blessed dom justo takayama pray for us
Blessed dom justo takayama pray for us
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Tbh, OP, I thought you were trolling, but I just looked him up and he really is a blessed.
Thank you for introducing me to a new figure in the church.
we know very little about the thousands of those asians who chose christ over their lives. pic related is a korean saint who suffered martyrdom
And China
If Xi "winne the pooh" Jinping doesn't get his way their might be more martyrs to add. Pray for them 🙏
blessed caius of korea has an interesting story which is connected to justo takayama's as well
Bamping because the Japanese Madonna and Baby Jesus is pleasing to the eye.
Iran, India, China, and Japan would be majority Christian if islam never existed.
AFAIK, islam didn't impede the spread of christianity in Japan, what really did damage was the bombings and of course, the prohibition act. Don't know about other countries though.
I don’t understand Catholics. They’ll cry and cry about all these Catholic martyrs, but once they have power, they want to kill anyone who disagrees with their doctrine (observe certain posters on this board).
Individuals =/= Catholics. I don't want power, and if I were forced to have it by God I wouldn't kill anyone who disagreed with me, in fact I'd protect them from those who would kill them, and treat them like the fellow humans suffering under sin that they are.
So, if you lived in say, the Middle Ages, would you protect Albigensians from persecution in the face of the Catholic Church?
My guess is he also sympathizes with the VIKANGZ when they kidnapped women and sold them to Muslims.
it was of the interest of the protestant dutch to have the nips turn against catholicism
just like the american protestants acted in favor of the masonry banning catholicism in mexico
Yes, this also impeded the spread. But it was the japanese that ultimately prohibited it
As much as I could, I would, despite disagreeing strongly with their heresies and murderous ways. But that's just me, and I don't represent the Church anymore than those who would take power and persecute and do violence and kill.
Uhh… who even represents the church then?
imma give you a hint.
the representatives of the church will not be found on Zig Forums
Christian missionaries would have arrived in Japan centuries earlier than when they did, had it not been for islam, islamic conquests destroyed the silk road that carried goods and ideas between West and East.
A good christian is a christian being split in half.
Praise Tokugawa.
Suits you well you know.
1. catholics would deliver up heretics to the state, the state itself would usually have the death penalty, because heretics usually used their innovations to rebel.
2. the actual theological punishment is simple excommunication, there's no evidence that the Church has ever just began to strung up people She doesn't like
you would understand Catholics if you had read history more :)
the albigensians were political insurrectionists, no idea where you get this idea that they were peaceful non-conformists
the Church did not declare the crusade until the Albigensians assassinated a papal legate, something you leave out.
You would be the loser for simply thinking that this is all there is. Remember this.
The Virgin Shogun Tokugawa vs The Chad Commodore Perry
His face looks like…something in between Henry VIII and Wojak.
Damn, I'm fairly passionate about the Sengoku era so I saw that portrait about a thousand times already, but I have not thought of the similiarity before.
He really does look a bit like Wojak,
I took this close up and flipped it around…wow, fine observation user.
My sides
As said, the only good christian is a christian split in half.
So the Imperial japanese supported by England and the US are peasant with guns? Why aren't the shogunate peasants with guns too?
Yep, baste freemason admiral from freemason country.
Golden age?
Shitty poverty ridden country sitting on tons of potential with both the Samurai class and the peasantry who won his bloody seat for him living like crap while the entire country is isolated to the point of not even TRADE coming in resulting in famines among others thing and most importantly an incredible technological stagnation.
If Meiji didn't kick his dumbass dynasty's ass back to the rice fields Japan would've become a Russian or American colony if anything.
Real golden age buddy and again, he left behind nothing that he accomplished on his own which is what I said, far and wide he's well known as the guy riding the backs of others' successes, most notably the successes as Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, for Christ's sake even in Japan, even during his own reign he was regarded as a wastrel who bootlicked and exploited his way to the top through insidious and opportunistic means.
