How to not lose faith in humanity?

Just found this on /b/ I know terrible place to keep browsing, but I can't help it
Along with some other discussion elsewhere about the rampant degeneracy going on, the constant threads around here about frustrations of sincere men in finding a suitable partner, along with the "nature of women" thread showcasing the worst side of their personalities, plus the several Zig Forums tier threads about feminism and wicked influences of our pozzed society.

So I ask, how do you guys do not lose faith and drown in negativity?

You have to love demons and Satan because love your enemy. Also love humans despite you know you'd likely get beaten up and rape if you encounter them.

I do not like to have things that happen in real life influence my views of religion. Its like saying you don't believe in gravity or whatever because the scientists behind it killed someone.

That being said,
I do criticize the degenerates. I remember telling a woman form my class that silicone wouldn't bring her happiness, and I tried to redpill a few people form my class about a lie my marxist teacher told.

you cannot lose faith in humanity if you never had faith in humanity

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For anyone interested in the documentary

It presents a lot of degeneracy of course, but I think it tries to convey a deeper meaning of how this new sexual liberation is absolutely shitfest and ruining how people relate to each other.

Why not?
No it's not. If the scientist flies or floats while walking it would influence your belief in gravity.

Well its poorly worded but whatever. Now for the counterquestion, why should I? If my faith was supposed to end when I saw something this-evil, why didn't it end earlier when I saw something that-evil?
Besides I do not use "goodness" to say "yeah god is real", so its information reacting to unrelated information. I use stuff like Aquinas 5 ways. Also the good news that the Catholic+Orthodox churches are ending their schism and that a great Monarch is coming against the arabs.

Sure I guess.

Wait a second meant to reply to in there.

Not with that attitude you can't. Smash your screen if it is a problem you truly can't help.

I don't consume the negativity.


Allow yourself to explore religious and civic options to correct the problem or minimize the damge ongoing. It's a step more productive than wallowing on /b/ man.

Actually just shit posting on Zig Forums is more productive than browsing the containment board but you get the idea.

The most important part here is constant learning and hypothetical problem solving. It begins to put the mind at ease the longer you do it. I used to be very black pulled about a lot of things but I've grown to accept that that's just the way it is for now. But I also accept that this wasn't always the way it was. Nor does have to continue like this. If anything let the example of Napoleon Bonaparte give you some hope. Restoration is possible by even the least godly and egalitarian of societies. It's not even close to over because the men of God haven't even begun to fight.

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Good post.

One top tier prayer will be arriving to you soon.
Many danks!

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My family turned Mennonite back in the 80's.
Literally buried the TV in the yard.

I agree with on both regards, other people's shit behavior shouldn't affect our faith and purpose, but at the same time we shouldn't just lay idle but try to spread the word of god as we know it.
I guess my question was, how to let that shit drag us down and how to remain positive and hopeful?

Now what are you talking about here?

Good point, things are always changing and we never know how it will end up.

just saw it.
Such decadence.
It would be better without commentary since it was pretty bluepilled full of feminist talking points, feminists helped creating this culture dont play victim now.
Someone should edit out the commentators and insert Aquinas and other saints definitions on masculinity and femininity.
Also that girl crying that her young sister will have to go through all that pressure, she should cry instead on how she is such an awful role model to her sister. The culture didnt force her to go twerking on stage and on camera for millions more to see, poor younger sister.


Who's they, in this case?
Women, or the men posting in those threads?
Not that it matters, both answers are equally valid, given incel/MGTOW/r9k cultures and memes have turned into modern feminism and radical feminism, but for men.

He's talking about how there are some prophecies across apostolic Christendom that say(and i'm picking the most important common parts) after a lot of islamic social tensions and violence in France and England, in our darkest hour, a great central european monarch will come, rebirth the ERE/HRE/Austrian/Russian(combination depends on who's saying it) monarchies, help mend the Great Schism, retake Constantinople, and at the end of his life, take a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and place his crown at the foot of the Cross, to be taken into heaven, right before the Apocalypse begins in earnest.
Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental, and Nestorian saints all speak of such things.

Buuuut, I personally believe there is a high chance they are a ductaped together coping mechanism, given islamic expansion, taken from the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius and other sources, and mixed with whatever nationalistic hopes were prevalent for the audience at the time.

Or maybe i'm wrong.

This is a very important thing to keep in mind. Especially if you're a weak Christian, then you should do away with all such filth, you should see it as inviting demons into your company, because it will effectively lead to the same result: keeping your mind on worthless, unproductive evil, and away from its opposite. Guard your heart, in other words. Don't underestimate the effect these things can have on your life.

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how have they been since burying the TV?
Are they living a simpler and more pious life? Are they happy?

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Because my faith does not hinge on how degenerate someone else is. The entire world could fall into degeneracy and my faith would stay as strong as it ever was. Validation of my faith does not require a single other human being.

And maybe this is an obvious comment, but focus more on pursuing things that are good instead of simply avoiding things that are bad. Get a hobby, the bar being so low, really anything is better than the excrement you find on most corners of the intertubes.

There's a whole world out there.

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Especially a useful hobby like woodworking. There's a reason they say that idle hands are the devil's playthings.

They were I think, but there's been lots of changes in the family and now they're nondenominational, pretty close to Pentecostal. I wish I had been around during those simpler days.

I used to browse Zig Forums a ton, and I was constantly in the blackpilled mindset. A few months ago I just kinda stopped going there, I haven't looked back, and I'm a lot happier now. It's one thing to be blissfully ignorant (bluepilled) , but it's another to realize that there isn't much you can do about the bad things in the world and that worrying incessantly about it is horrible for your mental health. Life is not an action movie or a video game where one normal man can change the fate of humanity. Jesus did that, but He's not a normal man. The best thing we can do is to try our best to be like Him in our daily lives, in the hope that we can have a small impact on those around us and that others will do the same.

Luckily, you only need faith in Christ.


Exactly. Remember that nobody in 1943 knew how the war would end. Nobody knew how the French revolution would end or if it would ever get any better. Most people gave up on Independence near just before we actually snatched it from the jaws of defeat.

This but also I want to add one bit to it: Do not shelter yourself such that you become ignorant or uninformed to the world you reside in. The physical world is just as real as the spiritual and both require your earnest attention.

Pls be real. Also send any links about this. I'm a Prot looking at the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthadox churches as a probable convert to one or the other in the near future and I'm collecting a great deal of theology and history content to read (or watch) after my AIT is done and then pursue guidance in person from both parties.

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Hey man. I'm a protestant convert comming into the Eastern Catholic Church, and what sold me was the "comming home network" it's a catholic show that talks to peoples journey on their journey through life until they joined the Catholic church. There are pastors of all denominations on there. There is a lot of in depth theology throughout the good episodes where people struggled through the nuances of the Catholic Tradition. It really allowed me to see why I was against being Catholic, and then I took each nuance seriously and looked at all the arguments. I then prayed about it for several weeks, and my heart pulled me to the Catholic church. I'm still converting, but I have faith God will lead me to where he wants. I was actually close to going to seminary for Calvinism.

Funny. I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever I look further back into Church the less catholic or eastern orthodox it seem to me, especially the ante-niceaen era. Of course, what I'm mostly looking into is the church's perspective on sanctification and justification, yet there was a apparent (at least to me) shift of said perspective once the monastic movement happened. Maybe it's just my bias, only God knows.

So did you get to watch the full thing?
I'm kinda holding out on it but at the same afraid to watch as if would make me feel either disgusted or depressed.