I mean…As some kind of "add-on" from the spiritual Christianity ?
Are you in favor of "Muscular Christianity" ?
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I love living in the age of the manufactured crisis.
Well, if people were a little bit more fit, healthy and muscular, there wouldn't be so many effeminate sodomites in the church.
Have you ever been to a gym? 90% of the men in there are homosexuals. Gay men love the gym.
You talk about narcissistic people who have a cult of the body, devoid of any sense of God.
That's not what Muscular Christianity implies.
Meaning, He was quite an aggressor when it came to the things of the faith. Masculine, etc.
If St. Paul was correct when he said
Than it follows that building up your temple and staying fit is a great way to show your love for the LORD.
When I do cardio I hold onto my prayer rope and say the Rosary. By the time I am done it is cool down time. Than when I lift I say a jesus prayer in each lift.
By the time I get to a sinner in the prayer my rep is complete.
When I do the farmer's carry I say an Our Father as I carry the dumbells across the room and back.
So, IMO, there is nothing wrong with muscular Christianity. If anything it ought to be encouraged more for our young men in the Church.
Der Liftwaffe is always taking new recruits no fags allowed
Not exactly. Jesus never once struck anyone with anything. He might have cracked that whip, but it never actually hit anything.
So, are you saying that when he healed the soldier's ear and said, "Put away your sword", Jesus was being effeminate?
Implying that spirit is completely detached from body. Wrong. I will leave only with the fact that monks fought off islamic invasion. Crusaders were strong in both faith and body. The two were connected. First they were followers of Christ, prepared to take the initiative in the physical fight if necessary…and through heroic action reach towards God and perhaps this would be viewed in the positive light when they are eventually judged.
Somebody coming up with "muscular christianity" is not a new concept. Neither it is necesary to ddefine it this way.
Look. Hard times are upon us. We need men spiritually sound as monks, physically fit to defend their faith and their people. In other words the two are connected. We should get inspired by our heroes to follow the ascetic path of spiritual soundness and physical superiority. Larping about it as "muscular christianity" and debating if it is a thing will not help us. I hope to meet similarly minded christians irl and then hit the gym with them… apart from meeting in church. That would be nice. However there are few similarly minded people so eventually I may even go with atheists to gym/
lol. I am sure Europe and America is doing good. Let's see after 20 years or so.
So you should not defend yourself because before the arrest the Jesus said put away your sword?
Are you saying that various saints that fought in defense of christianity are actually not saints because "put away your sword". In case you are american prot, explain why the allies fought anyone in wwii…they should have put down their sword, not? I mean…if we go along the path of pacifism long enough we may conclude that any form of physical defense is bad because "put down your sword"
What you mention here could easily be explained as that Jesus did not want an armed conflict there because the bloodshed would be unnecessary, he needed to be arrested anyway, Apostles should not have died because they were supposed to help building the church. It does not really imply you have to let somebody take over your country/home/body/whatever
Jesus said to take up your cross to follow him, not take up your sword. You can't have it both ways. You want to LARP as a crusader knight, smiting all those who hurt your fee-fees, but Jesus is telling you to put away your sword and take up your cross.
"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matt 7:14
It would have been very easy for Jesus to bring forth a heavenly host and destroy those who would crucify him, but he didn't. He went willingly to the cross because he knew that he would conquer death. It is very easy to hate and to destroy, but love conquers everything.
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:7-8
"I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" Matt 5:44
You can't eat your cake and have it too.
what about warrior saints
… are you comparing guys who work out at the gym to warrior saints?
oh, no. I was thinking you were defending pacifism
I found this suggestion about physical labour for priests.
At 27:30-28:00
Sounds like it. You can Refer him to C.S Lewis's Article on Pacifism and how it shows that now Civilization in History even back to Pagan Country. Never Encouraged Pacifism. I'm sorry they didn't And yes, glad you brought up the warrior saints. Something that a lot of people are just unaware of, or have forgotten and started caring about what secular opinion thinks….. Who cares their whole worldview is a massive contradiction.
I am a huge believer in pacifism. I believe violence should be an absolute last resort and only for defense of the body. If someone insults my religion, I'm not going to go all crusader on them. We're not Muslim, after all.
I'll listen to Christ before listening to CS Lewis. I'm not sure why Lewis is brought up so much on this board. He's treated like his books are Spirit breathed gospel sometimes and that's worrisome.
of course
God gives strength to his flock
I refer that article just because it shows how Virtually every Civilization in History. Up until the the 20th Century. Where no Civilization had supported pacifism. Face it as C.S Lewis put it in the article. Pacifism just basis's it's self on Atheist Ethics. Where Pain and Death are the worst Things in the world and have to be avoided at all cost. Stop listening to the liberals and the people who, hate our beliefs to begin with.
