Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?
Should gays be put to death?
No, they should be prayed for and brought to Jesus.
No, but the right to physically remove them from private property at the discretion of the owner(s) should be instated
It's pointless, they are reprobates. Remember how God hardened Pharaoh's heart? It's the same with homosexuals.
perhaps sodomites as prescribed by leviticus if the governering authority enforces it, but that is itself strict application in the light of Christ's incarnation.
Only God knows what's in a man's heart. You don't, so stop trying to be God.
That is a great pic, where'd you get it from?
I hope you've never dishonored your parents. If you want to enforce the OT laws that gets the death penalty too.
In my perfect kingdom, I would but only the unrepentant ones. They are a danger to society at large. Look at the state of the west today. We start tolerating them and soon they want to have sex with kids. They are already abusing them and turning kids into trannies. How long until we are bigots for being agianst pedophila?
I got it from this board actually, not sure which thread.
People are already being called bigots for being against pedophilia. The media celebrated it when that child drag queen Desmond performed as a stripper at a gay bar.
Explain ex-gays such as St. Augustine and Michael Voris then.
An Abomination.
Is that true? Where is that written?
St. Augustine isn't an ex-gay you liar.
And it gets worse from there
He was an ex-womanizer and had a child out of wedlock.
Explicitly for striking (Ex.21:15) or cursing them (Ex.21:17, Lev.20:9). Implied also in the commandment "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long[…] (Ex 20:12) - it can be read that if you don't honor them you won't live long.
In Matthew (For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.'(15:4)) and
Mark (For Moses said, 'Honor your father and mother,' and, 'Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.' (7:10)) Jesus calls out the Jews for not enforcing this when they exploit loopholes to get out of supporting their aged parents.
Striking and cursing are dishonorable, but there are ways to dishonor your parents that do not demand execution in the OT don't you think?
Well, Jesus right there said it applied to not giving your elderly parents money or helping them.
So awesome he even cared for his mother even while suffering and dying on the cross.
yes, not that gays can't be forgiven their sins, but its dangerous to put gays in prison as alot of them just carry on their deeds in there
i think this is one case where the death penalty is necessary
No he didn't. Jesus is pointing out that they dishonor their parents, but not alleging that they've cursed their parents and so deserve execution.
Argh, absolutely disgusting. When will people realize that tolerating this behavior is a great way for God to treat us like He treated Sodom & Gomorrah? Will sodomite rape gangs finally open people's eyes to the evil of this tolerance?
If God still hasn't wiped America out at this point, I'm beginning to think he never will and I understand why other people aren't afraid.
No, it is better to make them repent. But for those of reprobate mind, their death is already sealed by their own hands.
So…should I kill myself? I am homosexual but I am doing my best to resist the urge to fornicate with other men.
I think even most hardcore gay persons are not lost, even if turning around gets harder and harder the more you “cement” yourself in the lifestyle of the LGBT+ community (a community I always disliked even as an active homosexual).
No, but you need to stop unironically identifying as a sodomite. The longer you trap yourself in that box the longer satan will torture you with lust. Pray /ourLady/'s rosary and she will help kill your disgusting vice.
The enemy is urging you to off yourself as the last winnie the pooh you to both you and our Lord. You should not kill yourself, but you should repent. Like this user has said. From now on, you should identify yourself as sodomite no longer, but a man created in His image; meant to be with woman.
Homosexuals? No. Sodomites? Yes. One is a defect, the other a crime. One needs help, the other judgement.
I usually say that I suffer from SSA rather than calling myself an homosexual; the thing is: I love the feminine body. I had girlfriends and I got close to getting marrried once; alas, the tormenting thoughts scared me to the point where I simply quit that relationship and since then I am too afraid to be with a girl because of a terrible accident where I misbehaved when together with a girl (felt like ending my life the next day).
I used to pray every single day a whole rosary, but now I feel so lost after a long string of failures.
Well, today is a great day to get back on track and pray the rosary on the daily again. Despair not for Jesus loves a wretched sinner like you. If He can kill my urge to fap and smoke weed, He can kill your urge to boink butts. Pick up your sword once again and prove the Anderson heretics of this world wrong!
I will try, but it’s not so easy…how do I confess certain sins to my parish priest? I fear I could end up in jail for some of the stuff I’ve had impure thoughts (and more) for in the last months.
The penance cant include any kind of revelation either. Confession is also a sacrament that will help you with hedonistic and filthy temptations.
What you confess to your priest is between you, your priest, and God. Your priest can't rat you out, to do so would be agianst the sacrement of confession. Trust me, friend, there are people who I am certain have done far worse than you. You have to be brave and confess your sins, only than will they be forgiven.
