Feels thread

talk about your recent Zig Forums feels

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I no longer pray. As in, I do not pray asking for anything but instead thank God for everything I have. I have gotten to a point where I feel as though my prayers do little to nothing in my life and let God decide what I do and do not have in life. I feel miserable. Please someone give me advice and scripture to reassure me that my life isn't just a plastic bag in the wind.

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iktf as well

Things that Feel Bad

Things that Feel Good

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feels bad.

feels bad.

feels good.

feels bad, man.

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The Blessed Mother of God suffered more than any other mere creature. (I say mere creature because Jesus Christ obviously suffered worse, but wasn't a mere creature but God).
Did the Blessed Virgin complain? Did she shout 'woe is me' as she suffered her 7 sorrows piercing her heart? No! We can't even begin to understand how painful it must have been for our Mother to watch her Blessed Son crucified for us! How can we begin to fathom the pain of her spiritual martyrdom? And how can we possibly complain about our sorrows, knowing that Mary did not complain about her 7 sorrows?


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Allow me to add what St Paul of the Cross writes in his book 'Flowers of the Passion' ;

'Already the walls of the prison are crumbling to dust, and the prisoner is
about to enjoy the liberty of the children of God.
Sigh after that happy country ; leave
your heart free to take its flight thither;
above all, drink, with love, of your
Saviour's chalice ; inebriate yourself
with it —and how ? By pure love and
pure suffering; unite the two, or, rather,
cast a drop of your sufferings into the
ocean of divine love.'

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This is a good thing though. It means you no longer love God out of some interested desire but genuinely, you're starting to learn real gratitude towards him and this is one of the highest virtue a good servant can learn.

You shouldn't. I mean, if you've mastered real gratitude, that is, but I guess you're still on the path to it and that's why God is humiliating yourself.
I don't know your lives anons but I want to remind you that, this material existence is nothing but a trial. Sometimes I'm worrying : "what am I doing with my life?", "I need to let a legacy" "I need to do something to get X/Y/Z" but then I remember all those things are ultimately meaningless in face of the only necessary one : Getting back to God.
He wants our souls, and he wants them pure. We've been called. That alone means we are not meaningless no matter what the outwards appearance might be. Everyone dies in the end, the only thing that matters is whether God approves you or not.

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It is these:

I wish I was never born and I want to die.

Revelation 9:6

Saw a nice sunrise today.
Feels good

Drank some gross coffee today.
Feels bad


Feels good

Feels bad

Most people are not, and will not ever be the Virgin Mary or St. Paul of the Cross. Talking about our hopes, triumphs, reasons for praising God, sorrows, fears, failures, etc. can be helpful as well too. Addict recovery programs are literally built around this concept.

Don't be too quick or too harsh in judgement. As it is said, you will by surprised by who ends up in Heaven or Hell. Some of those "degenerate normie masses" may just need a hand up. And all of those "real life tradcaths" still struggle with demons, sins and flaws, just like everyone else:

I'm not afraid to admit that I'm hurt and weak. I can't commit suicide, and I can't go to Heaven unless I get baptised. I am winnie the poohed. Satan is trying to keep people from baptism. I don't think I'm gonna make it.

Take heart. If you want it bad enough, God will find a way for you. Don't trust in your own strength or in that of others: trust in God. The thief on the cross was not baptized and yet God saved him.

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where do you live?

Kitsap, Washington state. I'm 40 minutes/23 miles away from Holy Trinity Catholic church in Bremerton.

But I also travel around Washington for work, so sometimes I'm not in Kitsap.

i'm on the opposite coast, but maybe try calling the parish administration and seeing if anyone will pick you up. i know this would be hard to do if you are as autistic as me, took me half a year to work up the courage to go to confession for the first time since i was like 10

If you're trusting in a work for salvation, you are believing a false gospel

My feels have held for some time now. I quickly regained my faith but had trouble straightening my behavior for some time. When I lost my faith I felt estranged from the world while being a part of it - as paradoxically as it may sound it is so - I always felt something is wrong with this world right now. I couldn't put my finger on it. When I regained my faith, became more aware of what's going on I became more out going while knowing that I do not fit into general society. I fit among Christians, even some atheist groups, but not everyone.
Overall I feel like I stopped counting on God as "him doing what I want". I know he leads me where he wants and I have to accept it. I recently realized that more than a year ago I got on the ride that never ends - until the almighty calls for you to leave this world. So whatever happens, I have to take it humbly. It might sound I am happy. In a way I am but lately I have been feeling really drained by uncertainty. I would like to make a positive difference to people in my life, yet I struggle in managing my own problems still. So I feel less potent to "help" anyone with anything.

