i literally don't know anyone in there and i've been going for 7 months. people probably think i'm a weirdo because i'm very tall and big and i have resting school shooter face.
Do you fit in at your parish?
Other urls found in this thread:
At baptist churches we literally have teams of volunteers dedicated to welcoming you and finding where you fit in
i could never be protestant tho
Sometimes I feel the same way. I am horrible with names, and I have never been a highly sociable person. I am much more introverted, so after the Liturgy I always feel like I give the impression that I don't like talking to people.
where is this in the bible?
we don't follow the regulative principle friend
why not?
You go to church for one person, and that's yourself. It's good to have a spiritual life, but you have to live it.
I used to
This tbh. Not Catholic, but I felt comfy when I first went to my non-denom church, and now (six months later) I feel like an outcast.
The Christmas service I went to was perhaps my worst experience there… I had no one to go with, very few people cared to talk to me, and it was just one big light show.
The only redeeming aspect of that church right now is the Bible study group I became part of, which has some great people in it. Otherwise, I feel like attending, volunteering, and tithing is a waste.
Sadly no. Most of churchgoers are above fifty, so it's pretty hard to interract with them, I guess I'll stay a loner. It's fun being at young Christian place in my city though, as talking to people there is much easier.
Did you meet girls like her?
I kind of wrung my way into the parish.
People are very cold and anti-social where I live, so they won't bother much talking to you if you're new.
Luckily we also have some Dutch parishioners who're more welcoming and will start to talk to sometimes.
Besides that I'm the unofficial PR guy now.
One time I didn't go up to a new person as a social experiment, she was left in the cold.
It's just how they are here, nothing you can do about it.
surrendering to god on your own terms is all that matters, all else is temporal
yes and no
My priest almost always addresses me by name, I don't see him to that with others when we shake hands after mass. Probably because he remembers me from RCIA and I could potentially be one of few RCIA candidates who still attend frequently, which probably puts me on good terms.
I've only once ever been asked to do something, which was carry the prayer board to the priest durig the money collection bit before eucharist.
However I don't really know anyone, or talk to them, there's cute girls and I don't talk to them, though I tend to sit in the same place I often see the same faces near me who are always sitting in the same part of church, I know they recognise me because you tend to recognise each other, but that's as far as it goes, I don't know their names or talk to them outside of shaking hands and saying peace.
Then why do they need a church for?
What do they teach there?
Age her by five years, add 100lbs, give her some tattoo sleeves, maybe throw in a drinking problem and a sexually immoral lifestyle, and you'd be about right.
It's basically a closet Baptist church with non-offensive Baptist beliefs/practices (e.g. believer's baptism) and a modernist appearance. It's meant to bring in as many young people and shekels as possible, I suppose.
Then why people waste time in those if there's nothing to believe but themselves?
It serves as a place where you can socialize with others, date, sing to Hillsong-tier Jesus jams, and listen to a heart-warming message.
Very few people I've met there have a strong relationship with God, which is unsurprising since their teachings are so lukewarm.
Feels good "christianism then"
That's the most burger thing I ever heard about.
No i dont fit in. Everyone is friendly but theyre all my grandparents age and only care to make small talk. Every church ive been to is like that so i eventually quit going.
Tried out some normie non-denom groups on campus and actually got laughed at for asking if it was the place, so i 360ed and walked away.
I kinda fit in at my church. The priest is a really friendly guy and I'll usually strike up some small talk with him after mass or if I see him at the chapel whenever I'm doing something there. As for the rest of the laity, there's only a couple that I'm close with, two of whom are in my fraternity. Most of the guys are kinda weird and not really a crowd that I can relate to, most of the girls are the same or worse. Whenever I go there for events and things I'll find myself sitting around awkwardly with nobody to talk to unless one of the 5 or 6 normal people I'm close with are there.
Sure, I do. I'm Christian, they're all Christian. All are one in Christ Jesus, so yes, I fit in.
Yes. We have lots of physically or mentally disabled people, as well as ill people, and pretty much everyone under 30 is in university or an engineer. When nobody fits in, everyone fits in, right?
I have a similar feeling, been going to my nearby church, hasn't been since long, but it being pretty hard getting a feeling for community, I'd say 75% are senile old lonely ladies, 20% are established adults, either going through a hard phase or established family pregnant or with kids, the last 5% I'd imagine is the real youth.