One of the most famous Japanese poems about the Sengoku jidai is about how much of a good for nothing he was who's only merits are the result of stealing the success of others.
Nobunaga made/prepared/worked on (the rice cake)
羽柴がこねし 天下餅
Hachiba (Hideyoshi) kneaded the world rice cake (world taken to mean Japan only)
座りしままに 食うは徳川
And the one that sat down and ate it was Tokugawa."
And that's the guy you're defending as having established a 'golden age'? Are you the Vietnamese funposter?
The christcuck speaks his mind.
Tokugawa ruled a 200 years of peace and prosperity for Japan, with the Edo period rivaling the Kamakura period in art, culture and economy. Meanwhile, which eastern country had a better technology than Japan at the time? NONE? Korea is caveman tier and China is in endless war. Only the West can contend with Japan.
The Meiji Restoration brought capitalist into the country and in fact bring Japan into further ruin by destroying its honor based culture, and now we have it, american-ruled Japan that can barely hang on because they refuse (((christian))) influence.
The Boshin war was a civil war and whoever wins nonetheless is going to modernize, the Emperor himself became a puppet to capitalists after the Boshin war.
What matters at the end of the day is whoever wins, and Tokugawa did, all others are sorelosers.
I said it again and again, the only good christian is a christian split in half.
They are jew golem.
The Meiji happened for a reason. But most Asians don't realize or want to admit that it wasn't until Asia started imitating the West that they became an actual global power. If you know Japanese or world history though, it's obvious.
Were it not for that, Japan would still be rubbing bird crap on their faces with wood block sandals on, and probably would be a British or Russian colony.
For your argument, all the big asian countries (Vietnam included) were trying to westernize at the same time, but only Japan succeeded because of their ability and willing to learn (technology and industry) but without taking the bad parts (Christianity).
This still comes to bite them in the ass later on because of the zaibatsu who are not loyal to the Empire.
Just like America was a british colony? Or Hong Kong?
lol dickhead
polite sage because I'm an immature retard.
That's what should happen to all christian.
The fact you think this prove you know nothing about Japanese history or culture, and are probably just a blind weeb or pagan sodomite.
The Meiji brought in western culture on their own terms because it was either do that or be forced into it by some colonial power. By doing this, Japan maintained its independence and grew to become an imperial power in its own right. Unlike China or most of South-east Asia… Including Vietnam, pal.
Honor based culture continued to be present all the way until the end of WW2, and even then it hasn't died out entirely as you assert. Americanization of Japan was the result of WW2, not of general westernization, and even then Japan maintains a close connection to it's culture.
go to a Japanese wedding.
So you're saying Christianity doesn't have a foothold in japan outside of christian ghettos like Nagasaki?.. So what the hell is your argument you friken gook?
Yeah, and America is now a nation of whites where the natives were either killed off or are treated like cattle… so not a good example bud.
Be thankful medieval Christian Europe didn't come see you first.
So it's still being forced to adopt it, Meiji or the last Tokugawa cannot choose on the matter.
And it still ends up biting them in the ass, because the western capitalism culture is cancerous.
It's still alive but no thanks to Christianity nor western culture.
Yeah, thanks consumerist.
They don't, any foothold is watched carefully by the shogunate or imperial power, any christian is a potential traitor.
You mean like every country in the world, bud, all thanks to Christianity.
I think they did come and they got killed.
Japan got forced to welcome christians because freemason secularized americans force them to, not out of any freewill. Meanwhile, medieval "christian" Europe has trouble keeping their little continent in tact.
Cut off their head in case they come back.
Christians are zombies, they worship a corpse.
Okay let's roll with that, Emperor Meiji is the winner and Tokugawa's entire dynasty is a bunch of losers piggybacking on the successes of others.
But wait, Meiji's dynasty was also defeated, WW2 brought an end to his descendants (or the military's rule rather) rule in all but name, so, the Japanese Emperors are just losers, Japanese as a whole are losers, after all the Americans, the Russians and the Chinese won.