My feelings often alternate between "why am I here? I just wish my life ended already" and "All right I am here to take what is prepared for me, gladly".

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Aaaayyyyy, I grew up across the sound from you. Live in good ol' Dixie now. Man I miss the Sound. Feels bad
But now I don't live in California 2: THC Boogaloo. Feels good

They actually have a group near me, and they told me to call Volunteer Services. I left them a message on thr phone, but they never got back to me.

I'm autistic, but I've gotten over my social phobia.

If anyone can help me, I can be reached at; [email protected]

I want to be baptised because that's what God said to do. I personally believe in baptism by desire, but only on the condition that God will grant me Heaven for trying to follow the rules.

To be honest, I just came here to bitch about my lack of baptism.

I was born in Florida, and lived in the south until I moved to Texas, then New Hampshire, and finally to WA.

My grandmother is a Catholic and lives in NC, but my Dad and her hate each other so by the time I decided I wanted to become a Christian I was on the opposite side of the country.

Feels good

Feels bad. I have faith that the Lord will give me a good chance to try and help him out, but I'm not sure how he'll react. He's been having a lot of people treating him differently because of his orientation recently, and I don't want it to come off that way. Almost every time we hang out he's saying something good about how godly and Christian I am, maybe he secretly wants to be Christian himself and all I need to do is reach out to him about it, give him some place to start his journey. I'd just hate to see someone so close to me not know the love that God has for them.

good luck user, i'll pray for you

If you're still having trouble, and are open to another option, there is an Orthodox church roughly in the same area you've described yourself as being in that you can reach out to if you want:


Fair enough.

Small world. NC is my home state where I reside. Was born there, then spent the first three years of my life in Japan due to my Dad being in the Marines, then we moved back and been here ever since.

I hate that I have to go to confession every week because whoops, I thought for a small moment about how I and my ex girlfriend used to love each other, and I thought about the sex part and got an erection in the process.

I love that I have found a trade that I want to learn and master for the rest of my life.

I pray that God wants me to become a monk or something similar so I can be free of ordinary temptations and material possessions. Sometimes I wish I could just pray daily, give grace, smile to my brothers and listen to the birds outside.

Positive things
It feels good now that I am fully a true soldier of Christ.
The shitty stuff
Maybe I'll became a Deacon or something. Who knows.

Good feels
Bad feels
How I'd love to meet a decent Christian woman I can feel passionate about… the closest I've come to that is this Prot girl I've gotten to know (homely, but sweet and conservative), however I'm quite confident she wouldn't begome gadolig.

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pic related if anyone is interested, you can use it as an wallpaper if you like. This is supposed to compete for a place in a magazine! pah, i won't win and i need to create something else.

I wouldn't consider that mortally sinful, unless you masturbated.

no, monks do not get a "get out of temptation free" card

forgot pic

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Hey bro, I'm your bro, bro.

What this user said. Becoming a monk wont makes things hunky-dory. It'll only make it worse. Read the lives of the monks on Mt. Athos and they will tell you the spiritual warfare is even harder as a monk than it is in the laity. The demons love to harass and tempt holy people the most.

I like it, the nose seems to merge with the window pane, a thicker outline would fix it.

I understand that. Comparing our lives to saints is the perfect way to humble ourselves. The humble will not complain, but will have faith and rejoice in all the hardships God puts in their way.

'Do not be troubled because people
despise and ignore me. God permits
this trial to humble me, and I rejoice
in it.' - St Paul of the Cross

I will also of course pray for all of you and help carry your burdens. But we could all do with meditating on our nothingness for a while.

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I never told you to be sinless brother, I would be a complete hypocrite if I were to say that, and I am ashamed that I came across like that. I apologise, all I wanted was to share my understanding of the virtues that follow humility. God bless you.

Having the thoughts but rejecting them is alright. Entertaining them for a moment I'm pretty sure is wrong, because I am voluntarily thinking about a girl I'm not married to with lust. I just feel like I'm defiling her and I am scandalized by the idea that another man would do the same things that I did to her.

The priest said something about how it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, but I couldn't hear him well because mass was being said at the same time. Although every priest I have confessed this to has recognized that these consented thoughts were worthy of confession.

Only if you consent the thoughts than its a sin.
Every sin starts like this
1st Temptation, the thought so called

2nd delight, you see that it would feel good to accept the temptation.

