Best book to read after the Bible for any Christian?

Best book to read after the Bible for any Christian?

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Either Martin Luther’s Large Catechism or the Catholic Catechism

Summa Contra Gentiles

The Imitation of Christ

the bible

This, no contest.

The Catena Aurea.

Summa Theologica
City of God

A good collection of the Apostolic Fathers

Calvin's institutes


The Ladder of Divine Ascent

There is no one best book, the best book for you would be dependent on your own current insufficiencies. Not even the Bible is best to read alone, for you will fall into your own theological errors. Remember, you're reading a translation, in which there isn't always a perfect word for what is being translated, and words have changed their meaning over time. This will distort your understanding.

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

The Apostolic Fathers (Ignatius, Clement, etc). And then the later patristics, if you can get your hand on them.

summa theologica by Aquinas.

"Manual for Spiritual Warfare" Paul Thigpen

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Yes, this one is very good.

From the 15th century, I believe.

Thomas a Kempis was a German monk who was very insightful into how to lead a life imitating Jesus Christ.

The monastery where he died in got burned down during the Protestant Deformation.

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Unseen Warfare by Scupoli and Nicodemus and Theophan

Theosis by Archimandrite George

Your Life is Worth Living

"Indication of the Way Into the Kingdom of Heaven" by Saint Innocent of Alaska

"The Path of Salvation" by St. Theophan the Recluse

"My Life in Christ" by Saint John of Kronstadt

The Pilgrims Progress

Do you have epubs for any of those? They seem really obscure.

No epubs, but here's a site that has it in full (very short but very meaty):

And here's the physical copy that I own if you would like to get one for yourself:

And here's links to a physical copy of "The Path of Salvation":

And while, unfortunately, physical copies of "My Life in Christ" do tend to be pricey:

You can read if for free online:

My bad. If you do a search on Amazon, you'll be able to find other physical editions in the 20ish dollar range if you want.

It's cool that two of these are free, thanks for the links.

Sayings of the Desert Fathers.