I think you can still say that pain and death aren't the worst things ever, yet still be a pacifist. That's practically the basis of martyrdom. Go beyond the base human instincts of violence and accept suffering as a gift built up in heaven.
If Jesus can be tortured and murdered in the most horrible way imaginable for me, I think I can handle someone calling me names for him.
Let's say you are at the siege of Vienna. Would you stand still and do nothing or would you fight? If no, Would you condemn the christians fighting?
I wouldn't condemn Christians for fighting. In order to condemn anyone I would have to be perfect, which I'm not. Fear of death is natural and base, and while we are told to run from that which is base that hasn't stopped me from giving into my urges before. Ergo, I'm in no position to judge others.
Yes, but that's not what i meant. What i'm saying is: Do you think their actions were wrong? Would you tell them to stop fighting?
I would ask them if they fear judgment. If yes, then feel free to fight, if no then lay down your arms. Those who aren't ready to face judgment deserve greater time on earth, those who are should be prepared to meet their maker.
So you think that if you have the opportunity to die and don't fear judgement, you should just die? And what about the people they are defending?
If you have people to defend, odds are you won't say you're ready to die… unless you decide what your defending isn't worth it.
hmm yeah that makes sense. What do you think of death penalty?
opposed because it's hypocritical to me.
Hmm i disagree. Here's a link for food for thought: kgov.com
Sure, so long as it encourages men to be men again, rather than just exercise and nutritional advice. Most (if not all) of the Western churches have been screwed over by Baby Boomer men being pussies and giving women authority over their churches (and lives in general), which is a trend that many Gen. X and Millennial men have sadly decided to follow. The effeminate men in modernist churches are a particularly sad sight; even in full view of everyone at church, their wives boss them around and lead them around like dogs… it's disgusting to witness. Men have the ability to take their churches back, but most are too afraid of hurting women's feelings. Once they get past that barrier, a beautiful chain reaction would begin:
Jesus told the disciples to put away their swords because He needed to be arrested in order to fulfill the Lord's Will. It was a reminder that even when it seems like the enemy is winning, we should do as God instructs us, because He may be using the evil actions of men to bring Him glory. To imply that this is meant in all cases is twisting the words of Christ, which is a dangerous practice.
I'm sure you merely misread or misunderstood, but I'd be careful, brother.
I honestly couldn't care less, it just bugs me when people take quotes from the Lord out of context. Again, I'm sure you meant no harm, but I couldn't let it stand uncorrected.
As for the original topic: Christ called men to be masculine and women to be feminine. Part of masculinity, I think everyone would agree, is work - the joy of the process, really, rather than the result. Working out fits into this concept perfectly. As long as fitness doesn't distract you from Christ, I'd say it's good and recommendable.
I've never seen more civil discourse on this board
How do you do this, then? To oppose a woman because she is a woman and shouldn't weigh heavily is a quick way to turn the crowd against you. I may be missing something.
Presbyterian Muscular Christian Here, God bless all you brothers.
Hey, you asked why there aren't any "muscular Christians", and it's because gym-culture is typically extraordinarily secular or even homosexual at times.
"Muscular" Christians are usually blue-collar men who lug stuff around.
Or perhaps, because when your enemy strikes your cheek, Christ commands that you present him the other?
I believe in self-defense of others, but there's obviously an agenda to turn against Christ's teachings just because some idiots from Zig Forums or the wider secular culture mock you for Christ's words.
Scripture is pretty on-point about raising the shield in defense of the weak or the innocent or the elderly, but when it comes to yourself, you are taught to seek peace rather than escalation.
The Lord asked us to be like Him, and He never raised the sword, and will never raise it, until the very end.
God Bless you too, muscleanon!
Muscular Christianity is not "bodybuilding for Jesus" it's a philosophical movement from the 1800-1900s from Britian and America focusing on the pursuing of things Christian, Godly, Masculine, Virtious and excellence of Mind, Body and Soul.
Oh ok, so a philosophical movement from the same Protestants that would go on to give us woman bishops or the full endorsement of contraception. Great.
They're doing a little more than that, converso.
As someone who's lifted for years.
If you can lift weights while doing other stuff you're not working hard enough.
Cardio is bettr
it predated liberalism, and it spread to Catholic Europe too. To quote "Godliness and Good Learning" (via wikipedia) "characterised by a belief in patriotic duty, manliness, the moral and physical beauty of athleticism, teamwork, discipline, self-sacrifice, and it was characterized by the "belief in patriotic duty, manliness, the moral and physical beauty of athleticism, teamwork, discipline, self-sacrifice, and the expulsion of all that is effeminate, un-English, and excessively intellectual"