3rd Consent of the Will. Now that you saw the thought was good you accept it and enjoy it.
This is the sin. (and mortal in case of lust for a woman that's not your wife).

Imagine the Catholics on Judgement day trying to justify/explain this one. God shares his glory with no one.

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"You're shit's winnie the poohed man"
-Jesus, page 47

I usually draw the line at the point where I get an erection. To me this is my body signaling to my mind that I have crossed the line of consent. I also tend to get wet dreams as a result of frequent thoughts.


So when God offers you to become His son as per John 1:12, will you refuse and damn yourself instead?

Hail Mary, Queen of Heaven.

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Why wouldn't he?
He shows Himself completely to everyone in heaven. He is the source of everlasting hapiness. To know God is our uttermost desire and we will partake in his glory in heaven and we will worship him forever with all the Saints and angels.
Weird theology my tigger and be careful with your nestorianism.
From the rules
Cease your heresy.

We are not in control of the motion of our organs anymore since the fall.
There are involuntary erections that happen even when someone is trying to reject the thought.
Well you are sleeping so it's not your fault.

That being said if you enjoy even for a moment having an erections by having those thoughts then it's a sin.

Yeah that's what I thought and that's why I confess them. It's a pain because those sinful thoughts creep in when I think about the deep love and intimacy we used to have, which itself was everything but sinful. This happens almost exclusively when I miss her and try to evaluate my choice by allowing myself to feel the things I feel for her.

Wet dreams always feel bad, though.

Feels bad my man
winnie the pooh this.
I hate to wake up and having to change my underwear or worse the sheets.

How specific are you guys in confession? How specific do you think most people are?
Surely, somewhere, sometime, someone has told his Father he watched MLP porn.

Yes, it's an admirable goal, perhaps to obtain eventually. But once again, you come off as disassociated from the spiritual level of most average people, as well as the ultimate point of this thread. And I'm sorry, but if someone is suicidal or at least mentally on the edge, keeping quiet and "not complaining", rather than seeking out help or a sympathetic ear, is terrible advice.

Let's imagine you confess you watched porn. You don't need to specify the genre.
But you watched gay porn that little detail changes the nature of the sin. You are guilty of pornography and faggotry.
So when confessing mortal sins you must specify the circunstances that change the nature of the sin.
Btw the priest cannot judge you for your shitty tastes.
All he will say is hmm hmm ok. Nothing more.

I am gonna say the n-word
Begone nestorian

Granted Mary is the mother of God but isn't saying "Queen of Heaven" kind of putting her next to or on equal footing God the Father, whom is the King of Heaven?

I'll pray for you user, you'll make it. I highly recommend you get this: baroniuspress.com/book.php?wid=56&bid=63#tab=tab-1

It will change your life, user.

No. Saying She is "Queen of Heaven" is not a misnomer, but the truth, because She is greater than any Saint in Heaven, for She bore Jesus Christ (and is Immaculate, but we can agree that bearing Christ is great alone).

If we didn't call Her "Queen of Heaven", what would we call Her? the gender non-binary double plus good womxn in heaven?


St. Mary, Queen of Heaven, greater than all the Saints, and God's greatest Creation*

fixed it for you.

by showing respect to the Queen, you show respect to the Most High. If you've ever read a history book, there have been more than a few situations of a child-King with a Queen-mother.

Your confusion seems to be decidedly modern, but the Church knows its history and sees the precedent.

Feels good man
Thank you, God, for putting her in my life.

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Thank you, sibling in Christ. I pray to God that He lets you feel the feels I'm feeling one of these days. assuming He hasn't already, but you know what mean lol

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Rock Rock On!


(Would not let me embed at the precise time point for some reason.)


The Queen is always below the king retard except in England.

The fifth Glorious Mystery, The Coronation.

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You must conquer your sins. Sloth has made you lazy in your spiritual life. Lust has made you continue to do the wrong thing. Repent twords God. Don't give up and lose your spiritual warfare with the demons. Don't give into their lies. Talk to your spiritual father, he will help you sin no more.

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i'm pretty sure that's simply not true.

Get behind me satan or repent.

Get out and stay gone until you wash that filth off.

I'm trying. I was baptized but didn't really care about Christianity for a while, then I got a sudden burst of fervor and did my best to stick to the Bible. Now I'm back to being unmotivated and confused, even though I pray daily.

