Be careful, this is a long read.
Please stay safe and never do drugs, brothers.
DMT "entities" might be demonic
They might be
Also, I just read this:
Shrinks are considering replacing current generation anti-depressants (which already aren't that great to begin with, to put it mildly) with DMT and other drugs. The future is terrifying.
didn't we have this already? Anyway
Yes. DMT, heroin, cocaine, meth, weed, psilocybin, all the common recreational and illegal drugs are labeled as pharmakeia. In english bibles it is translated as sorcery but a more accurate definition would be poisoning the body. The pagan cults of old would use drugs to change their state of mind. Modern Paganism (aka occult magick) utilizes drugs to do all sorts of bullshit on the users. See pic related.
As for non-occult uses of pharmakeia, criminals use drugs to control people. Pimps will pump thier hoes full of drugs to keep them docile and prevent them from running away. Drug dealers sell their product and get people to destroy their bodies while taking their money. CIA-ŃIGGERS use LSD and other drugs for MKUltra mind control. There is a reason why the most degenerate and (((liberal))) states push for drug legalization. It keeps the people docile and more willing to accept their feel-good but retarded policies.
case in point, my state of IL just elected a governer that promised to do a mileage tax (the more you drive your car the more you have to pay) and other retarded tax policies because DUDE WEED LMAO
psychedelics actually opened me up spiritually. Before doing psychedelics i dismissed all spirituality as fiction and just a way to control people. After I did psychedelics my mind was opened to the idea that maybe there was more than just this material world. I did get into a lot of wicked spirituality like buddhism, hinduism, taoism, david icke, and terrance mckenna and alan watts and some other shit but eventually i came to christ. I dont think i could have ever come to christ without psychedelics. Im not saying you should do them, which you shouldnt by the way, but without their mind opening properties i would have never come to christ
Just because drugs poisons you slowly doesn't mean it doesn't poison you. Take LSD (or any of the recreational drugs) on a long enough time frame and you'll lose your mind like Aleister Crowley on top of a litany of other health side effects. It also poisions you spiritually.
No it isn't. Alcohol is one of God's gift to man. Aside from brining joy (in moderation) it is used to sanitize water and wounds. It is also used in the Eucharist and is transformed into the Blood of our Lord and Savior.
It can give you short term memory loss and leave you vulnerable to bronchitis and pneumonia.
Recreational drugs are degenerate and literally pagan tier. God calls us to be better than the pagans. So stop trying to scandalize our siblings in Christ.
God makes all things new and heals all corruptions. An encounter with a demon contributed to me coming to Christ.
Demons are pathetic
Why would you post a massive thing like that on twitter? Just use pastebin.
I didn't write that.
Just like "aliens" they ARE demons, theres a good reason why sorcery is outlawed in the OT, "spirits" are just demons LARPing as ghosts as well
so this guy in vid related is basically committing blasphemy by associating trip experiences with biblical phenomena then? I've never been interested in trying it myself, but the phenomenon is odd. I know demons are supposed to be tricksters, and are distinguished by violating your free will (as many drugs can, I guess), but then I find it weird that so many people come away from that stuff with positive experiences and messages of peace. Is that part of the trick? Cause it seems like a bit of an unintuitive outcome, compared to say, classic cases of demonic possession in exorcisms.
Literally propaganda. Don't smoke it and you're fine.
It's medicine. Period.
Don't start preaching about sober mindedness. Would you tell someone on oxys for pain the same?
My theory is that the whole peace/love messsages is some trickery. People start believing complete nonsense about the afterlife and nature of reality, and never repent and come back to Christ, with the outcome we all know.
Every religion is like that except for Cathodox and maybe proddies. Every other religion requires unwarranted "niceness" to everyone. Only Augustinian Christianity seems to believe in righteous punishment and correction. Even someone studying the Bible on their own will inevitably come to a conclusion like the heretical nice doctrine. Not saying we shouldn't usually be nice and peaceful btw, but God didn't tolerate evil and neither should we.
Yeah. Satan doesn't really care which of his lies entrap you.
Relevant meme
Bud, I know marijuana is a medicine, but doing recreationally is abusing the plant. Just because you bought into the (((leftist lies))) doesn't make the side effects not true. There is a reason why it is called 'Dope.
The only propagandist here is (you)
what about entities in non-drug-induced near death experiences?
It's probably the same thing.
It seems like we have this thread every month and people still say they same junk like always.
Everything has to do with the Pineal gland. It is the receptor to the other planes of existence, where angels and demons and other entities exist. People's pineal glands used to be good, but with the advent of (((fluoride))) in our water supply, it has been calcified.