I like this speech by Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen on the act of Confession and some stories of how it has changed people's lives for the better. This one by Fr. Ripperger is also a good one imo.
Because it's a minority concentrated in port cities who do this shit.
I think you mean Jerome
Yeah, Augustine admitted to sleeping around to the point of having his son out of wedlock, but he was never gay./bi. Pretty far from it in fact.
Your perfect kingdom is a will-to-power utopia, because you're deus vult larper.
Christ gives us day after day to repent, yet you wouldn't give the same to a brother. You're the unrepentant one, my dude.
Start every morning thanking the Lord He gave you another day to repent, because if He didn't take you on your sleep then you clearly was not ready.
Hey, remember when alcohol was illegal?
Do you think most sodomities brainwash children?
Not even close to the same. Maybe if they were never tolerated in the first place there wouldn't be so many of them. Driving them out or banishing them to my neighbors' lands would only push the problem unto them, which is uncharitable to my neighbors.
Yes I do. Explain to me how those "drag kids" came to be if not by brainwashing? A healthy society that respects family values would never have allowed sodomites to adopt so they can spread their filth to the minds of kids.
That was not the point of what I was saying at all.
Again, drugs are illegal. Widespread drug use is still a thing. You aren't going to cleanse society of fags without gestapo/KGB level policing and mass execution, neither of which I think of as very christian.
You misunderstood my question. I did not ask you whether sodomites brainwash children, I asked you whether you think MOST sodomites brainwash children.
Go away feds
The way someone lives their life in a society is a type of propaganda. Seeing some freak doing their thing in public hurts the minds of adults and children.
Guess murder can't be illegal because they'll just go underground. Currently homosexuality is both underground (pedo rings and the like) and above ground. I can't blame anyone for just wanting them to be under ground, note the duel meaning.
Well then I guess we're all Christian propagandists.
There's a lot more apparent consequence to murder than their is to to dudes going at it. One kills people, one makes a guy's ass sore. The latter is a lot harder to govern.
Are we the religion of peace now?
Yeah that's what lifestyle evangelism is. Propaganda isn't inherently evil.
Both kill people. I'm not going to explain how their behavior spreads GRID and causes anal cancer among many other diseases. The end result of not governing it is having it both underground and above ground.
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
it was a joke about being like Muslims.
Thanks for the Hoppe quote, I was searching around myself to understand what we should expect expulsion to look like in a modern context if we have a biblical worldview, and you found something that comports nicely with the concept of exile.
I love how LARPers use that statement to justify extremist violence. If you actually read more than one verse, you'll find that the "sword" is a division among people and has nothing to do with you being able to go around beating up brown people you don't like.
There is what you think I meant by posting that verse and what I actually meant by posting that verse.
The sword isn't a literal sword at all though. It's the word of god dividing men. Hence the sword for a tongue in revelations. It's still not a justification for violence though.
I agree.
No-they can be forgiven and changed
Jesus can fix any illness, and before liberalism took hold research was going ahead on how we could fix homosexuals on a biological level.
Granted any and all public display or promotion of homosexuality (such as pride events or marriages) should be outlawed entirely, as to not spread the gay.
That is a good point. I'm glad we don't usve them, but why don't we see sodomite rape gangs today? What was unique about Sodom compared to modern cities like San Francisco and Tel Aviv?
Sodom had real power, while those others are glorified quarantine zones.
gayness should have already been cure if it wasn´t for the liberals, neocons and (((them)))
Leviticus 20:13 says so
Jesus is the cure, user
That doesn't mean Christians should accept them into the church. Should the church also not throw out members who are just constantly committing adultery?
What's the difference?
I'm pretty sure that user was clear on what he was saying, but I'll try clarify it for you.
One can suffer from Same Sex Attraction (SSA) and not act on it. Thus said person is techinally a homosexual but is trying his hardest to fight agianst it so he can be normal once again.
The other is a criminal act or at least was a criminal act, thanks [((freemason prots))] and your individual liberty idolatry that literally harms the pitcher and the catcher (but mostly the catcher) and in no way shape or form ought to be tolerated in civil society.
To put it plainly:
All sodomites are homosexuals, but not all homosexuals are sodomites.
Can we move on from these sorts of threads?
>Zig Forums next door wants to prove how hardcore "deus vult" Christian they are
… nevermind
mfw I'm actually impressed with the depth of Christian understanding, compassion and love is in this thread
+ + + + +
bumps the thread to virtue signal his modernism and tolerance for evil
Wew lad
Do you think you could ever choose to be a faggot? Can you make yourself aroused by men?
it is unfathomable to me
I am of the same opinion. Sexuality, like any other aspect of the brain, eg personality, intelligence, etc is not bestowed by some magic. These are the result of physical aspects of the brain. If we believe that God created us, either through evolution or whatever, we must accept that people become fags naturally and it is determined in the womb.