Seems like 4/7 of the sorrows in your picture are all Jesus dying. Not saying that's not a big deal but it is one event and the emotional consequences from it.
I know it probably fits in with numerology and other occultist nonsense to have the number be 7 but that shit seems like a stretch to me.
Yeah he died brutally but at least her son came back to life and ascended to heaven thereafter. In that sense she's better off than any mother who's had to experience the loss of their son.

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All Protestant churches in my city seem to be "contemporary" and "modern"; there doesn't seem to be any traditional/old-school/conservative Protestant churches here. Feels bad man

Tell me about the glorious mysteries. Educate a brodesdandd.

Specifically Tridentine Latin Mass (aka Roman Rite). Come Home to Rome

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Alex Trebek: This heresy contends the Jesus was divided into "two persons", since Mary supposedly only gave birth to Jesus' human aspect, in contrast to accepted church teaching that Jesus was one person with two natures (human and divine) that Mary gave birth to, though she is not the mother of the divine essence of the trinity.

Contestant; What is Nestorianism?

Alex Trebek: Correct! Take the board!

I can't even remember all of the stuff they went on about, it made my blood boil.

Nestorianism believes that Jesus is radically separated into two different persons, not that he is a person with two natures, what I propose here is that Mary has no divine nature in order to originate the divine nature of Jesus (if not, the holy spirit was there for nothing).

Jesus Christ is both Man and God, and is the first-born of all creatures, before all creatures.

Mary is still His Mother, satan.

and who said Mary has a divine nature?

Which is literally what I said:

Mary didn't originate his divine nature, which is uncreated since eternity, she gave birth to his undivided dual nature by God choosing her womb as the new tabernacle as foreshadowed in the Old Covenant. By saying that you think Mary only gave birth to his human nature, you are effectively dividing him into two persons. He emerged from Mary's womb as two natures perfectly undivided in one being. Jesus was not just a human nature. Jesus was God, period.

Watch this video, it's a good video for understanding the 7 sorrows.

You don't know what you're talking about. Mary did not give birth to the divine nature, that is the heresy of Monophysitism which Nestorius falsely accused the Christians of Constantinople of believing. The divine nature is not physical, it was not in Mary's womb, it did not come out Mary's birth canal. Mary gave birth to the divine person according to His humanity alone.

amazing. cannot be fabricated

the bad feels:

I hate university so much

the good:
It is a miracle and entirely God's grace.

This is literally what I said:

Yes, that's also what I said:

Then you slide right back into Nestorianism:

Once again, you are saying that Mary only gave birth to his human nature; that she is the Mother of Christ, not the Mother of God. The classic Nestorian heresy of Mary being the "Christokos" (a title literally used by Nestorious himself) and not the Theotokos.

Back to thread maybe:

I live with my feminist sister and she's been upset since yesterday because I told her my honest beliefs that male and female differences are biological, that most women are happiest as dedicated mothers and that the postmodern conception of female liberation is good for few outliers, but most women who give into it regret it later in her life. She says "it's gonna take a while to talk to you normally again, because I am shocked that you believe this".

I've apologized tonight if I said anything that might have been mean to her, although I don't think I have, I even hesitated on taking communion this morning because we shouldn't take communion when we're not reconciled with someone. But really she's the one who is upset with me.

It's hard not to feel guilt in these situations because I've made people upset for wanting to be faithful to God, including when I left my girlfriend, which hurt her terribly. There's a huge part of me that will not let go of the guilt of making someone upset even though what I've done is not sinful and it is theirs to deal with.

It just feels like since I've rejoined the Church, I keep having to upset people. I know Christ said that was supposed to happen, but I don't congratulate myself for that or I'll feel more proud than I have the right to. I'm just socially exhausted and feel like withdrawing from the world even more.

Really started to hate denomination monkeys and Zig Forums level larpers recently.
Too much condemnation for pure human failings without any attempt to give out a hand of forgiveness and none at all hope in redemption.

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wtp is this about? You got beast mark on hand or head already? I don't need to log into to Mac D's where I live..

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No, what you literally said was "He emerged from Mary's womb as two natures"
Because she did not give birth to the divine nature
Where did I say this? She is the mother of God, but the human nature is called God by virtue of being His own.

I remember your drawings from the other thread recently, no way qualified to give the v detailed constructive criticism the other learned user did but its a nice pic here

am i the only one that finds depictions of God the father as cringe? I don't like it, I don't like it at all

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You deliberately left out the last part. And that is what Jesus Christ is: two natures undivided. His human nature in submission to his divine nature. I'm getting the vibe that you are not arguing in good faith, and this "discussion" is derailing the thread anyway as others have observed. We are done. God bless.