As you know, sexual immorality sins are mortal sins, and that includes masturbation.
Once people masturbate, they remove any thoughts of God in their minds, their energy is deplited and they basically become irrational animals.
However, it is also hard to retain his semen and never to masturbate, and will alone won't suffice. I think we should help each other her, giving tips in order not to touch our pee-pees in order not to corrupt ourselves.
Practial tips on how to resist the mortal sin of masturbation
Self flagelation.
Every time you fail in regards to lust (impure thoughts, words, actions etc) then use a whip on yourself. It doesnt have to be some weird shit from a dan brown novel, just enough to make yourself not want to lust again because of the whip. Then you'll realise you dont want to lust, because hell is much worse than your whip
Buy a durable rosary and wear it around your hand. Also never cease praying for strength, and of course for the will to pray itself.
If you are going to do this, I recommend putting an elastic band around your wrist that is just slightly larger than your wrist. When you have a thought you wish to rebuke, snap the band on the inside of your wrist (but not too hard, just enough to be uncomfortable, you don't want to damage the flesh). This will cause your brain to associate pain with the thought or impulse.
So violence against yourself is a-ok, but bringing the cross down on jewish devils isn't even an option?
Get rid of your computer screens, disconnect your internet, and downgrade to a dumb flip phone.
Can't sin to pron if you can't reach it
Something I wrote in the Purity thread dedicated for this:
Remember the climax and how disgusted you felt afterwards. Remember that second of pleasure, but then the crash afterwards of shallow superficial nothingness. Remember the pain that you *always* feel afterwards. Remember the shame you feel when you *know* you disappointed our Lord. Remember the shame you feel when you *know* you went against our Lord. Remember it, anons, and never forget it. Thanks be to God I have overcome this desire. I know how it feels like, brothers, I truly do. I am not saying I am perfect, no one is, only our Lord. Strive to be like our Lord. Know that He is always with you. Whenever you get these lustful thoughts, pray the Jesus Prayer, or keep repeating Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, over and over again until this feeling, urge, or desire, goes away. Stay strong, anons. Always believe in our Lord. Pray to Him. Ask Him for assistance. If you are Catholic or Orthodox confess your sins to a priest, and ask for advice in regards to this condition, this rotting of the soul that has been festering and is festering in our society today. This wickedness, this destroyer of homes, this destroyer of marriages, of relationships, and of lives. Become disgusted. Become disgusted with this desire, with this attraction, with this "Oh yeah I'm gonna feel good uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". The key is to despise it and flee from it.
Sirach 21:1-3
My child, if you have sinned, do so no more, and for your past sins pray to be forgiven. Flee from sin as from a serpent that will bite you if you go near it; its teeth, lion’s teeth, destroying human lives. All lawlessness is like a two-edged sword; when it cuts, there is no healing.
Good luck my brothers, and may the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
You people are obsessed with masturbation.
I did this for a couple months, went into full monk-mode. I was essentially a NEET during that time of my life and wasn't doing well. I think I came out better since I was seriously focused on the Bible and on Jesus Christ for the first time in my life. This method isn't as extreme as it sounds, as long as you channel your focus on God and read the Bible diligently.
Ironically, you're probably the one that's obsessed with masturbation
Never ever allow yourself to even consider it as an option. Once you start a discussion with the devil, you are lost. Pray as soon as you feel a need to wank and/or go somewhere, where you're not able to do it.
Well, many people have a problem with it, since they come from atheist background and used to fap a lot. Without dealing with this it's impossible to grow, so it's quite an important topic. Although I agree that if you constantly talk and think about it, you're never going to be free
People will gladly whip themselves to fap.
The pleasure is.bigger tham the pain
OP you need to think of the Benefits of nofap.
More energy,better dreams,more T.
Do it for the benefits and self-improve yourself.
I managed to cut off voluntary porn use entirely but it's still in the back of my mind, haunting me, also, imageboards are full of porn so you stumble accross some even if you don't want to.