You posted this from a PC you dumbass, why not live in the woods without running water and electricity if you despise technology so much?
There's a clear seperation point where it's good and when it's bad for anyone with half a brain but I guess that's too much for you eh,
I guess it's better to become the colony of a foreign power instead of modernizing and leaving behind isolation like Meiji did yes? Bugger off.
Bullshit, the entire point of the war was ultimately isolationism and technological stagnation Vs interventionism and innovation, the latter won and short term saved Japan.
Umm, Korea went through literally the same what you think Japan went through but more, it did have 200 years of peace & prosperity, the Joseon dynasty as a whole was a golden age for Korea and it definitely trumped Japan in terms of rulers, they repelled an invasion from your 'superior' Japan during this time exactly., they also didn't have a famine during all of this as opposed to Japan
China during this time was also ruled by the Ming dynasty and that trumps anything pre-Meiji Japan ever accomplished, the Ming dynasty is one of the greatest eras of peace, prosperity and advancement of humanity in all of history, you're kidding me right, Japan was a lowly nobody from both outsider and internal view in comparison to Ming China.
China only really went donwhill during the late-Qing dynasty which is not what we're discussing here.
There's also a case to be made for the Mughal Empire being far more successful than Tokugawa's Japan but I won't go into that for I'm not that well informed about them.
And this is just Asia, Christendom was miles ahead of the Tokugawa Shogunate to the point where it's not even a contest.
> american-ruled Japan that can barely hang on because they refuse (((christian))) influence
The US is a secular country since it's founding and the only influence it has on Japan is that, a secular one, China has a bigger Christian influence on modern Japan for crying out loud.
So the real way the Japanese people saw the Tokugawa and it held true to the point that the poem has stuck with us to even today as the simple and efficient way to describe the entire era and it's 3 leaders doesn't matter but your own uninformed delusional troglodyte opinion does?
You speak a lot yet know nothing go home kid and come back when you know something about the topic you're talking about.
You spoke so much ignorance I would rather not even address your undoubtedly pathetic follow that has no basis in reality.
I do, hopefully as you can tell and I agree, as I said Meiji essentially saved Japan in the short term.
Japan succeeded mostly because the Emperor had no formal opposition to Westernization, they fought an entire war and the side that wanted to Westernize won luckily, otherwise Japan would've faced the same dissent and huge opposition that other Asian countries were faced with once they wanted to Westernize.
There's literally nothing more to it, other countries faced opposition when they tried to Westernize while Japan fought an actual war against the opposition that denied Westernization and so Meiji's ideas triumphed.
And no denying that.
Following that logic, only the jews have won so far.
Maybe I should.
Modernizing is cancerous, and the fact you christians worship show what fruits you saw.
Idiot detected, BOTH the Tokugawa and the Imperial clans have foreign backers and advisors, BOTH embrace foreign ideology and in fact the shogunate were willing to sede more land for the foreign power. The Boshin war was a case of internal power struggle heated up by outside force.
I don't see any technology, culture or even music of that era, they remained an occupied of China.
You mean the Hideyoshi one? In that period, they were indeed occupied by Ming and were saved by the chinks.
What? The Ming era is so bad it actually LOSES territory and got shallowed up by the Manchu, a much smaller kingdom due to corruption and infighting.
Yet never once they were occupied by any chink force.
Don't know what that is.
Which "Christendom"? The secularized, Renaissance and Enlightened Christendom? That one? The one you supposedly hate?
Yet it's also the force that forces Christianity on Japan on the threat of country attack if they dare repelling christian corruption.
Hold it, one poem doesn't mean jackshit.
The majority of the people enjoy 200 years of peace ushered by the end of the sengoku jidai. Butthurt losers mad that someone doesn't make that untrue.
They don't since only Tokugawa won and maintained his rule. Winning power is easy, keeping it is hard.
I know more than you, christcuck.