Sunday is the only day where a lot more people congregated, I still go on some weekdays as well, it makes me feel well, but there is just a handful of people, mostly the senile ones, so the priest call us all up close to pray together.
So even then, the only handful of young people that partake in the choir group, feels like most are fresh young 18 boys and girls, since I'm a 30 yo neet still not established young adult, its hard for to feel part of.
Even then there is just one cute girl that calls my attention, I feel she looking at me from time to time, and she is always partaking in church activities, helping with the service and whatnot. Still I would feel bad to make it look like I'm just there because of her.
For that reason, I"m looking into going to some protestant churches for the sole reason to check out their youth groups. Is that bad?
I think you might be to old for youth group tbh
I guess so. Well I was born there. I know most priests, but the only people I get along there are my family members.
The only girls in my parish are over 70 years old so that's a no go and the ones about my age in the village are already pregnant with bastard sons.
t. Catholic.
PS: those whores of course don't go to church since their 14 years old and even so only when the catechist made them to.
I go to a traditional/liturgical LCMS church and there are no single women between 18-29. It's all boomers and families with young kids. Wonderful people, but no wife material. I live in a place where the majority of Christians are katholisch to be fair though.
Yeah, pretty much… I'd advise against joining non-denom churches.
I'll probably just find a comfy traditional Baptist church to join. I did have some stranger invite me to his a few months back, but it's about 20 miles away.
I think you mean a young adult group, user. Youth groups are full of dabbing teenagers.
I don't think it's bad (Catholics might disagree), but you likely will have trouble fitting in due to your Catholic beliefs.
Yes God has blessed me with some of the greatest friends of my life in my parish. I almost feel guilty about it sometimes, it is humbling to accept this much goodness. Thank you God.
what state bro
But of course. Lying to get something is never permissible. It's for you
I do. It was tough at first but I attended not just masses…but also the events around, came there to help out.
Literally me except for the shooter face.
Because compartmentalization of Laity is ultimately alienation from the elders and is an after effect of marketing economic focus groups. There was no teen groups before the markets started hating old age, it's gay and an insult to life itself.
ME. I'm hoping to find one that doesn't kiss Zionist butt, which is sadly all too common with Baptist churches. Are most IFB churches like that as well?
Who says he should lie about it? If he's straightforward with his intentions, it could be a very rewarding experience for him and his Prot group members.
Obviously, they'd ask him questions about his faith and give constant "Well, I don't know how user feels about x, but what we believe is that …" disclaimers, which could be awkward for him.
That or, I don't know his Church could make more of an effort to reach out to younger people by creating community groups. There's no reason Prots should have a monopoly on them.
As a Catholic he is not allowed to go to protestant masses.
But I get your point.
I got the feeling he was going to sneak into a protestant group to get the girls.
I hope that I'm wrong.
Ah, that's right… I forgot Catholics were forbidden from getting involved with Protestant churches, my bad. In that case, it's perhaps for the best if he stays at his parish.
I certainly hope not. Protestant girls belong to Protestant guys.
I've been going to my church 4+ times a week for nearly 2 years and I don't know a single person there. I've never even said hi to any of the priests. I don't know what they think of me.
The zionist problem is very overstated, it never comes up in local church life
I'm a southern Baptist. You should look into (ironic I know) southern Baptist affiliated churches in maine
There's this saturday evening youth church done by some evangelicals.
They don't even call it a valid church worship themselves but just a regular worship thingy.
It's what you'd imagine, pop rock band covering pop songs with christian lyrics, a sermon, some other thingy and done.
There were qts there, I COULD snatch one and get her to begome but the cringe would be too much plus my cousin who went from catholic to evangelical zionist knows I'm a tradcath so everybody would know I'm the 'idol worshiping poper'.
Discussions would be plenty, can guarantee that.
Anyway if OP is really desperate these youth churches aren't even seen as church services by protestants themselves so you'd just be observing a weird heretical pop rock band but with qts in the seats next to you.
Are you literally me?
I've had pastors unironically praise Israel during their sermons, and one Web site I just checked out has pic related as part of their beliefs. I cannot in good conscience stand behind a church that believes this nonsense.
All the ones near me are sadly modernist ones no different than my own.
What is pic from
fuuuuuuck. its gonna be a long, lonely life, isn't bros?
So I taken you know that feel.
I meant young adult groups, to be honest I don't think there even are younger groups than that, considering teenage are usually on catechism.
Well its not technically lying, its not like I'm gonna pretend to be something else,
I'm just going to be looking for groups and community.
