Why does Reedit always attack Christianity?

Well, it's a rhetorical question of course, but notice (((how))) they always put some kind of garbage propaganda in the very front page, things like anti-Trump, pro-vaccine, pro-"climate change", anti-christian posts,…
Funny, they never put the same questions in the front page if you change "Bible" with "Torah" or "Koran". There is only one religion that you are (((allowed))) to doubt and attack.

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The 2nd amendment never implied that people would be smart, or brainwashing resistant.

only works one way.

3rd Reddit Bad thread this week.

That was stupid of me, I meant the 1st…

Because the jews want to destroy religion, culture, race, nationality and the natural law. But a better question would be…where is the Christian reddit alternative that speaks to the people of the present and points out these lies?

Here if anywhere, but that's not our primary goal

We need a Zig Forums thread.


r/reformed, but only in a joking manner.

That place is the devils own well. Don’t even bother. Even normalfriends do not go there any more.

Why are there so many threads about what reddit thinks of Christianity? Who cares?

Poland did exactly that and many were very butthurt about this.

They'd be labeled racist if they attacked Islam or Judaism. Or be faulted for oppressing a minority. Two of the biggest sins in the liberal/atheist religion

The athesit, pagan, and jew will be bad at Christians no matter what they do or want.

Your hate for jews or anyone for that matter is way out of touch with Biblical principles and the basis of Christianity. Rethink your actions

Except reformed is actually good.

He never said he hated jews on an ethnic basis, just that they are screwing shit up for the rest of us. Even Jesus Christ himself called the Pharisees (ideological forefathers of the jews) the sons of Satan.

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Orthodox Jews admit that they hate Christ more than they hate Adolf Hitler.

Because of dirty Christ-hating kikes and atheist scum who push that evolution bs, and Christians who dont have the spine to put these bitches to the ground where they belong. They should all be eliminated completely if there should an end to this bs.

He who lives by the edginess shall perish by the edginess: God will triumph no matter what; and they can whine and complain all they want.

Idk but it sure is fun calling out the idolators.
Konami 4:20

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“You are of your father, the devil, and the desires of your father you desire to do. He was a manslayer from the beginning and he stood not in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he may speak he speaks falsehood for his own sake, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
John 8:44

“from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be held responsible for it all.”
Luke 11:51

Is Zig Forums anti-vaccine?

I'm pro-"asking questions" at least. Just the fact people can't do that without being vilified is fishy.

Zig Forums is anti-evil. Pharmaceutical companies are evil. The peddle opioids to the public without any care about the ramifications. Why people would suddenly trust them when it comes to vaccines is silly.

The autism epidemic is related to the MMR vaccine. The deep state has successfully propagandized everyone to think that questioning the MMR means you're "anti-vax" and opposed to all vaccination, just like if you question the holocaust narrative you're a "holocaust denier", or if you question the man-made climate change narrative you're a "science denier"


Pretty succinct answer.

It's a mystery to me how everyone can collectively agree that our medical system is geared to put you into debt and none of these med companies are our friends, but when it comes to vaccines they are suddenly untouchable?

pic related

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Vaccines are proven science though. They work, we've eradicated smallpox entirely through their use. There's no evidence that they cause any harm and it's proven fact that they're extremely important for stopping infections from spreading throughout society. As Christians we're beholden to speak truth and the truth is vaccines are good and everyone who is able should take them to prevent our most vulnerable from sickness. Every single child and elderly who dies from measles, the blood is on the hands of anti-vaxxers.

Feel free to ask all your questions. When you get the answers you want and refuse to accept facts because you prefer a conspiracy theory then you become a danger to society though.

Most medicines are proven science though. Medical companies by and large are completely evil or amoral, and are not afraid to screw you over.

How do you reconcile the two?

You don't have to say any conspiracies to be a danger. Just asking is bad enough.

Hah.. actually.. that's about the only conspiracy I'll hold to.

sounds like a fairly dogmatic understanding to me, anyone who chooses to not use vaccines are sinning?

Another constructive, useful discussion. Not that they're wrong for asking "Which parts of the Bible do you interpret literally and which do you disregard (interpret as allegory, metaphor, etc)?". It isn't explicitly clear and the confusion is a writ for extraordinary flexibility in ideology (which reflects very poorly on the religions authority). The second image is a mockery of anyone who says "#Pray4[thing]" not a horrible, venomous attack on Christendom.
You're probably right, though, I'm sure all of those people absolutely hate Christ, God, Mary, all of them. Big fans of all kinds of Jews and Muslims, Moham and all, but you? No way. Persecute all day.

Generally they screw you by jacking up the prices of the medication people need. The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated and every new medication goes through several rounds of trials before it's allowed to be put on the market. The efficacy of some medication is iffy (SSRIs) but anything that is simply bad for you is almost always weeded out by trials.

No-one is stopping you from asking. There is a wealth of information out there on vaccines, their history, how they work, even the "controversial" things like thimerosal are public knowledge and you're free to go and learn about why it was in vaccines as a preservative, that it had no proven detrimental health effects and it was removed from vaccines because of public outcry.

Not sinning. This isn't a religious issue, it's one of the common good of society. Some people can't get vaccinated, to protect them we need as much of the population vaccinated as possible to give them herd immunity. If you had a child who had a vaccine allergy and died because they caught a preventable disease because some person didn't vaccinate their child who could have received it wouldn't you be angry? Lives are at stake, we can't really afford to humor the fringe lunies on this issue, we need to go with what works. If you want to believe the moon landing is a hoax go right ahead, nobody is stopping you, nobody cares. If you try to stop vaccinations though you're literally causing unnecessary deaths to occur and your right to believe stupid shit ends when children start dying of diseases that were almost entirely eradicated 15 years ago.

This, you need to give your children bleach enemas if they have ever taken a vaccination.

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It's all a blessing in disguise really. Couldn't happen to more deserving people..who asked for it themselves.

I keep myself healthy anyway. The only time I ever got the flu was when I got the flu shot. I'm not hurting anyone.
If you want to trust an industry that frankly doesn't care about you, go ahead. If you want to be a shill for vaccines without even getting paid, go ahead.
Nice guilt-tripping, very Christian like.

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Due to tremendous scientific evidence and reason, anyone normal would want their kid vaccinated/ believe that our earth is screwed.

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No one doubts the concept of vaccines, the issue stems from a distrust of the government and the potential of a mass poisoning/serialization/who-knows-what being performed through the medium of government sponsored injections.

dA jOoZ r BeHiNd EvErYtHiNg!!!1!!

I get what you’re saying but why would America try to kill its own people?

To address the over-population issue that the same politicians who demand mandatory vaccinations rave about constantly. My phone autocorrected sterilization to serialization also.

To answer your question, they are of their father, the Devil.

I know the government is corrupt and all but it’s not that bad


Just trust them guys, the mega corporations have our best interests in mind

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The "anti-vax mom" meme is a psyop to shift the blame and ridicule of the re-emergence of certain diseases from the 30 million illegals from third world countries onto a safe target, i.e, white women.

This is the only issue where people get demonized for not putting a foreign substance in their body every year. The attitude towards it is bizarre. If these people are so concerned about public health, why don't they support, for example, banning people with HIV from having sex? That would be an egregious violation of personal rights, but forcibly injecting people isn't.