They succeeded because BOTH sides wanted to westernize, be it shogunate or imperial, unlike everyone else in Asia who is incredibly hesistant to it.
Neither sides resisted westernization, retard.
Modernization is cancerous, and the fact you christians worship that shows what fruits you really sow*
Either adopt and maintain Independence and your own cultural underline, or get winnie the poohed like the rest of asian? Hmmst, what to do?
Capitalism is a human invention, not a western one. The pursuit of self interest is a base instinct of all living organism, and that's why Christians reject it… and neither are commie cucks like you gooks are.
So you're saying you have no point other than mindless antagonism. Get a life dude.
Lol, ok. whatever the winnie the pooh you mean. Japan has always been a peicemeal of religions, they have Shinto upbringings with Buddhist burial rites.
So you have even less of an argument… Gook, Zig Forumstrad needs to go back ASAP.
I don't think Christians played a role in Asian adoption of communism, nor the overtaking of various colonies. In fact, if you ever actually read history, we were kind of opposed to the treatment of natives.
Initially Japan was fine with us, and the acceptance of christian communities took place before post war Americanization.
you finally made an observation Zig Forums generally agrees with… your end point is still retarded though.
again Pic related.
t. the guy who doesn't even know about something as significant as the Mughal Empire and again, just showed his ignorance in his post several times over.
It's like arguing history with a toddler, I could spend another hour refuting your points but I won't, and neither should anyone waste their time with you on this board.
This is a call to fellow Christians on this thread too since you're just not worth the time, it's like teaching a blind person archery.
Pick up a book.
Attend a course.
How about keeping everything while just adopting the technology? Hmm?
It's the very same christians who spread capitalism/consumerist culture into Japan.
How, this is what I said: It's still alive but no thanks to Christianity nor western culture.
Buddhism, the less organization, lends itself to any eastern religion due to their common origin, buddhist monks do not deny shinto gods, while christians would.
I'm sorry, but what is not an argument? I just stated a historical fact, christians are the same as jews.
It does, communism is spread by christians to Asia.
So where were you when "christians" making colonies of the world?
Bitch please, Japan killed and hunted down any big christian organization because they posed a direct danger to the government, being pretty much traitors in their own soil.
How? It's these same baste freemason who force Christianity into Japan, and you worship them!
Ah, the winnie the pooher who lost Europe to the moors.
Oh yeah, street shitter, so winnie the pooh significant m8.
Yeah, dude, go on, nobody gives a shit about poo.
Because that manner of dress is so Japanese…
In what manner other than your nonsensical revisionist history?
Buddhism is Indian, not east Asian… You really don't know WTF you're talking about do you?
Read the Talmud, you commie cuck. After all, they gave communism to you.
Literally no. Look up the church's views on communism at any point in history you dense MFer.
We were preaching the word of god and actively fighting the brutality. Many revolutionaries in South America were Christians dog.
Nothing I said was wrong though… and your "point" is redundant drivel
Leave him be friend, it's not up to us to educate someone unwilling to learn.
Do not cast pearls before swine.
As someone who is avid about Japanese culture, as well as Christianity and European history, it's just painful to see such stupidity…
But even I know I'm going to get nowhere with this guy deep down.
I know it's sad.
I have a great passion for Japanese history too, private collection of 23 books written on the matter and have attended two courses on different periods but it's just not worth it to waste words on someone who has decided to plug their ears.
Oh, so what's good about technology is the winnie the pooh dress, wow.
As in real history, retard. All the foreign capitalists gone into Japan? All christians.
What? I don't understand your point, it's literally still there but the christians are Japan are literally buttmad about it.
And India is a part of Asia, last time I check. Not to mention, Buddhism was thorough chink-ized.
"Read the Talmud", don't you mean to hear it, since it's an oral tradition? Also, why read it when you already know history?
The church supports communism in WW2 when it allies against Hitler, not to mention the church doesn't control all of its flock.
More like actively fighting brutally, again, where were you when "christians" colonize the world?
Literal heretics who worship a death goddess.