Masturbation however is another issue entirely. I can't go longer than 3 weeks without it.
I think I'm going to change my mindset from "I don't want to hurt God by sinning" to "I want to please God by having sex in its proper place". I have no doubts that I will keep failing in this area, but I need a positive way to channel this instead of simply surpressing it.
To be honest this totally is true for me.
I was homophobic because I was secretly gay and I really wanted to hide it from the world to "fit in".
I imagine that the homophobic part of your mind was your latent conscience reminding you not to shame yourself.
I agree that being a sodomite is bad but its entirely plausible he did it just to fit in.
I have no idea. All I wanted was to distance myself from that "thing" so that I can't be associated to it.
But the only way to do it is to ignore it.
So yeah. Nowadays I just pray to God to send me someone with whom we can love each other be it a woman or a man, I just want his will to be done, and if his will is that I be alone, that's fine.
The male body has nocturnal emissions to handle this, problem is you've been conditioning yourself all these years to fap on a daily basis so your body will have some adjusting to do. Anyways, it is implied in the Bible that masturbation is wrong: The man from whom the seed of copulation goeth out, shall wash all his body with water: and he shall be unclean until the evening. (Leviticus 15:16 DRA)
Become Orthodox, worked for me.
I've been somewhat successful in cutting off porn (still relapse but further and further apart), I'm being pretty bad at cutting off masturbation, even though the desire is starting to cease, I still feel pretty and agitated.
For example last night, I went to sleep around 23:30, was pretty tired and was able to sleep soundly, however I woke up at 5:00, it was still pretty dark with my window open (I leave it open because its so dang hot where I live), even with the proper conditions for me to continue relaxed sleeping to at least 7 or something.
I kept rolling in bed for a long time, got up, went to pee, drank some milk, still couldn't get back to sleep, eventually I just jacked a quicky off so relax a bit and doze off.
I don't know if this slack of sleep is related with my attempt to kill off the addiction, I'm also cutting on smoking this week, or if it is related with general anxiety for other issues that have been troubling me.
Still trying to improve myself in the best ways possible right now, working out, praying a lot, reading a ton, going to mass daily, I think I'm successfully filling my time most of the day, but the lack of sleep in the early mornings really kills me and tempts more into faping.
Any help is appreciated.
I do agree that masturbation is wrong, it's that on a level I'm addicted to it.
I try to shake it off, but I am not sure I can do that forever. I can't honestly tell you that I will swear off masturbation forever and I will never sin again. I will try, but I will probably fall too.
I usually feel very good 2 weeks into nofap, and then I suddenly get a very strong urge which I can't resist. I usually delay masturbation by occupying myself, but when I go to bed I'M alone with myself with nothing to distract me…
The basic way of resisting every single sin is to love God more. Read the Bible, other christian books and watch some good christian youtube channels - this will make you understand WHY you should love Him. Pray a lot (especially mentally) and go to Mass more often. If you love God then it's impossible to justify sin with reason. Now you'll just have to resist non-reasonable biological urges.
I'm not a scientist, but from what I've noticed all healthy young men have 2 strong biological urges: "violence" (it's not exactly violence, but I can't think of a better term) and sexual pleasure. I think it's mostly those urges, rather than reasonable decisions, that lead us to sins such as masturbation, hatred of others, wrath etc.
Now these urges aren't actually bad in and of themselves, but they can be disorded by a variety of factors (fallen human nature, society, etc). You can try to suppress them, but I don't think that works in the long term and it's not a healthy thing to do. What you have to do is learn to USE the drive these urges give you and put it toward good.
Another thing I have noticed is that those two urges seem to be related - substitutive, even. Which would mean that you can "satisfy" or rather diminish your sexual urges, which lead you to sin, by satisfying your "violence" urge by ordered means. And those are simply various physically exerting tasks such as lifting weights, running, boxing etc.
