Catechism from Cyril;
I hope that my visions were real. This sounds a lot like Quantum entanglement.
I saw Heaven as a parking garage/mall/church/supermarket, filled with beautiful people with godlike powers - what I've come to understand were saints. God seemed to be a presence which filled all the rooms. There was a massive 'Christmas' feeling - silent, solemn and self-justifying. My family has always done a nativity scene even though my parents are Atheists - but it was the tree and the lights in an otherwise dark room that defines the feeling best.
I could see that people were like candles in this darkness, and a vast pier network that connected bunches of candles (Pic related.) I could also feel atoms like balloons, and my body seemed to be a giant balloon man and it seemed like all of this was happening inside my body.
If this was God, I could watch him all day. I started this thread because it felt like everything was in Heaven - like it was the biggest, grandest MMORPG imaginable. Nothing was impossible, and all our desires and more were true. It felt like there something higher than my desires, and I felt good about myself and felt like even grander pleasures were guaranteed.
im sorry people have called your visions Satanic. I hope you didn't take it personally, some of us here are just trying to be extra spiritually safe. we have to be vigilant. prelest is a very tricky thing.
Well, the thing is, they might be. If I can't reveal them to the average Christian without being rebuked, maybe *I'm* wrong.
When I had my visions, it kicked off several years of vicious arguments and knock-down, drag-out fights over religion. In the end, I felt so humiliated that I tore the veil off and just said I was a Christian - I'd been leaning that way for a while.
I was run off by supposed friends for talking about religion. I also had read these verses by then;
I'd half-heartedly said I was a Christian, but I was authentically religious. My God wasn't the Christian God, but I'd begun to worship a celestial Father. When I was finally persecuted while advocating Christianity, and the viciousness with which I was rejected was *worse* than it was when I'd just spouted Paganism, I became a believer.
The ring-leader of my persecution then said that Christians 'Can't be oppressed' in the USA. At that point, I could see the hypocrisy that was being perpetuated against Christians, and I felt like I'd had a real Christian experience; I had been mocked and humiliated for advocating Jesus.
I'd begged anything for a reason to believe in something beyond myself. How could I not take this authentic religious calling?
My visions involved a sense of 'boundless honesty' and 'boundless knowledge.' I was told that everyone will see the same thing, and I felt very elite for having seen this early.
Also, I should admit that Salvia divinorum caused these visions;
The thing is, when I smoked it I was aware that the Mazatecs were Catholic and understood it within the context of Christianity. But I smoked it with the idea of creating my own religion, and now I'm a Christian. That would be my argument against it being Satanic.
Just my 2 cents here, but usually just because something is a little outlandish, a lot of average Christians will take it for the Devil's work. If your visions involved our Lord in a good light, I don't see why you should be wrong.
can't speak much to the source of your personal visions, but it might be worth distinguishing between allegorical imagery which may have been tinged by your own ruminations, and the revealed pictures of Heaven that are drawn in Scripture
Non sanctus est
Thanks. God bless you.
So, distinguish between my visions - which I have to hold as inferior to scripture - and the descriptions of Heaven in scripture?
What I'll say is that my first attempts at Christian theology were abortions. In my visions, graphene was used to make a black goo which was capable of functioning as any organ in the body - even the brain. So, when I read 1 Corinthians 15, I read what I'd seen;
'Quickened' means 'burnt;'
We don't sow the body that shall be - we sow the materials which God sets on fire with the Holy Spirit;
Graphene is made with a laser from lignin (Contained in wheat, and any other grain;)
I was converted to Christianity when I realized that God promises greater things than graphene - God promised all power, if only I submitted to him and humbled myself on Earth. Truly, as Justin Martyr said - and I basically have his religious background - reason leads one to Christianity;
Even before Christianity, it was obvious to me that the universe was ruled by a Father - his true identity is now revealed to me. But submittng to Christian dogma, I don't think I'm missing out on anything. God wil give me what I wanted as a magician - just for becoming his slave.
I don't have any authority to tell you whether what you saw was true or not. It sounds like you're being careful about putting too much stock in these things, and that's good, because prelest is a real threat.
Also, that you came out of this experience a Christian is not necessarily proof that the original vision was not Satanic. God can turn even the actions of demons to the good.
Of what you've said, this is what most makes me feel suspicious that you're experiencing prelest. In my own experiences that I believe to have been contact with God, I didn't get the sense of being part of an elite. Instead, I felt as though God was taking away an obstacle that was keeping me from trusting in Him fully. He reached out to me out of mercy, not to set me above others, at least as I understood it.
If anything I've said is heretical, I disown it. I have full faith that God's plan is greater than what I saw.
I uploaded the description of the last time I had such a vision (March 2017;)
It felt like the world *was* 1839 - culturally, every year beyond that had suddenly not occured.
My embracing of Christianity is tied-up with my return to 1839, mentally. It's hard to describe, but the world feels simpler - much like a NES or gameboy game. The complexity of the modern world was revealed to be madness, and I wanted to return to a prior, more primal age.
I don't use Salvia anymore, but I do crave the visions. My hope is that Christian liturgy will induce a mystical state like I felt from Salvia.