Yeah, most likely. With all due respect, convert or stay away from our qts. :)
It's from the Web site of "Open Door Bible Baptist Church".
It sounds like that would go against your Church's teachings. Maybe you should try to meet other Catholics your age online.
I was first baptized in the Church of Christ (mostly through a neighbor.. I was young, and it seemed good enough). A lot of these CoC churches are organized congregationally and very independent, and the one I was at was two steps away from Amish or something. Theologically, I still agree on some things, but they were just larpers trying to imitate an ancient church (they're not exactly Protestant. They call themselves Restorationist). I've since lived a very solitary life, occasionally visiting different churches when I can. I think the actual ancient Church is the Orthodox, but there are few congregations and I hate driving). I wish I lived in the Old World where I could just walk to church.
Try smoking some weed before you socialize next time ;) It does wonders.
we can make it bros
might well say they belong to satan
There was a Saint who said God is angered when a Catholic prays in a Protestant Church, I wouldn't do it.
Oh hi Satan
Its still against the church teaching, unless you get some permission from the Bishop to try to convert them, as part of the ecumenical process or some shit.
They only choose top catholics, normally great apologists so that the prots won't take him to their side.
If Protestant men are literally Satan, then I don't see why you or any Cat on this board would want the female equivalent.
I'm torn on which women cook better, tbh.
I love it all! Meat and Potatoes (Prot), Spaghetti and Enchiladas (Cath), Gyros and a Salad) Orth.
Sorry.. I just woke up.
Meat and Potatoes tbh famalam. Nothing better than some steak and mashed taters. Super filling and more unhealthy compared to salad+gyros.
Why not?
Women are just objects which take on the attributes of the men they spend time around.
user, I'm tall and have a school shooter face as well. Sometimes I get anxious, and can come off awkward. Church is a hospital for the soul, its not a place to feel good about ourselves.
If Church is a hospital for the soul, then shouldn't that mean that going to Church should in fact, make you at least feel good, and by extension feel good about yourself? The assumption here is that the well-being of the soul coincides with your very own subjective feelings of well-being. I suppose I'm wrong. Example: It can be argued that martyrs had the strongest souls, having given their lives for Christ. Being a martyr entails feelings of deep suffering however. So, it can be said that a strong soul does not entail happiness. But, certainly it can be said that it does entail the EXPECTATION of eternal happiness. Hence, I would change your statement to, Church is a place to feel good about our eternal selves, or the expectation of it, amidst the suffering we feel on earth. Praise be to God.
To save them ofc.
To be more accurate, Catholicism has a way better tradition for woman to acclimatize to. Prots just have stuff like Hillsong and other exclusively extrovert activities, Catholicism actually has female mystics (St. Teresa, St. Catherine of Sienna), Our Lady, and the unequivocal promotion of the Family, with no pornography or adultery allowed.
Catholicism is just more woman-friendly when you actually analyze it.
now that I think about it, I suppose Protestant woman can marry the Pastor? Pastor's wife seems to be a thing.
Feminists shit on men because they think they treat them like objects, but the only religion that says that women have dignity and should be treated with love as fellow humans and that men shouldn't lust for them is ironically the religion they hate so much.
So do Orthodox. Clergy wives are called presbytera.. practically required to be present at every part in the church. Often have the patience of a saint, for juggling household, community, and having to travel (obviously) wherever the priest husband is ordered.
Because qts being cute for attention is thotism and thots need to be removed.
Sorry boi but no thats on here while I'm on patrol.
No offense, but most girls today find that stuff boring. They'd rather sing and dance to Hillsong tunes than learn Church history.
As do most Prot churches today.
Nice guys are more woman-friendly too. Unsurprisingly, they don't attract very many young women either.
It's not "church history". It's about getting closer to God.
"Purpose Driven" Rick Warren-tier Evangelical Light is literally about getting closer to yourself.
I see your point. Nevertheless, we have different ways of accomplishing that that don't include the Saints.
I find that praying to God directly, listening to hymns and Orthodox chants, and reading from my KJV Bible help me to grow closer to God.
Oh, I didn't know anything about you.. I was just focusing on the Hillsong stuff, just to be clear.
If you're reading the Bible, you ARE getting closer to the saints, as well as God. It's just that the saints "keep marching on", like the famous song says. Great works of God don't just stay in the Bible. If you think saints who existed before or just after the risen Christ are great, imagine the things Christ does in his church once it gets rolling through history.
"Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father." -John 14:12
This is the saddest thing about evangelicals in my eyes. They want to follow Christ, but then only like his old albums. He's always there for us.
And you don't need to pray to saints. They're meant to be teachers and role models and witnesses. Bottom line is they were just remarkable but real people, who fought the good fight, showed amazing ways God was working in their time, and have things they wanted to pass down.
I can't argue with that tbh. I should've clarified by saying there are ways you can grow closer to God that don't involve venerating Saints or what have you.
Obviously, you need to familiarize yourself with Saints found both inside and outside of the Bible to really have a working knowledge of and appreciation for God.
Amen. Interdenominational bickering aside, I do respect the Catholic faith, and would possibly convert myself if not for the fact that all the parishes within a 200 mile radius of me are pozzed.
no one under the age of 60 enjoys hillsong crap.
where do you live?
My 90% Millennial church says otherwise.
move to western mass
Yeah, that seemed like my only option (a pretty crappy one at that), however I just found this parish after doing some more research.
I have a ways to learn about Roman Catholicism, so I apologize for my ignorance, but would you consider CMRI parishes to be Biblical? They seem to be a traditional church with a strict dress code and all, unlike most others.
no, they're heretics. sedevacantism is a meme.
idk, i always thought my parish was pozzed, but after i actually started going, i realized the priests were pretty based. they even do latin masses sometimes. also, the idea that novus ordo is cucked is kind of overblown. yeah its kinda gay, but you're still getting the eucharist which is what matters most
I'm starting to read up on that now… shame. Too bad the nearest SSPX parish is in NH.
you don't need to go to an sspx parish to learn the basics. if you really want to learn about catholicism it will take a long time anyway, and even if you decide you want to join the church you'll have to go through rcia which will take at least 10 months (i think).
I had no idea that even existed, but it makes sense given how the Orthodox Church has a similar process. Thanks for the information.
Maybe I'll just visit a local parish to see what it's like.
The early church did in general, and Orthodox and Catholic just maintained it. They didn't take baptism and communion lightly. This is where the Easter (Fasting/Lent) season comes from, when new converts were put through a prayer, teaching, and fasting period before getting baptized on Easter. It was well known even by the 2nd/3rd century, although it wasn't as long of a period as now.
I know a girl who looks like her but cuter. She led a Bible study I went to for a while and was very pro life and family oriented.
I go to a traditional Lutheran church in Manhattan. Almost everyone is older (elderly/Boomer) or younger (child). But they’re nice people and we have some nice conversation at the Catechism classes.
The age gap is frustrating though. It’s a stumbling block for my gf, who prefers non denominational churches because they are entirely comprised of people our age. Still, I pray that she’ll come around and more millennials & zoomers will follow into the liturgy again as well
Im a Protestant and I tried getting involved in my church and I pretty much had a simmilar experience to a lot of the people in this thread. Especially this guys
I never really had many friends but the people I did hang out with at the time I tried getting involved in the church weren't great people so I thought volunteering at my church would be a good way to meet better friends and fellowship with them to grow my relationship with Christ. It was pretty ok at first but I'm pretty shy so I didn't really talk to anyone except a brother and sister who would come together. It was nice talking to them but as time went on they stopped coming to church at the same time I would volunteer. Other than them there really wasn't anyone around my age (17 at the time) to talk to aside from two girls and their boyfriends who just talked amongst themselves. When I would try to talk to the adults it was like I was having the same conversations over and over again. The actual volunteering was kinda nice they just had me hold a sign and greet people but other wise I would rather study the Bible or go to church by myself. It's pretty unfortunate too since now that I don't volunteer I feel uncomfortable running into the people I would volunteer with.
Another failed attempt at trying to fellowship was when I tried getting involved with the Christian club at my college. Their meeting schedule conflicted with my class schedule so I couldn't really join. The main guy offered to meetup with me but I thought that would have been kinda strange since I just met him. That same day I tried talking to him I tried making jokes and keeping conversation but he just reacted very awkwardly.
Yep, that was my experience. I intentionally put myself in a position where I'd be greeting and talking with people, and still I've made no real "friends" at church since the ones I met originally stopped coming.
I've been getting sick of Protestant churches… The pastors are money-hungry and the congregations are mostly unrepentant degenerates. I'm just going to visit my local Church (maybe tomorrow's Mass) and see where things go from there.
Have you ever been to Tim Keller's church?