If you don't believe me on this notice how other people, or you, who masturbate regurarily seem to be constantly tired, nonenergetic and have no confidence. It's because these urges become oversatisfied, so you're no longer biologically pushed to action. I especially recommend high intensity training, sprinting, punching bag workouts and playing some powerful music while you're at it.
If you're regurarily masturbating you may not even notice the "violence" urge, but trust me, once you stop for even a few weeks or a month, you will.
I wanted to write more but have to leave now, so sorry for any unfinished thoughts and not fully substantiated claims.
TL;DR: Pray, go to Mass, EXERCISE
What do you do when you feel the need to fap furiously after exercise?
Take a cold shower and read your bible afterwards.
That's why I created this thread…I've done a little of body exercise with two 10KG weight and after not even 20 min, I was horny as hell and couldn't stop from sinning. At least, I know that lifting is a trap now and I should be wearing decent clothes next time, especially if done at home.
I still prefer to sin by masturbation than by having sex before marriage, but my goal is to not sin at all.
I don’t think you quite understand. After exercising I feel like an animal deep in heat, I don’t wanna go into detail but it’s a really heavy temptation. It doesn’t occur every time, but that it happens at all makes me concerned.
See, I thought it was just lifting too, but it sometimes happens after intense cardio as well.
Thats why you take a cold shower to cool off. The shock from the cold water will help you forget your hormones. Than reading the NT will help focus your mind on Jesus and not yourself.
The most important thing to remember in nofap is to keep your mind and hands busy.
Same for me (see my comment above), cardio is even more, but leading a healthy life in general leads to more energy to be focused on sexual energy.
But I believe somehow this is also related to how we conditioned ourselves to behave with the excess energy, if you are probably like me, fapping from a very early age, we have grown to learn to live our lives with subpar motivation.
I think one of the points of nofap is to free ourselves from that conditioning and learn to use that new found excess energy.
If its getting to bothersome, then release it, but never watch porn, and you will noticed that fapping on your own is not as nearly as satisfying with its release, so with time it probably would lose power.
If pornography or lewd imagery tempts you, which is very common on imageboards, hide all images.
Everytime a sinful thought enters your head, you must not entertain it, dismiss it in anyway you wish, my personal way is to think "begone, Satan" or the popular "get behind me Satan", thinking twice on the thought usually brings disgust or laughter at the thought.
You should also admit that it's you who are failing, after a few months of back and forth I admitted it was me who was falling into lust and it was might thought, I prayed on it and asked for help from Christ and I haven't masturbated since,
I think I'm 113 days clean now, I don't really keep track that closely, I just use an app to keep track for me. I'll explain what I've done here.
So the first thing I already mentioned, don't constantly think about what you're avoiding. If you're continually thinking "I should not masturbate", all you're doing is thinking about masturbation, but with the condition that you shouldn't do it. Instead, just don't think about it at all. Fill your life with other things and worry about those. This is kinda hard to do, but like all things gets easier with practice.
The second part is finding things to do with yourself now. It doesn't matter too much what that is, just keep yourself busy. Start lifting, start learning something, practice a skill, read, pray, whatever. But you have to find something to fill your time and occupy your mind.
When temptation hits (notice I said when, not if), don't think about it. Instead of thinking "I shouldn't do that", think about anything else, kinda like the first thing I talked about. What I find is really helpful is to just start praying, say some Hail Marys, our fathers, whatever. Pray unceasingly, eventually the temptation will fade. Jesus is very good at driving out demons.
Overall, it's a mindset thing. Get it into your head that this isn't some challenge you're trying to get a high score at, it's a lifestyle now. If you're constantly thinking "wow I'm already 2 months in" you'll fail eventually, you have to have 100% commitment. Don't tempt yourself, don't let your mind trick you into it. Best of luck!
Make a good confession EVERY WEEK. This is the best source i found on making a GOOD confession:
I hate it, Christ died on the cross and yet, I can't stop touching my peepee. I need to grow stronger.
Please, pray for me.
I don't experience this, I think it's an issue that just some people have. I'd say it's because excessive porn and masturbation rewired their brain. The more you abstain from these, this effect should stop.
