Is there a biblical obligation for Christians to bear arms?
Luke 22:36
Yes there is. A weapon not only allows one to hunt for food, but it also allows them to protect their family. A man that cannot defend his family is not a man.
Nehemiah 4
winnie the pooh americans trying to use scripture to prove their political ideals.
winnie the pooh damn it.
I too would like to have a rifle but for winnie the poohs sake stop twisting the word of God to your own purposes.
Do you have an argument or are you just butthurt?
t. someone that hates their family and won't protect them if they were ever threatened aka a Marxist
I'd do that just to keep watch for muslims.
OMG! You are a winnie the pooh evil horrible racist that hates brown people and only wants the Bible to conform to their winnie the pooh racist white supremacist agenda! Are you not aware it is current year? The police is all the protection any good christian needs!
winnie the pooh guns
winnie the pooh Nazis
winnie the pooh white supremacy
winnie the pooh this racist board!
I mean, I wouldn't call it an obligation but I don't think it's forbidden.
Zig Forumsristians sound off.
Dixiefag here.
Florida man here
Orthobro reporting in
It is not obligatory to own a weapon.
From my point of view, guns are only really needed (outside of police work or whatever) for hunting or if you live in a really rough area. The good majority of middle to upper middle class people (which I assume most christanons are) probably won’t have to deal with anything like that. Of course, seeing as I’m pretty sheltered maybe I’m just naive.
I want you to notice that if you read all the way to Luke 22:52, Jesus doesn't actually let them use those swords, even healing the guard that had his ear cut off. You can't just pick and choose verses like it's a cafeteria. Context is important.
Jesus said two swords was enough. (Luke 22:38) But everyone who uses 22:36 as a reason to own guns always seems to have dozens of firearms in their bunker.
I own them on principle, because progressives tell me I shouldn't.
Doesn't mean it's not good practice to own one. I'd rather die knowing I didn't have to use a gun than die wishing I had one.
I think it depends. I wasn't raised on guns, have never owned one nor particularly trained with one. I have 6 children - 4 of whom still live at home - who have also never owned nor trained with a firearm. Untrained people should not be in possession of such extremely dangerous weapons.
Hence why you get training, duh. You would be an irresponsible parent otherwise.
I remember reading the word for swords used in this verse referred to those little short ones used for self defence too, so if true, transposing to modern day I guess it's up to you to discern what you need to defend yourself and your family, a pistol, assult rifle or entire arsenal idk
I raise my kids, make sure they are healthy, clothed and fed, I am active in educating my children, take them to church, ensure they are taught proper morals and are active in the community. Yet, because we don't have firearms, I am an "irresponsible parent".
Wow. Literally. Yikes.
I'll be sure to tell my kids that I can stop feeding them and taking them to church because just by owning a firearm, I am magically a responsible parent …
I wish I had the privilege of living in a safe neighborhood like you. Unfortunately not many are blessed like you.
Some have the misfortune of waking up at night wishing they had trained themselves to protect their family.
I live in downtown New Orleans. #4 highest murder rate! Here's the thing, though: If you're active in the community and in the church, then people get to know you and your family. Communities watch out for each other. Nothing prevents home invasion like an entire community watching your back.
Unless, of course, you're sitting in your chair with your guns aimed at every door and window at all times 24/7. Though if that's the case, I'd suggest you seek a mental health professional.
Hopefully Bolsonaro makes owning weapons legal here. Did you know that before the governor kicked the Jesuits in here, years back, he first confiscated their guns? That's how things started going downhill.
Either way if you were a actual parent you would just not reply to this thread instead of trying to troll people. Maybe a legitimate argument or sticking to stuff like , but nope.
Discussion != Trolling
Bear arms, be prepared to use them, but be prepared for the consequences.
Completely helpful discussion statements.
Actually nevermind that.
Why would you completely disregard the entirety of a conversation in a written media? It's like reading a book, but skipping every other chapter. Then again, I suppose your generation is the tl;dr generation. Such is the way of it.
You wouldn't last a day in Baltimore. Count youself lucky that you didn't lose anyone you loved. My family used to be like yours. Used to be.
I pray that no villians come to your little slice of privilege.
I spent 2 weeks in Baltimore last summer visiting family. You might want to stop making assumptions.
These meanings seem to have been totally read into the user's posts by you. He was obviously saying you'd be an irresponsible parent for having firearms without having training, being silent on those without firearms, period, hence the appropriate (if admittedly sarcastic, but where do you think we we are) response of for your reading comprehension.
Was going to reply with this whole thing, but is the appropriate response.
If early Christians stigmatized weaponry then modern Christians would not exist.
You live in Nogtropolis, USA and you’re not armed?
I'm not afraid of brown people.
Jesus also said those who live by the sword, die by the sword. Jesus speaks in spiritual matters (e.g. born again, living water, etc.) so the sword here refers to the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" (Matthew 4:4)
Sword can be spiritual, but not always