Christian /mu/ thread
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It’s a potato slice
We /2011/ now
24/7 Live Christian /mu/sic
I Love My God, Jesus Christ, art thou so holy
Why doeth you bring me this joy, grace undeserved!
Ive been looking to get a piano for quite awhile but I'm really tight on my budget.
Well today- it looks my prayer has been answered. I never mentioned this in a prayer but I have been talking about it for awhile to people I know.. and well I came home after work tonight and this is what I came home to.
It looks like one of roommates bought one. I never brought this up to any of them, but God answered a prayer that was still unasked!
I can make music now! I can learn piano! I can sing!
Thanks be to God.
absolutely lukewarm
That's everything but /mu/sic.
Not a /mu/, but let us thank the Lord for music. For it brings much joy to our hearts!
I liked this album until I found out what it was really about. If you enjoy this album I discourage anyone from seeking this forbidden knowledge. Let the lyrics speak to you in the way it does, do not go any further.
Isn't the album about WW2 and the musician's love for Anne Frank?
Its about the musicians love for all children who have died unjustly in wars, that comes straight from Jeff Mangum the albums author / lead signer. Multiple of the songs involve victims of specifically facist regimes which is probably what bumhurt the person you are responding to.
No it's because he said specifically its about anne frank. He could have said it was about pizza or space or anything it doesn't matter. He shouldn't have said.
wait why does it bug you that it is about anne frank?
Because it works better as an abstract piece. If you still enjoy it that's good for you; personally it doesn't connect with me, and I think it's important musicians don't reveal their inspiration for this reason.
go back
Is there any neofolk type Christian music? I know that might sound like an oxymoron, but you could make some killer neofolk type songs with imagery from the deaths of martyrs/saints.
hymn of the English Civil War (1640s)
Gaudete ("Rejoice, rejoice! Christ is born")
wow look it's my favorite meme