It's those same freemason americans who force Christianity to Japan with guns and cannons, weird huh?
Which explains a huge chunk of Europe being occupied by the moors in his time?
Any history book, really. You american?
Please, if you are avid about japanese culture, keep cancer like Christianity well away from it.
But if you are a christian, it's impossible for you to do it because the jew god controls your soul.
The christian, being the same mindset of the jew, literally loves being gassed.
I say give it to them.
It's a very interesting comparison because the kappa has the stupid bowlcut that most christcuck have.
Even then japs have known.
Mad that I point out the truth again?
Why is western dress required to use industrial technology? I mean, Asian dress was looser so that might be a problem, but military uniforms were fine all things considered.
And this is known how? Also, correlation =/= causation, and if you knew church doctrine on greed you'd realize how stupid this is to say
No they aren't… where the winnie the pooh are you getting this from?
And it's entirely culturally and racially different from japan. You were just mocking Street shiters a second ago… now their fine because "Asia" India is a subcontinent for winnie the poohs sake.
No, I mean read it.:
because being opposed to fascism that actively subverts and opposes Christianity makes you communist, even if actual communists hate you…and the sentiment is mutual. have you ever read any communist literature? they oppose any religion.
I'm sorry it's hard to govern 1.2 billion people simultaneously s catered across the globe. A bit more than what Hitler had to govern.
Again no, and actually looking up church discussion over this matter would show you that, but apparently the commie schools they send you gooks to have done their job a bit too well.
Ok, now you;re just making shit up.
Yeah, because the Holy roman empire hadn't expanded yet… but all attempted invasions from the Moors were fought off… Later it was expanded after they fell though..
See, I actually read historic documents, not just take it on faith that what the commie schools are telling me is true.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaah. Besides , it's not like they understand Christianity anyways. they act like we're magic or something, and the Westaboos aren't interested in it either.
A bowl-cut is The Beatles hair style, sir.
I gotta admit, modern day Japanese Christianity is pretty goofy, sad that despite the sacrifice of those who were persecuted the followers today are so undercatechized.
I didn't want to point it out but yeah, tonsure (what the Kappas have and what our friend here posted) =/= bowlcut
Our friend here needs to take a hairdresser crash course too preferably after learning some history.
They don't, the very euros discard their traditional dress for worker outfit, becoming cog in the machine.
This is known by pointing out the major of foreign capitalists coming to Japan in the era post Meiji are christians? And the church is second greediest institution on Earth next to Israel.
Yes, they are, they are mad that Japan still keeps their ancestral religion and bushido code and not submitting to jewish morality.
Which belongs to Asia, last time I check.
Yes, because it's still a part of India and that the buddhist monks do not deny shinto gods.
Don't you mean to hear it?
Yes, it makes you a communist. Any antifa is a communist. Glad you admit it.
They don't, plenty of christian communists in the USSR when Stalin re-open the church.
While it's not hard to govern wealth around the world huh? If you can govern wealth, you can govern people.
Church discussion matters jackshit when church doesn't hold all of Christianity, you have protestant/orthodox/whatever jew worshipers going into foreign country, getting killed and giving the jews at home their excuse to bomb the place.
LOL, see pic related.
Doesn't mean shit, did Charlesmagne succeed in protecting Europe? Nope, he didn't. Europe is not just his empire. And he's too busy killing other europeans than killing moors.
They understand it well, very well, more than you actually, a jewish religion meant to enslave and subvert people.
Whatever then, the point remains, kappa = christcuck.
Praise Tokugawa.
By separating and outlawing them, the jap christians become heretics.
Then again, all christians are heretic either ways, the fact they are still in Japan means all is not fine.
Oh don't worry there are plenty of Christians who are well and aware especially in comparison to US Christians, I know a few Orthodox Christians from Tokyo and Nagano, they're good followers blessed they be.
May you come around and stop with this foolishness too friend.
