Godless Americans Skyrocket over 200%


When will it get better? When does the religious revival happen? How can it even happen when half the popular normalfag shows are 2deep4u pretentious liberal shows that glorify nihilism and "dude gods not real lmao"?

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When God wants

In a few decades, more or less.
When America TRUELY becomes a third world hellhole like some countries in South America.
If by some chance Hollywood and other entertainment industries finally leaves America for good because of how much a hellhole California has become.

When we recognize the evil within ourselves first and we repent twords God
When man realizes that Rome is their Home and they start praying the rosary more.

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Blessed and breadpilled.

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Except it's exactly backwards. Sasuga libs.

When you do something about it.

I’m sure on Reddit a bunch of “freethinkers” are circlejerking about this article and how “people r finally waking up and realizing religion is bullshit thanks to muh internetz!!!11” even though they’re just doing what the media and secular authorities tell them to.


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America was never a Christian nation.

Organized atheism collapsing on itself left and right. Look at the YouTube atheist community. They all collapse on themselves and turned on each other.

It’s 60 to 80% likely a bullshit article based on shit study. Daily mail a glorified tabloid newspaper at most the proto-Sargon.

They don't hit replacement levels, so the liberal Christian meme won't be able to propagate itself.

Frankly, if God is too much of a coward to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his followers are more than happy to enable his reckless behaviour under the common argument "muh free will exonerates God", why should I, or anyone, even bother following the impotent retard?

I see now why the kikes laugh at Christianity. It's a joke religion predicated entirely behind 'Heaven on a Stick,' don't mess up or you're going to suffer for eternity! This farce is unnecessary.

I spit on god.

Really just think about it. If your son murdered his brother then of course he should be punished. But wouldn't you contemplate your failures as a father?

God isn't infallible, so why would I follow him?

Read the supreme court ruling of Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States. We have been a Christian nation since inception.

Pretty sure the american government was the first one to never aknowledge any religion. It's in the constitucion.

Pretty much this. America always been unholy

Yes it will get better, but it will also get a winnie the poohton worse with a fullblown apocalypse before it.

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It's definitely going to get worse. That's why I got on the Ark. I think a lot of other young people will do the same


Catholics are super cringy at this point. Your worship services look the same (actually often worse) as the most generic, cheesy Protestant worship services, but you keep pretending like the Catholic Church actually offers an alternative to the modern world. I respect baptists more than Catholics.

t. Orthodox (the true, unchanged church of Jesus Christ)

Gnostics: Hey bros wan sum voluntary asceticism?
Three hundred years of the church:
Post Nicaea: 0W0 Let's make a movement out of this!

It was the Catholics who broke from Orthodoxy by inserting the filioque. Orthodoxy does not contain a single novelty or innovation. It is funny though watching Catholics trying to rewrite history to pretend that their church is the one that hasn't changed.

Lmao sauce on that image op?

People are still religious and zealot, they just worship different things now.

It's already getting better. All of the lukewarm "Christians" are purging themselves from the Church, if you can consider people that support homosexuality and abortion to be Christians in the first place.

I'm sure you'll keep repeating that to yourself until the day Christianity disappears completely or just becomes an irrelevant gutter superstition.

Look at the breakdown. The milquetoast denominations who are changing with the times are the ones shrinking. Evangelical denominations are actually growing (Catholics, too, IIRC). The churches that embraced postmodernism and sodomy and turned the house of God into moralistic therapeutic deism are the ones that are shrinking because people who only went because it's fashionable decided they'd rather sleep in on Sunday once it stopped being fashionable.

Catholics are the worst offenders when it comes to moralistic therapeutic deism so that kind of ruins your whole point.

My negro, I am allowed to be Christian here and I am not silenced. You're mistaking Coasties for Americans. Ironically, coastal cities are essentially the EUSSR in miniature.

truth will never be blotted out.

I can't blame people for not wanting to be associated with Jerry Falwell actually. He doesn't even represent Evangelicals well. There's a whole subset of evangelicalism that is in the limelight (from Falwell to the Charismatic types) that don't even represent Evangelicals. I think the moderate (I'd rather just say "normal") wing of Evangelicals are slowly asserting themselves and don't want any part of this…especially the younger generations. They're still not socially liberal like mainliners and many [cradle] Catholics, but not crazies either.

The existence of Jerry Falwell is not an excuse to reject Christ and those people aren't going to receive any mercy from Him when they die.

Thanks for the laugh

So you're saying the Nicene Creed /wasn't/ changed by the Catholic Church?

To be honest this. With all the yelling and some bizarre characteristics, at least Baptists are genuine in their faith and less annoyingly flamboyant about it.
T. Another Ortho

Gnostics? Where? Catholics look at an Orthodox monastery where the monks actually spend most of their time in prayer, not study as if it is a foreign phenomenon. That was what Barleum said to Palamas. Why are your monks not studying? Why are they praying?

Deism is freemasonic and wholly unchristian.

I'm neither Catholic or Orthodox, but if Orthodox were the true unchanging church, they need to change the wardrobe. Their monks and priests look like the Grim Reaper. Jesus told us to be lights of the world. Not signify blackness and death. And when he told us we must die to the world, he meant embrace life. The world itself already embraces death - we are to be the opposite. Not even old Orthodox icons of saints or catacomb paintings reflected such a look. The teaching to take on the Death appearance is a recent change.

It was not for the support of Deism, nor has it been the position of the nation itself. As for the Vatican's reaction to the American Revolution:
"In common with their fellow-citizens, the Catholics of the United States hailed with joy the election of George Washington as first president under the new Constitution. Before the inauguration Bishop Carroll, on behalf of the Catholic clergy, united with the representatives of the Catholic laity (Charles Carrollton, and Daniel Carroll of Maryland, Dominick Lynch of New York, and Thomas FitzSimons of Pennsylvania) in an address of congratulation, admirable for its sentiments of exalted patriotism ["An Address from the Roman Catholics of America to George Washington, Esq., President of the United States", London, 1790, fol.; reprint New York, 1865, facsimile and notes; see Shea, op. cit., 349-50, and ibid., the memorable and cordial reply of Washington (12 March, 1790) "To the Roman Catholics of the United States", in which he says: "I presume that your fellow-citizens will not forget the patriotic part which you took in the accomplishment of their Revolution, and the establishment of your Government, or the important assistance which they received from a nation in which the Roman Catholic faith is professed." The original of this reply is preserved in the Archives of the Archbishop of Baltimore]. It may not be out of place to quote here the noble words of Bishop Carroll himself, addressed (10 June, 1789) to a maligner of Catholics: "Their blood flowed as freely (in proportion to their numbers) to cement the fabric of independence as that of any of their fellow-citizens. They concurred with perhaps greater unanimity than any other body of men in recommending and promoting that government from whose influence America anticipates all the blessings of justice, peace, plenty, good order, and civil and religious liberty" (Brent, 97, see below; Shea, op. cit., 153). "

Only one Deist actually signed the declaration of Independence, Bishop Carroll being the only Catholic, the rest Protestant. His Brother Charles Carroll was part of the Revolutionary government as part of the Assembly of Maryland(which was a Catholic colony) and are recognized as founders.

You should visit some parishes before casting judgment. My priest wears purple, red, all sorts of vestment colours, all traditional of course.

I guess that just speaks to the corruption of the Vatican. The American revolution was ushering in a completely secular masonic rule, it was the prelude to the French Revolution. This is why I’m not a Roman Catholic.

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