Drugs like DMT can "open up" the gland in an unsafe manner. Too much and you will get psychosis and end up like Crowley.
You can open it safely through meditation, eating healthy, and avoiding fluoride (in water, toothpaste, even some floss).
You can see angels like Ophanim on these drugs, but you may also see other beings.
DMT made me see seraphim and ophanim , i guess youre just not enlightened enough so you see demons and faggot shit
Take your occultism off this board
The only time in my life I used an actual psychedelic was on a small dose of Salvia. There came something that was playing around with sound and turning it into some kind of ferry wheel where I had the conviction that if the wheel made a 360° turn, I would break through. I noped out and instinctively thought it was a demon making fun of my inexperience or something.
Don't get inflated with the idea of doing psychedelics, they're obviously no good. Stay humble and pray to the Holy Virgin Mary for protection, always.
A straight up invention of de Cartes. The same de Cartes who was too much of a brainlet to understand Christian psychology (i.e., the study of the soul) following St. Thomas, and rebirthed the ancient heresy of Gnosticism.
The "peace and love" promoted by hippies, and potentially these DMT entities, just means """tolerance""" and complacency.
Lol wut? Have you even read or watched anything about dmt experiences? I think you're getting two groups/concepts mixed up. Hippies' peace and love = tolerance, yes, but this has nothing to do with the 'love and peace' people say they experience during their trips. They describe it as a wholly incomprehensible experience of being in the presence of love itself, some comes ('washes') over them and they cannot describe it, and the secular among them are hesitant to say supernatural but they otherwise acknowledge it certainly felt like something from 'the other side' and, like I said simply indescribable. They way they (try) to describe it in fact has incredible similarity to how people describe the literal 'peace and love' experienced when tthey meet God, including Jesus, when they die. See vid related.*
Please don't conflate these two understandings of the phrase 'peace and love' when they have completely different meanings and coonotations in their own contexts.
*Note: I'm not drawing conclusions here (saying that they are the same experience or that either group experienced God), I'm just reporting back what others have said.
Something comes
Dang phoneposting
Christians in Mexico use it.
Who else needs to see an Angel? Are you saying Angels never use their beauty and power ro convert hard hearts?
You obviously think you're purer than druggies, and Angels would show themselves to you but not a filthy druggie, because you're so pure and they love you so much.
I have no idea why you associate DMT entities (Angels) with Earthly political philosophies. Christians in Mexico and South America, who're far more conservative than you are, use DMT and Salvia.
A bunch of Catholics in Mexico use drugs to talk with Mary, but we should instead listen to the drug laws of the USA and define these peoples' Chrisrian tradition by a political argument in the USA between sodomite-enablers (Liberals) and racist pseudo-Christians (Conservatives.)
Oh God! They're brown! They can't teach *me,*, a glorious white man, about ANYTHING! They use drugs to make themselves complacent!
Why are you bringing race up? Do you always do this in conversations?
Because you are literally polluting the body God gave you with something that God clearly banned people from doing. All the filth is what attracts demons, not angels.
Unless the Holy See validates such things, they are on par with any other kind of cult nonsense—or, even worse, divination or sorcery (which are mortal sins that send one straight to Hell).
It's no coincidence whenever South American Christians lapse back into paganism and superstition the Church rebukes them. Drugs are not necessary, nor conducive to, wisdom or holiness, nor salvation. If anything, drug use encourages idolatry, lethargy and a thousand other vices. No saint has ever encouraged the use of these substances, nor has Our Lord, Our Lady, nor any of God's angels irrespective of rank. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a fool or plainly evil.
Bamping this post because winners don't do drugs, crypto-pagans do.
Because I'm a white nationalist.
Show me where it says in the Bible that you can't use psychedelics. You're projecting 20th century Protestant drug law onto Christianity.
The only person who sees filth in psychedelics is you. Angels come via psychedelics to show sinful people the beauty of God - filthy druggies who can only be impressed by spectacles.
The Mexicans who use Salvia are far stricter Christians than the anti-drug Americans, Australians and Europeans who ban it.
Why do Mexican Catholics use this drug, but American Protestents don't? Could the experience - as many posters in this thread have told you - bolster faith in Jesus?
'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone' - don't criticize faithful Catholics who use Salvia while the USA is run by anti-Salvia heretics who legalize gay marriage.
Source, please - on the Church condemning Salvia. No condemnation of the drug explicitly = you grasping at straws.
I don't do them anymore, and the general agreement is that after a certain point, you've learned what you need to learn and set the bong down.
It just feels like an insult that you're saying what brought me to Jesus is sinful. I can quit the drugs, but I can't give up the significance of the experience.
Why are you lumping all drugs together - what about stimulants? How do they cause lethargy?