Your real enemies laugh at you throwing a sissy fit at 'muh Xtian Jew slaves'.
Yes, all of these (((christians))) are taught and educated in foreign countries and brought back to corrupt even more japanese.
As said, all is not fine.
The day of Christian/Jew/Moslem would be truly of jubilation.
They are already dressing up like moslem.
May the gods forgive them.
Might arrows hit their heart.
Foreign countries? Kek.
All the ones I know either learned online, were brought up in a Christian family or converted on their own after reading and researching the Bible.
But nah clearly they're specialists trained in the camps Mossad because that makes sense lmao.
And yeah all isn't fine,
There's plenty of space in Japan for a lot more Orthodox believers, may more come home.
You know that the veil is a completely optional Orthodox tradition that has nothing to do with hijabs or burqas right?
Of course you don't know, how dare I assume you have an idea about the the faith you've been arguing against for the past hour.
So what form of demon worship are you into that makes you dislike the truth so much?
Which were spread by foreigners, never once a native.
Mossad (jews), CIA (prot/catholic) and KGB (Orthodox).
Yes, to destroy and ruin Japan even more, this is why I fight christians.
I know that they are dressing up like moslem and deserve an arrow.
I'm into god worship, which is why I dislike demon worship like you so much.
This makes no sense. Things like overalls and T-shirts are already western… They aren't discarding anything.
But that doesn't mean their Christianity was a part of their capitalist mindset. That's like me saying Shintoism is why Japan was OK with raping women and playing hot potato with fetuses in china.
In that case, Christianity is fine because the Middle East is also a part of Asia… do you see the problem here?
You're literately a brainwashed retard, and even as a Christian I have no guilt saying that at this point.
Which was condemned as heresy… also, that's Orthodoxy, not Roman Catholicism brainlet-kun
Somebody call halftime, because it's time to change goalposts.
Then take it up with the prots and orthos and kindly leave me tf out of it.
You had to really think hard on that one didn't you .
Also how come the KGB is dissolved but Orthodoxy is still around, I'm an Orthodox inquirer was I trained by the KGB too?
Yeah dude, the tradition that existed hundreds of years before Muhammad was even born and basically has nothing to do with Arabic dresses is the exact same thing, revolutionary thinking there buddy.
I didn't ask for the semantics on how you justify worshipping demons I asked what brand are you into, you know what are the rules and framework you worship these demons in, Shinto, Hindu, Folk Chinese etc?
Are they traditional western clothes?
Irrelevant, all christians say they are christians. Kill them all and let the jewish god sort them out.
It is okay to rape women and killing the chink invaders.
Of course, the communist christian would say so to anyone who says the truth.
Which wasn't condemned, actually, there is no power on Earth to condemn the USSR's "Orthodox Church".
How exactly?
No, I will take all christians, kill them all.
Because now the Church has become the KGB? Everywhere, always watching?
Dressing like a moslem? Not Japan's tradition. Out.
You know, worship of our ancestral gods, not foreign desert demon from mudhut dwelling hooknose jews?
This tigger is saying it's OK to rape women and kill babies because the Chinese were the invaders all along?
I mean… if we didn't know you were a delusional edgelord already this pretty much says it all.
Who are those to you?
I'm sorry but I don't submit to christian morality or equality cult.
Guan Yu.
Hello mister KGB, your beard is long, no? When did you convert?
Are you Chinese, more specifically, Han?
I haven't I'm merely an Orthodox inquirer for now.
This should be rephrased into KGB staring intensively.
The fact he's trying to act tough, doesn't hide how scared he is.
I'm ethnic chink Vietnamese.
So soon to become informant. Nice.
yes… we gave them to you.
No, you give them to yourself, because that is not traditional western cloth.
He's doing service how is he trying to 'act tough' lmao?
I haven't heard something this ridiculous from anyone before, I guess Christ does come through to unbelievers in some form but gee…
So you are the Vietnamese tard funposter who just had his thread deleted.
