You need to do some more reading on basic christology. Jesus is God, this is not a contradiction with his role as Christ, the Messiah. The paradox is between his being God and Man.
Read the WHOLE Bible, Mormon! And also, good luck becoming a god yourself! You shall die like a man!
Henry Hall
see how the snakes come out of the woodwork and attack you straight away
Jayden Perez
The Mormons and weird Prots are out shilling today…
Colton Parker
since like 300 A.D. i'm assuming you're a witness. if Jesus Christ was simply just a "really special person", his sacrifice was not good enough for the debt we owe to God the Father (an infinite one only God can pay). if that is the case, we should all become jews.
the structure of a witnesses argument is moslem-tier.
Good evening, and welcome to another round of: “Guess the Jesus Denier”! What is OP, folks? Mormon? Jehovah’s Witness? Muslim? Gnostic?
Juan Collins
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Why does everyone deny this fact?
Hudson Thompson
Nathan Gutierrez
Nobody here denies this fact. You just happen to believe that Jesus is A god, the Father is A god, and the Holy Ghost is A god.
Dylan Howard
You’re arguing basically for pantheism.
God is understood to man as three characters, Father Son and Holy Spirit, but God is ONE personal entity.
Also all the Orthodox, all the Latins hold this as doctrine.
Mormontards are today’s Gnostics.
Carter Moore
if you flip open your bible to page, all of it, youll see that the God of Israel is named JEHOVAH, and this God begets a Son in the new testament, called JESUS who is the Christ.
Ayden Scott
This is what happens when you believe that there are no mysteries. That’s the error of Protestantism which leads to these heresies.
Oliver Johnson
are you talking about the MYSTERY on the forehead of the whore of revelation? what God does that church preach? is it a Trinity? three in one, tag team spectacular?
Andrew Lee
Read your Bible, page all of it. “The father and I are one” means what it says. One god, three persons.
Jeremiah Ward
Must’ve been the Protestants too during the Gnostic heresies. This is your brain on Catholicism.
Anyways! Does posting on Zig Forums count as good-boy points?
Lincoln Bailey
Jesus didnt mention the third person in that verse, why did Jesus exclude him?
Dominic Mitchell
Do even know how to reply to another post? What site did you come from? How did you find this board? What’s your age and racial demographic?
Caleb Lewis
i was informed by a reliable source, that this place might have some real christians, as reddit seems to be a toxic snake pit run by transexuals and jesuits
Ayden Parker
Answer my other questions.
Nicholas Moore
im not taking orders from you, you should be taking orders from me, make a drink
Adam Miller
Confirmed schizo, lol.
Bentley Ross
i think youll find believing that one God is actually a team of three Gods in one team called one God, is schizo.
Michael Gray
All im stating, is there is One God, who is one person, and there is one Christ who is one person, and these two persons, are not the same person. This is what the bible teaches.
Thomas Campbell
Not a single person here believes that the trinity is a “team” of three gods called one. God is literally ONE God, THREE persons. I swear, mysteries are an IQ filter.
so you believe there is one God, and three persons are this one God? Thats by definition a team.
Grayson Martinez
You are a pantheist.
There is ONE GOD. Look again at the first commandment user.
If you can’t understand the trinity that’s your problem pal.
Camden Lee
Common ousia, mate.
Learn what terms people that disagree with you use.
Aiden Howard
How is saying there is One God, who is one person, pantheism?
remember the God that Jesus prayed to? that guy is God
Alexander Miller
which chapter and verse can i find this ousia?, i use the King James Version
Jordan Adams
This is why they persecute you so.
Nicholas Diaz
Nah, even Protestants are stupid enough to believe the shit OP is shilling.
Michael Anderson
Brody Gonzalez
what kind of meme-baptist doesn't believe in the trinity?
Lincoln Clark
So you think Jesus being the Christ, the Son of God, is false?
Robert Ortiz
Maybe I misunderstood you.
God is one but is revealed as three characters to man, the Trinity. That’s the Orthodox position.
Luis Martinez
so you are a modalist?
Gabriel Hughes
No. Revealed to man as three persons. Human logic cannot fully comprehend God’s mysteries but the Trinity makes it easier to understand.
Luke Foster
are you saying God is the author of confusion and we cant understand his words?
Aaron Butler
Maybe characters is the wrong word. This is hard to express user.
The Trinity are three, real divine persons that are all part of the Godhead.
Levi Rivera
have you ever considered, that when Jesus said his Father was the only true God in John 17:3, that he actually meant it? and when he straitly tells in John 20:17, that his Father is his God, and our God And that in Rev 3:12 he says he has a God 4 times in one verse. that he was telling the truth?
If Jesus' Father is God, that makes him the Son of God. Why is this really simple truth, so difficult for most christians to understand? and instead they preach a confusing trinity 3 in 1 God, that they themselves confess is nonsensical and cannot be understood, but we must place our trust in this house apon the sand?
I state thus the fllowing: One God, the Father One Christ, Jesus One Spirit, Holy
Refer to Eph 4:4-6
Mason Myers
Nathan Hall
i know the pharisees falsely accused Jesus of claiming things he never said, are these passages things the pharisees thought he said? the guys Jesus said were of the devil and abode not in truth?
Brody Lee
To say that man is capable of understanding everything and able to parse it out into categories is pride. There are divine mysteries that we just cannot comprehend through reason, that’s just what I’m trying to say.
Prots inherited this RCC tendency of having to philosophically define God and sort everything into little neat categories.
John Sullivan
tell me, what was the "mystery" that God revealed in the new testament?
Alexander Scott
Jesus is the Son of the Father in the Trinity, but also God. He is both.
If you don’t understand the Trinity being three divine persons in one God then you won’t get it.
Robert Bailey
false. the "Trinity" what does not appear in scripture, is not the 'mystery' that God revealed.
The mystery that had been hid in God, was that the gentiles would be fellow heirs of the Kingdom of God, through the death and resurrection of the human messias, Christ Jesus our Lord.
It has nothing to do with God lying in the the old testament and actually secretly being a team of three.
Isaac Phillips
“Truly, truly I say unto you: Before Abraham was, I AM”
Leo Nelson
I feel like I’m taking a theology test geez.
A mystery is something that cannot be explained by reason alone. There are many mysteries in the New Testament. The Virgin Mary. The Trinity. Most importantly the Ressurection.
If you don’t believe in mysteries then you can’t accept any of these events.