The problem with this is that I need the Internet for school, and the computer is my only form of entertainment in the evening.
(((TV))) isn't a good alternative, I've lost my interest in reading, and going to my friends every evening sn't possible.
Repeating the lords prayer will make lust recede, particularity 'lead us not into temptation'. Worked very well for me.
Also keep to wholesome medias, fill the mind with love, not lust
Title card might make it NSFW, but I hope the podcast itself is helpful.
Somebody help me delete my poen collection
It's like 300 gigs
Please tell me I won't regret it. This is my biggest flaw as a Christian
Why would you regret it? Just hit delete, empty the bin, and defrag your drive. The hard part is never downloading or viewing it again.
delete portions at a time if you must,
You no longer have any use for it.
It's like a 2 year compilation of my favorite stuff. Some of which I would probably never be able to find again. Which would actually be good.
Looking at it will make you want to masturbate more. Not looking at it might not completely stop you from masturbating, and you might have to overcome some porn addiction at first, but it won't increase your desire to masturbate.
Think about how the people in your collection might not have had a choice but really didn't want to be in porn.
Your collection really isn't worth it. It might give you some brief few seconds of pleasure, but then those seconds pass and they aren't worth the much longer negative feelings that follow, be they disgust, embarrassment, or emptiness. And they certainly aren't worth the final consequences of sin. And speaking of time, deleting it will also take only a few seconds and then it's gone. A brief discomfort, but better for you in the long run.
Also, you'll have 300 gigs of free space after, if that helps. Most uses of that space will be better uses.
I was you almost exactly 1 year ago. I don't remember the size of my folder, but I had in excess of 30,000 images. In the 12 months since I deleted everything, I have never felt more free in my entire life. Do it. Free yourself.
I'm was also a chronic porn hoarder, here is something you can actually do, first skim through the fat and delete completely anything not worth keeping (the most degenerate and disgusting, the stuff you never watched anyway).
Make sure to really skim this fat to a reasonable size, I was able to get min under 50 GB.
Then take the rest that is really for you to part with, archive into a encrypted file, use a random password, and keep somewhere hard to find (for example you can it physically and put somewhere hard to reach, or give to a friend). This will easy the pain of letting go while still keeping it, but it will harden access so you can have time to rethink before consuming it.
I haven't done this yet, but I think with time we can finally get over it and erase it for good.
Still there is the hard part of not willingly browse and find new porn from the internet.
Think of the curse God might bestow upon your future children
I actually did this too. “Weening off” by sticking with “less extreme content” was helpful. I actually put parental blocks on my computer (edited the RegKey) and changed my Administrator password to a random number that I wrote down in a notebook I leave at work. It sounds rediculous, but you really have to be really extreme to win this one
Keeping it around is a subconscious suggestion to yourself that you still haven't given it up completely and accept the possibility of going back to it. I think deleting it would help you in abstaining from porn and masturbation in the future.
It's easy everyone…Just don't watch porn and just don't touch your dick lol. you 1-digit IQ or what ?
I woke up around 4am and couldn't sleep/had disturbed sleep for a month or two in this early morning period when I first quit cigs cold turkey, so would think it's this
Going to bed early and working out everyday works for me
I can't stand it, I keep failing…Pray for me please…Give me your strength.
This could be it indeed, but I was getting the wake ups before that.
Another week gone, adding to that nofap, I'm still feeling pretty anxious on a regular basis.
Relapsed to porn last weekend, it wasn't as bad but still a relapse. I'm seriously considering just masturbating to be able to get off porn for good.
Pray to: st Anthony, st Jerome, st Benedict, st Bernard. We have no idea of all the illustrious saints that went through the same male issues as we do.
Dumping. Reading list aggregated from various NoFap communities
Damn I thought you said poem collection and then I remembered I have a poem collection, but I don't want to delete it lool
Just highlight your stahs main folder and hit delete.
Then clean your trash.
Then scream and feel your victory.