The fact you saved the first pic is disturbing.
I saved it specifically for this thread as to prove a point. Which was than deleted once I didn't need it. Get your mind out of the gutter.
you're approaching that a priori. Are you aware of what the Bible says?
For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,
27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,
29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips,
30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;
32 and, although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. (Rom. 1:26-32 NAS)
God gave them up: paradidomi, to hand over, to give or deliver up
People become fags on God's allowance, but not by God's authorship. They had to be first given up in order to do those things which are not proper, because something was stopping them before. That's the conscience, which is the normal moral impulses of a man who is not reprobate.
When you find the gay gene you can come back and we'll talk about it, but that search isn't going anywhere.
Again, sexuality is simply a function of the brain, which develops before birth. Brains of females that basically marinate in androgen during fetal life turn out to be lesbians. Literally through no fault of anyone, people become gay. If birth is the work of God, how can we not say that this function is not his work?
Even if true that a defect was inextricably linked to homosexuality, it doesn't follow that God made them gay. Does God give babies spina bifida? (Don't look it up if you're not familiar)
An easier example scientifically to ponder is the heritability of alcoholism. Sodomy and drunkenness are both sins, homosexuality and alcoholism are potentially linked to functions outside of the individual's control. One man might be born more prone to alcohol addiction than another, but this propensity doesn't give excuse to sin.
Even more clearly look at Leviticus when it was clear that in that time homosexuals were to be executed. Leviticus 20:13. What is to be said about that in your view?
God created the process of birth and set the conditions by which all sorts of defects might take place, so yes, God is certainly responsible for babies to be born with various defects, diseases, etc.
I really don't like the comparison of alcoholism and homosexuality. Alcoholism, yes heritable, could potentially lead to a life of pain and misery. Homosexuality on the other hand, in some conditions, can lead to a life of isolation, your parents may consider you to be demonically possessed and disown you, Christians believe that you should never ever expect to be physically intimate with the sex that you are actually aroused by, you could be rejected from your church because they believe that you have chosen to be a homosexual, etc. The burden of homosexuality is much greater.
I am actually in the process of grappling with Christian faith over the question of people being born as homosexuals and various other things. I'm not ready to answer your question in a meaningful way.
I appreciate your intellectual consistency.
I only make the connection between alcoholism and homosexuality because of their equivalent identification as sinful by the Bible. I agree that the homosexual is probably looked down on further than the alcoholic in society.
If it helps in your thought process, you should know that Christians throughout the ages have affirmed the Bible's moral standard as authoritative with no room for our protest. See the Nashville statement as the latest affirmation of the Biblical view of gender.
It sounds like the question you're investigating is, "Does the God of the Bible create people in ways unable to meet his standard, and so damn them to hell forever?"
The answer is easy and foundational; NO, for the simple reason that keeping the law is an impossibility for everyone and not a requirement for salvation. Salvation is by grace, through faith, not of works (Eph 2).
I'm sorry dude but does anyone else see how absurd this discussion is? Sodomy is a perversion of the body, not a natural thing. It is a luciferian act mocking marriage, homos used to call straight people "breeders".
God allows people to chose Him freely. There is no homosexuality gene and while alcoholism might have hereditary patterns, it is ultimately the person who chooses to abuse substances. Man has real agency, as only a free agent can be praised for doing good or chided for doing ill.
Again, this “B-b-but they’re choosing to be gay” is just retarded.
Part of me wants to but I know deep down God wouldn't want that, so I'd exile them to a part of the world they could never leave and be done with them.
Of the homosexuals I've asked, all of them were sexually abused as children. Its a mental disorder. Its could be treatable with therapy but with society as it is we'll never know.
Hate the sin, love the sinner.
Be sure to explain exactly what you mean by this to the sodomite though, they may get funny ideas.
No, although sodomy should be illegal.
Yes, the act of homosexuality should be punishable by death. Of course, the state can only punish actions by law, so it's left to God to punish unrepentant homosexuals who don't act out on their urges, but if they do act on their urges, then they commit a crime which is worthy of death, or at least castration/imprisonment. Homosexuality acts as a cancer, and it spreads death and destruction to everything it touches. Death isn't an act of hate, it's an act of protection for society, like when a murderer is put to death.
They'll have eternal death. Personally they should be at least castrated.
No. But it shouldn't be normalized either.