Is helping poor and suffering people immoral?

Jesus said that the poor/sick/suffering/etc are rewarded in heaven, right? So if you help them by giving them money or healing their sickness or alleviating their suffering, aren't you just ruining their reward in heaven?

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If anything it seems like the moral thing to do would be to go around oppressing people and harming them as much as possible so the get a better reward in heaven.

So this is the logical conclusion of cucked modernianity(tm), utter savagery? We have to return Medieval Christianity or everything will be far worse.

This is what happens when you only read a bible verse.

I wonder what is it like to be OP. What does the world look like when you're this retarded?

Creating an Ultimate Goal which is a system that helps the poor, sick, wounded, filthy, decrepit, despirited, and utterly destroyed in heart is what society should have done, but didn't. You are a piece of garbage OP, but I will respond to your bait because I believe that people need true guidance and ultimate suggestion…ne'er and not but what for…something greater than what any Government or Country can give them. What kind of person are you if you don't consider that even in this filthy mortal coil–we art not to act unto thine portent or thine part literally? Meaning…why wouldn't you defy and put out what you can? Son, we are greater than this even as we seethe with the passion of our genes. I wont get into what "Heaven" truly is because it will derail and take up far too much time, but let us say that it isn't a "reward" as much as where Spirits live.

This thread has to be a troll, right? Nobody can seriously have this ignorant of an understanding of Christianity.

Did OP just read the Beatitudes and stop there? Because that's what it seems like.

I unironically believe the beatitudes are a subversion. God must’ve known they would’ve turned billions of souls into homocucks and therefore He cannot be the author.


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This is why people fall down to paganism.

11/10 bait.

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This board needs and inquisition.

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Ask yourself if you're really helping them or just throwing money at the end product of a international poverty racket.

Don't entertain this stupidity. He's just funposting/trolling.

There is always time for the truth.

There is a real argument about being an enabler that doesn't help vagrants's physical situation by throwing money at them, but that's not what op is talking about

True. Still, they're doing it purely for attention.

It's only deception if you fall for it. If you see a wrong then tell the truth, so that others can't be fooled as easily.

Explain why is wrong.

Because Christ lived it.

But He whipped His enemies, did He not?

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(y'all mind if I check myself?)

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Cannot believe this thread still exists…

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彡゚◉ω◉ )つー☆*. winnie the pooh THE PAIN AWAY *:・゚✧.

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(∩^o^)⊃━☆゜.*. How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

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notices bulge. … OwO What's This?

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To help is to bless, to be helped is to be blessed. We are called to do both as required.