Why is Peterson such an utter idiot who contaminates Christianity with his mediocre modern nonsense?
Why is Peterson such an utter idiot who contaminates Christianity with his mediocre modern nonsense?
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Modern understanding of Christianity has been nearly destroyed with memes and subversion. People have recently recognized this so now there's a demand for prophets. The establishment knows this and sent occult wizard Peterson in as controlled opposition to indoctrinate the goyim into occultism.
the eternal boomer strikes again
I don't know.. "prophet" is overkill. I think some guys just want a dad.
Now go clean your room.
Blame Jung and all the other disciples of the enlightenment
I like both DBH and JP.
How can anyone endure his faggy voice.
He's jew.
His wife sure is
Because our clergy are weak and ambigous, so a pop version of Christianity is more attractive than the official one they preach
Is he actually Christian? I thought he was some classical Liberal and Jungian.
He's not a Christian at all.
He's definitely not a Christian even if he may be sympathetic to it and tries to create a new interpretation of it.
His university lectures are interesting, but his boomer-tier book tour is already played out and boring.
This is 100% correct, and he actually calls himself a Christian while doing this. He is teaching something that is fairly close to what Freemasons believe, that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a metaphor for humans being perfected by Lucifer. He reveals this in his book Maps of Meaning.
Doesn't matter if he is Christian or not, by now he brought countless souls to Christianity, more than the entirety of /christian probably ever done.
Mark 9
38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”
39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me,
40 for whoever is not against us is for us.
41 Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward."
Surprising that in a Christian forum there would be people against Peterson.
Agree, he should go back to his Bible series. I havent been following him since the book stuff started.
I agree with you, Jordan is by far the most perversive force in Christianity nowadays.
I'd say even more than the EP, the Pope, all the big faces, etc. At least the former openly say they have no interest in maintaining it, Peterson is downright subversive with his Gnosticism.
Jung said Christ and AntiChrist are two sides of the same coin. No wonder JP actually thinks Good and Evil, or Order and Chaos since he does not even believe in Good, are opposites and he convinces young men of eating his dualistic fruit without them having the mental barriers to protect themselves. At least the former know they are hypocrites, JP is not. He just hates God.
Christianity is not nominalism, satanism is.
Damn, that makes Jordan Peterson far worse than I originally thought. I was simply annoyed back then because of his lukewarmness and his belief that the Bible is all metaphor but if this is true regarding Freemason influence he is far worse and damaging than I thought.
Agreed, and it's no coincidence he is being given a worldwide platform by our enemies. I think he may have been chosen by them to begin the introduction of the world religion. Pic related is the banner from his subreddit.
There are a lot of people who think Peterson is helping bring people to Christianity and therefore it does not matter what he personally believes, but the problem is that that is not Peterson's goal. If you go speak with his followers (such as on his subdreddit) you will find that many of them are well aware of Peterson's Gnostic/New Age doctrine, that they consider it to be a good thing, and they (and I assume, Peterson) believe that those who do find their way to true Christianity after consuming Peterson's content have missed the point.
Peterson believes that he is a prophet who was given special dreams that foretold the apocalypse, as well as a dream that told him to prevent that apocalypse by spreading his ideology of "individualism" (he wrote about this in the introduction to his book 12 Rules for Life). He is under the influence of demonic forces, and I believe our enemies are taking advantage of his delusions to push forward their objectives of destroying Christianity and replacing it with something else.
Peterson is not casting out demons in Jesus' name, he is preaching an antichrist doctrine in Jesus Christ's name. That is the definition of being against Christ. It is incidental if anyone found their way to true Christianity and became saved because they watched one of his Bible videos. For how many people has he become a stumbling block to true faith?
It really is that bad. In fact, it's worse.
JBP loves Origen, who was condenmed for rejecting historicity in Genesis. So does every modernist today, they love the guy. Origen pushes and non literal genesis, he's the perfect modernist wet dream.
The EP has stirred controversy on the historicity of the anathemas to push marcionism.
What utter nonsense to suggest there are ulterior motives for a man who actually brings the generation of people who need Christ the most into His hands by teaching them about absolute truth and the value of their existence. Have you ever even listened to a full 2 hour lecture from Peterson or just 5 minute segments on YouTube?
Where are you getting the idea that people who like him believe in a modernist doctrine and think modernism is good? I can't wait to see your leddit and twitter screencaps.
Please give me a citation. How could someone who is "not a Christian" believe themselves to be a prophet?
My journey to Christ started with jbp videos and I ended up a Catholic who believes in the catholic doctrine, not a modernist. If he is the anti-christ like you say then he's terrible at his job.
He's a classical liberal and Jungian. For some reason, tries to push good things about Nietzsche as well. These are all modernist.
At best, he'll lead you to a sense of individualism. But don't give him the credit of leading you to Christ.
So? I can quote people who aren't catholic and still present catholic theology. Same for any church.
I think it's important to discern the different talks and series he does before claiming they all have the same effect. Maps of Meaning was a great series and opened my eyes to the undeniable truth of the bible. His political presence brought a lot of hope to Canada and he actually went and spoke against the compelled speech laws that are being written. The later bible series he did I don't like and don't watch. I'm not defending it. I don't think it's fair to say he does so much damage when the rest of what he's done is great.
I'm not talking about mere quotes. They are practically PILLARS of modernist thought and make up it's very foundations. Maybe Jung the least of them (who was overshadowed by Freud and a bit more esoteric).
The only thing Peterson has done is told you are a faggot and need to take a bath (i.e. think for yourself/individualism). That's all well and good, but it isn't leading anyone to God. Liberalism is the very reason things got gay to begin with. He's only rewinding back one step. He's a bit like those sad folks who are nostalgic about the "90s" or something. To find Christ, we transcend all of it.
We are not talking about the same person. You are describing a made-up personality. You aren't even considering the entire outcome or the type of person who needed to hear it. There is none good but God so why do you act like I think Peterson is a perfect man?
At least we agree on something.
Duh whole world doesn't revolve around you dude. If he brings 1 to christ out of 100, where's he bringing the other 99?
The motives aren't ulterior, his doctrine is explicitly anti-Christ.
Peterson does not teach "absolute truth". He rejects Jesus Christ, which is a rejection of absolute truth. In fact, Peterson is a relativist:
Now I have the morbid desire to read that book…
PDF attached; it's mostly impenetrable word salad. It opens with this Bible passage (also pic related):
You will find gems such as this: Peterson affirming that Christ is a metaphor for the "sun god", and calling communion an "awful ritual":
This is an anti-Christ doctrine.
Curiosity can be a grave vice. You know what's wrong with what he has to say well enough, there's no reason to go reading that filth.
That’s why I admitted it’s a Nordic one…
Yikes…just, yikes!
There's nothing interesting to actually be found. The actual interesting part is just that Christians would ever think of him as positive. He's a generic mason think gnostic enlightenment homo. He doesn't have any "secrets" man wasn't meant to know, he just has recycled deceit.
I will consider that I'm in a minority and re-evaluate the material I looked at, and his other stuff. I find it hard to believe that all this simply flew over my head but I won't rule it out.
That's very humble of you. The reason why it's hard to pierce through Peterson's deception is because he is an occult wizard. He has deceived many, but the Word of God exposes him for what he is.