It's even more ridiculous now, you're "calling out" other people for worshipping something Middle Eastern and not their ancestor gods but you do the exact same thing.
You worship some Chinese guy who has nothing to do with you or your ancestors, or even your peoples' gods, imagine this much of a cuck lmao, the Chinese conquered, raped and ruled over your people for ages and YOU are worshipping one of their generals? That's honestly laughable.
Your people have their own faith in worshipping the thần or even Cao Đài, those are your "ancestor gods" not some Chinese general from two millenium ago who just happened to be a good enough warrior to have his own personaltiy cult.
What a joke man… you bring great shame to your ancestors, you're doing the equivelant of a German guy worshipping Saladin and you think you're in a position to criticize people for not respecting their ancestors.
I mean, it's funny and laughable but also very sad.
Cotton is in Europe too brah. You can claim silk, if you want, but you didn't.
I've never read a more stupid statement in my entire life.
But the Chinese didn't bring in foreigners… and why is such needless brutality required?
So we literally can't even say we disagree? What are you on m8
Donation to the church isn't mandatory…
As a proud polish-american Catholic, screw you gook. Webm related.
I cant even at this point… calling you retarded is an insult to the retarded.
So you've been making a false equivalence since the beginning?… my mistake, i used the wrong fallacy to classify this idiocy.
Catholicism has been dominant is western Europe since Late Antiquity… Charlemagne being a good example of how it spread.
Jews and Judaism are also from Asia… By saying Buddhism being Indian is fine because Asia, you've invalidated everything about your argument.
Well anyways I'll go live my life now, grow a spine dude, get educated too preferably.
if that's his religion then it's more than clear he doesn't have enough intellect to discuss christianity or any other religion. he's just a cultist, for he worships a person without being part of a religion.
vade retro satana
he can't differ between a cult and an actual religion. he knows nothing about the sacred experience — which is acknowledged even by secular anthropologists. he is just a larper or a possessed
I apologize for my participation in such idiocy.
I just feel obligated to rebuke such nonsense.
pagans don't have any morality whatsoever. wew
ikr, based dom justo should be an example to all asians, including mr.Charlie
What the hell happened in this thread?
That retarded Vietnamese Larpagan again.
Its okay brother, it been a while since he tipped his fedora here so I don't blame you for not recognizing Charlie at first. Charlie does this to everyone. Though I am suprised he didn't mention the turd burgler, Z*us, at all. Maybe my prayers have been answered and Charlie finally abandoned that idol I won't hold my breath
But one good thing did come out of it, I learned a little bit more about the Sengoku Jidai period :D Havr some more art honoring /ourSamurai/
Look at his scared KGB face.
Actually, it's my religion of my forefathers and absolute have to do with my ancestors, nice try cuck.
That's for the Kinh, I'm a Han.
Makes no sense, meanwhile, you are worshiping a jew, eternal wanderer.
But is that traditional european garb, I think not?
Welp, see the christian atheist.
To teach them to never ever invade.
Yeah, you literally can't, for you hold no power.
Simply call yourself a christian and get rid of yourself.
Venerating a winnie the pooh corpse, and calling me retarded.
It's not me who pretend muh medieval Christendom was strong.
You mean the only example, the fact "Catholicism" exists at all because Charlesmagne doesn't want the east to have power over him.
Jews have no country or continent, they are ultimate wanderers and everything related to them ought to be destroyed.
Is that the time when you decide to kill people who don't worship the jew god?
Aksually, pagan invent morality.
As said, I like Zeus but my religion has always been Guan Yu.
Just saying Zeus/Odin is the natural chief goddess of european, who are the majority of christcuck here.
Then I will preach to ones who care.
Never change, Charlie.
guan yu can NEVER be your religion. it's the object of your cult and nothing more. There is no tradition nor rites associated with him. You don't know what a religion is. Read Mircea Eliade to begin with.
Offering prayer to Guan Yu is worshiping.
A war god needs not pointless whimpering, we aren't a bunch of kikes.