This is why you cannot believe in God and evolution at the same time

This is why you cannot believe in God and evolution at the same time.
I can disprove Evolution in one step. Let's clear things up first. Evolution is the belief that, by completely random mutations, plus natural selection, complex life forms evolve. Now to disprove that horseshit.

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Even more directly, the creation account is incompatible with evolution as a theory for the origin of man. God just created ex nihilo.

That's not how evolution works,

thats how it exactly works. tell me your theory of evolution mr scientist


oh sorry, it should say exorbitantly high, not infinite

So, I'm an amatuer geneticist;


I compiled this list because I wanted to genetically engineer my children - but I'm Christian now, and I'm pretty sure that's not OK.

So, now all I have is a map of how humans work in terms of genetics. I haven't completed the list, but maybe 25% of the SNPs have quotes from the cited papers that explain why a given allele does X, Y or Z.

God made our genome. He made each allele, and a particular allele will give you blue or brown eyes, etc. God literally made a code that allowed him to decide everything about you. Truly, the genome is the ultimate tool of God.

The trick is, the SNPs have SNP-to-SNP interactions which effect how any given SNP functions. That is, just because you have an SNP that gives you blond hair, you can have another allele which 'rescues' melanogenesis and gives you brown hair.

So, in a given SNP location, you can only have four characters; A, C, G and T. So only four mutations are possible in a given location - the complexity comes from the SNP-to-SNP interactions.

Mutations supposedly happen constantly - God designed the genome to be this way. He made Adam's genome, and then genetically engineered a female from him. Today, we have stem cells and we may someday be able to make new flesh to heal people - God took Adam's rib, and grew a woman from it.

Our genomes have become deformed since then - we've accumulated mutations; 'Fallen.'

There are three types of mutations, helpful mutations, mutations that are not helpful nor harmful (called silent mutations), and harmful mutations.
This is wrong. A mutation is a change in the genome of an organism. Me, you, and probably everyone has a mutation in some of trillions of cells. Most of those mutations aren't in the majority non-coding region of the genome, or if they are they produce a different protein that does the same job as the other one so the cell isn't affected. That being said, there's no way chemicals can come together to create life or souls.

*I should say advantageous instead of helpful, so the first kind of mutation is advantageous in that the new protein is overall better for the ogranism than the old one, and silent mutations produce proteins that are neither better than the old protein nor worse.

amino acids arent intelligent and cannot form life alone

This entire board is an elaborate troll, isn't it?

I agree.

*ARE in the majority non-coding.
**If they're not.
So many mistakes.


God is omnipotent, so no such restriction on his power exists.

He also can’t go against His own nature.

Can God lie?

He deceived Abraham in order to test him.

Is that a "yes"?

I'm not really sure. Does deception count as lying? It's not as if God told Abraham a straight-out lie, as in telling him a statement which is in fact false. He gives Abraham a command which God will not allow to come pass in any case (either Abraham will not be willing to sacrifice Isaac or he will be willing and in that case God will stop him).
Genesis 22:1-2

I appreciate how you're approaching the question. If God did lie in the Bible, then obviously he could.
It's actually answered directly in the NT
Titus 1:2 KJV — In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

He didn’t deceive Abraham. He specifically asked Him to do something to see if he would obey. He didn’t trick him into it.

That's not how it works user.
That's not how even chemistry works. There's no infinite possibilities for anything in the world.
Although I disagree with evolution by the fact that they just claim natural selection can do this over millions of years with no experimental proof.

The universe being created out of nothing has nothing to do with the evolution of living beings though.

t. Muslim
God by definition cannot sin. We sin because we lack good and perfectness. Only the weak sin, and that's why God can't sin.

Created things have to be finite and more imperfect than the creator otherwise they would be an extension of God and thus being God itself (pantheism).
For example since Jesus Christ was eternally Begotten by the Father he shares His substance, perfection and all other properties, that's why He is God.
If He was created that wouldn't be the case.

This is the incorrect part that will make you look dumb if you use it. All mutations that would benefit the animal are valid mutations, and there's always more than one. Like improved lung capacity or something.

And animals can rarely inherit unhelpful mutations into the gene pool too, since the only tool for stopping it is according to scientists natural selection, which is nearly 100% but not 100%.

That's not how mathematics works.

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You're a brainlet. The existence of God is a metaphysical claim and is by definition beyond naturalistic explanations. If God exists, then he created the natural world and there is nothing inherently incompatible with that and evolution. Evolution should be criticized as a theory, like all 'scientific' theories. Stop being a defensive faggot against MUH SCIENCE just because other absolute pseud stem-lords make fallacious claims.