Let's be honest; these drugs grant visions of God and his Angels to anyone, even filthy druggies, and are used by Christians, and bring non-Christians to Jesus.
You and many other people don't like the notion of anyone being able to see God. You want us to have faith, rather than let us have proof from our own eyes that God is real. That we submit to the Church is not enough; we're nothing, and have to have the divine fed to us.
I was raised in America, and it is spiritually dead. I was never going to become a Christian without this stuff. Some people have to see it to believe it.
Salvia isn't heroin. US Christians are ignorant. There's a reason they're being bred out of existence by Hispanics; white US Christians have been lured into the synagogue of Satan. They legalize same-sex marriage, and condemn brown Catholics for using drugs to see Mary.
The Mexicans aren't the ones acting against God, despite being exposed to Salvia, while the drug-free Americans fail to reproduce and legalize fag marriage.
The Bible forbids "sorcery", which in ancient greek is "Pharmakeia", which includes drugs.
Show me in the Bible where it says God allows you to pollute your body with drugs. Show me documents of church fathers and saints that advocate using drugs to contact God.
{5:19} Now the works of the flesh are manifest: which are fornication, uncleanness, immodesty, luxury,
{5:20} Idolatry, witchcrafts (pharmakeia), enmities, contentions, emulations, wraths, quarrels, dissensions, sects,
{5:21} Envies, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like. Of the which I foretell you, as I have foretold to you, that they who do such things shall not obtain the kingdom of God.
18:9} When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God shall give thee, beware lest thou have a mind to imitate the abominations of those nations.
{18:10} Neither let there be found among you any one that shall expiate his son or daughter, making them to pass through the fire: or that consulteth soothsayers, or observeth dreams and omens, neither let there be any wizard,
{18:11} Nor charmer, nor any one that consulteth pythonic spirits, or fortune tellers, or that seeketh the truth from the dead.
{18:12} For the Lord abhorreth all these things, and for these abominations he will destroy them at thy coming.
Pagan sorcery heavily involves drug use God calls us to be better than the pagans. Unrepentant potheads, crack whores, psychonauts, junkies all of them get the lake of fire and so will you if you don't repent, sinner!
Also, Mexico has same sex marriage as well, ergo argument invalid. If everything is so great in Mexico why are Mexicans dying to break into America?
I'm so glad I left that degeneracy behind me and instead follow the teachings of God. Get help, crypto-pagan.
All those are covered by 'no sodomy.' The house bit is irrelevant here - are you mentioning usury? I agree usury is wrong, but how is it relevant to this discussion?
Salvia isn't poisonous, and doesn't damage the body.
Praying, then using a drug with the intent to see God isn't witchcraft.
I don't use the drugs anymore, but it's not because I think they're sinful.
It requires a court order in most of the country, and I can counter that in other parts of South America where they use DMT and san pedro cactus (Peru) they haven't legalized gay marriage.
The original reason Timothy Leary invented LSD was for use in occult settings. I read "Turn Off Your Mind" a few years ago and this was a major point in the book.
So, yeah, any Christian who experiments with LSD is doing a lot of damage to themselves physically, mentally and spiritually.
*ingests caffeine to function in the morning*
*takes tylenol for minor aches and pains*
*eats foods loaded with cancer causing preservatives*
*pays kike doctors for antibiotics when you get the sniffles*
*posts on a taiwanese recipe trading imageboard to feign superiority over people that are advocating for traditional medicine*
>tfw prots don't do spiritual excersizes
Do you also visit hospitals and yell at cancer patients about sober mindedness?
Timothy Leary did not 'invent' LSD. Albert Hoffman first synthesized it in 1938.
I agree that psychedelics are spiritually harmful, but if you can't get the easy parts of the story right people aren't going to believe anything else you say about them.
Recreational drugs are easily defined. It's drugs taken with no purpose other than some sort of high, be it a psychedelic experience, the numbing of recreational narcotic usage like Heroin and fentanyl, Robotriping, cocaine/crack, etc. A drug in this sense is defined more by intent and usefulness than by the actual medicine itself. A chemo patient or an epileptic being given medicinal marijuana is different than than Joe Blow down the street sparking up a blunt in his free time.
I don't agree with because he's being an autist as are a ton of people in this thread. Anyone who denies the benefits of various criminalized drugs to those who actually need them is an idiot on par with anti-vaxers and flat-earthers. But taking DMT to get a supposedly spiritual experience when we know you could get one without it isn't a good equivalent to traditional medicine.
conversely, communion wafer entities are angelic
Owen is a good boy and leading people into the light. Bless him.
Share your story, user.
No. Shrink, as in a psychiatrist.
Thank you for this, user.
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