inb4 Zig Forums retards begin pissing and moaning "waaaa waaa!!! da joos! waaa!!!! da joos of today r not da same!!! ree!!!" Rabbinic Judaism has nothing to do with this thread, ok? We are talking late bronze age Israelite religion to Second Temple Judaism and Jesus and the apostles were Jews in the Second Temple Period. Pretty much though all Zig Forums retards are not allowed in this thread because you're only going to create a shit storm so mods please help me out here.
If you wanted to talk about bronze age Israelites and not have it come out as "kike shit", couldn't you at least have used the Paleo-Hebrew Tetragrammaton?
Is it okay that this is my preferred depiction of Jesus? Is there a collage or ranking I could look at?
Cooper Hernandez
Christopher Hernandez
that's arianism
The fact that threads like this exist show the sinful pride of the Jews.
Colton Gomez
Most of the Apostles were Jews first, you ninny. Then the Church grew out from there. Then only they and the Pharisees were left after Titus finished with the Temple. This is not a difficult concept.
Julian Jackson
No.. Jesus was literally a jew by genealogy.
Arianism is to deny his divinity, which isn't being done here.
Ryan Bennett
Calling Him a jew is to deny His divinity.
Joshua Ortiz
Oh boy another argument of semantics I'm sure this thread will be extremely high quality
Noah Brooks
Jesus was a Mosaic Jew to fulfill the Law, because He was the Mosaic Messiah, that would perfect the Law with His Spirit. So now, we are Christians, a perfection of the Mosaic Jews. We are now the true Jews.
Jesus is a Semite, rather than a Mosaic Jew now.
Wrong, Jesus fulfilled Judaism, so now the Jews are Christians. If you wish to split hairs, the proper term for Jesus human incarnation, is semitic.
Nolan Ramirez
to explicate this more clearly:
Religion = Judaism (after Christ) -> Christianity. Christianity is the fulfillment and the perfection of Judaism. The post-Temple and post-Christ Jews are more or less leftovers of the Messiah they've rejected.
Blood = Semitic, despite how many confuse this with "Jew". the proper time for the lineage of the Mosaic Jews is semite.
If you notice, the Talmudic (leftover) Jews like to accuse Christians of "anti-semitism", they do this on purpose so with their agitation, they may trick innocent Christians into forsaking Christ in their words without realizing it.
Not all Talmudic Jews are cognizant of what they're doing, but whomever coined the term knew what they were doing.
Leo Bell
Read the Old Testament prophets like Isaiah, who according to the Talmud are burning in hell.
If you reject the Talmud, you reject Judaism.
You must reject the Talmud to accept Christ into your heart.
The Jews say that Christ was a Jew, but why do they say this so often and repeatedly? It is one thing to have pride in their own nation, but to distort Christ's divinity for their own pride is a deadly sin not to mention heresy.
Christ did not speak particularly well of the Jews of his day. In the Gospel of John, He calls the Jewish leaders the sons of the devil
Furthermore, many Jews cloak what they mean by "Jew". One moment, they mean religious Jew. The next they mean ethnic Jew. They adopt whatever meaning is most advantageous to them at the current moment. How do we know that the Jews of today are the Jews of the Bible? Why does it even matter to know? Didn't Christ say all the nations will come to worship Him?
Xavier Stewart
The Talmudic Jews aren't Jews, we are the True Jews, because Christ is the True Messiah. Salvation came from the Jews.
It's nothing but semantics. When a Jew asks you why you are "anti Jew", tell them "but I am a Jew…a true Jew"
Ian Scott
Most (almost all) attempts at discussing the Jewish roots of Christianity do so by assuming Rabbbinicism = Israel. It does not. I think Judaism lost it's "common thread" to Israel by dropping the teachings in their Targums regarding the Word. And they dropped specifically because it resembled Christianity. They contrived a new Judaism that negated the concept of the Word and it eventually became an entirely different belief system.
In short, Rabbinic theology used to teach the "Logos" (the Memra in Aramaic). They dropped it specifically because Christians pointed to Christ as the Incarnate Memra (Incarnate Word). They've since lost touch with this tradition and only high level scholars (like the ones who wrote that encyclopedia) seem aware of it anymore.
And those Messianics and "Christians" who try to go for some form of "Hebrew roots" always miss this as well, and merely combine current Rabbinic theology with their beliefs. This is why they all, without fail, end up rejecting the Trinity and become some form of "oneness" type. They don't realize that Jews once taught the concept of the Word as well.
I might dare to say that the minute Jews themselves wake up to their ancient Targums again, they'll never convert en masse. It's the ultimate "redpill", if you will.
Josiah Evans
He fulfilled the Torah, not Judaism. That would mean he failed since Jews deny Christ as the messiah.
Once again, you are confused. He fulfilled Judaism, for Salvation came from the Jews, He IS salvation. John 4:22
Revelations also points out, that the Jews who would come after, would not be Jews, but the synagogue of Satan. Satan, being of course, Satan, but also of Man and the World.
Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, whom the Jews rejected. If you deny Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, you deny Jesus is Christ.
Connor Ortiz
Christ is the universal messiah, He came for the gentiles too. I think though we are using the term Jew ambigously and devolving into semantic games.
Chase Morales
Anyway, so it seems Zig Forums couldnt contain themselves, and ruined the thread because they got triggered by the word jew, despite the fact that OP told them to contain their autism, he was talking about OT judaism, not the modern rabbinical faith.
i wasn't the user you were originally talking to. He fulfilled the Torah (which the Jews barely follow anymore), Judaism changed after Christ. Christ is Salvation, he brought it to the gentiles. John 4:25 The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us.” 26Jesus answered, “I who speak to you am He.”
Logan Martin
>implying the bible wasn't written in it's entirety in latin or greek if you feel like being a larpfag