I don't really understand the point of Anglicanism

I consider myself lapsed Catholic and don't really have problem with individual Anglicans but wasn't Anglicanism created/revived by a fat king so he could dump his wife and make the church his minion by proclaiming himself head of church and taking their property? I hardly consider him good Christian. Isn't that similar to what Nazi Germany did and modern China trying to do? At least Luther had legit concerns about corruption within church. Am I forgetting something?

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But I want to divorce my wife, bro.

Just chop her head, bro.

Yo pro tips man, thnx.

Yes and no. Basically that was a catalyst. But moving forward, Anglicanism forged a via media between Catholicism and Protestantism. The church is really indebted to the various churchmen who contributed to its identity. Henry doesnt define Anglicanism. He just made it possible. To be fair, most Lutheran princes just chose Lutheranism as their state religion so they could take property also. I wouldnt be an Anglican, but mostly because it is a dying church full of liberals. There was a time, though, when it was something admirable and there might have been a chance for it to reconcile with the Orrhodox church. Then they started ordaining women and shit.

That's about the only good thing I can say. We are indebted to some of it's scholars (we, being, English speakers). Things like the KJV or even many secondary texts and scholarly materials (apocrypha, church fathers, etc) were often published by Anglicans.


Best thing about the Anglicans is that they gave us the puritans


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Anglicans are schisming, between the conservatives (headed by the Archbishop of Nigeria) and the liberals (headed by the Episcopalian Archbishop) with the Archbishop in Canterbury doing everything to hold it together.

The Anglican communion won't fully schism because it has put unity and temporal practicality above truth (which goes back to the via media doctrine between the English Catholics and English Protestants). The realignment movement (conservatives) believe they can influence the broader church away from the liberals. They do things like setting up competitive structures in liberal areas (e.g. the conservative Anglican Church of North America was setup as a refuge for conservatives in the Episcopalian church). The liberal churches then sue conservative priests who go to those new structures, usually trying to take the church buildings out from underneath the parish.

It will take something really, really big for a schism to happen, like the Archbishop of Canterbury taking a side. Then the other side will schism.

Isn't the Queen/King in theory the pope of the Anglicans?
Where does the Archbishop fits in?

They actually looked into it early on afaik but were surprised to learn that Mary was venerated in the Orthodoxy as well so droppppped it

Yes, the English Monarch is the leader of the CoE, but they appoint an Archbishop to run it for them. It's just a way to delegate the responsibility away from the royal family.

So the royal family is just there for church ceremonial purposes?
What if the queen wanted to stop the gay stuff in the CoE? Could she do it?
And what if the queen became Catholic or of other religion?

I can agree with that, especially since most of what Lancelot Andrewes Press (Western Orthodox publisher under the AOCANA) produces is reprints of Anglo Catholic materials, which I use in my daily stuff. Not to make a blog post, but I guess it shows that Anglicanism actually has preserved some stuff the Catholic Church lost after Trent.

The monarchs who established Protestantism in England received instruction from Reformed ministers.

Ehh, if you want to look at it that way you can. I see it as thr monarch owns the land and the souls of the English
She could always fire the current Archbishop and appoint a new one. But she is a globalist whore, so I wouldn't expect that to happen until her and Charles (the current Crown Prince) passaway. I'm not sure if Prince William is a globalist or not rumor has it William confronted the Queen and Charles about Diana's death. Supposedly he is the new Crown Prince
LMAO never gonna happen. unless you go up agianst the Anglo-American world order and get prince related and the royals of Liechtenstein on the English throne

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Me too that's why I think mocharchs should intervene more in the governing of the country.
Well it was her mother and the Queen and his dad didn't like her.
Wasn't she cucking Carlos with some dudes? I get the impression that she was an whore, correct me if I'm wrong and I apologise if I am.

I agree, but I see why they appoint the Archbishop. The Monarch can't be in two places at the same time. Like how the owner(s) of a company appoints CFOs, CEOs, COOs to run the various divisions of a company, so too must a Monarch appoint other people to run the other divisions of a nation.
I heard that rumor aswell. I heard she was fooling around with a saudi prince and carried his baby. She had to be killed as to not have an islamic bastard ruin the prestige of the family. I personally think she was killed because she was going to expose the globalists like JFK was (RIP) and Charles wouldn't have any of that.
If you madlads can pull it off, more power to ya. But I see a Cromwell 2.0 rising to power before that happens.

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The real line of the king is in Australia apparently.. but he doesn't want to be king. The line was broke before any of the Protestant/Catholic divide (I think started with the Hanovers), and goes back further.

Speaking of which, if this was taken up as a real case, then it invalidates Henry VIII's faggotry of making a new church.

the legitimate line was broken in 1066

Temporal leader.
The archibshops are the chief honchos with apostolic succesion, that can therefor administer sacraments and appoint priests, which is what the Church IS, in Apostolic theology.

William the Conqueror did nothing wrong

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Are you saying Diana was "redpilled" somehow?
She never seemed patriotic to me to fight the globalists.

Uncovering pedophila in the UK government will do that to ya.

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I didn't know the brits had pedo problems in the government.
Well considering that it must be likely that the driver took a (((wrong))) turn in the tunnel.

Dont get me wrong, the (((FakeJews))) do play their role in pedophile rings across the globe pic&link related Jeff Epstein and Prince Andrewz . But it us more the (((synagogue of Satan))) than Moshi the bagel pusher that are the problems.


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Agreed.. although I have a bad knack of speaking in shorthand (((-))) and it gets me in troubleā€¦ I'm thinking we could probably wake up more if we didn't do that. Not sure what other way to communicate it though without sounding like a fag.

I usually try to red pill people on the orgins of (((communism))) and the horrors it brought. That gets normies to our side fairly quick.

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Underrated post, they say that religion is communism biggest enemy, because people turning to god avoids them following a totalitarian regime. And when people are devoid from god, they turn to communism as a form of resolving their problems.
Anyway, there was another thread talking about this in more detail, which was it?