Are animals being cute an extension of God love?
Are animals being cute an extension of God love?
Absolutely and Doggos and kats are too
false, dogs are not cute.
But the question is; why are animals cute? I don't buy into the whole
I don't see why not.
shiba inus don't count
I'll have you know my family's dog is the cutest and best boy.
Yes. They're a window into the divine.
At the very least, like all creation, they were definitely created out of God's own joy… and he loved Adam enough that he thought they'd be suitable friends for him at first (before Eve).
Muslims are fags and smell funny. Dogs are awesome.
25And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Well God called it good so probably yes, also there is something absolutely winnie the pooh evil about people who deliberately hurt animals for fun, I don't know if it is just because I've grown up with pets or something much deeper.
All things of creation are in some way an extension of God. Even cuteness.
It's the repulsion of someone who would destroy the meek and powerless. Embrace that disgust, but not the hatred it breeds.
Everything that is beautiful in this material universe is a reflection of God's love :
The stars, the mountains, the sea, even a beautiful person are shadows of a higher archetype.
That isn't to say ugly people aren't loved by God but their beauty are either hidden or corrupted for this world can't be pure light otherwise it would mix with the spiritual.
If you're physically "ugly" don't despair. Your true beauty will shine at the ressurection
They are to be our companions, but they are not only that, they are also our helpers. Dogs keep the house safe from thieves and wolves, assist us in hunting down drugs, criminals, and bombs, lead the way for the blind, and by being with us in their nature heals our heart. Cats hunt down vermins which bring disease and harm and their presence alone tell the vermin to bugger off, so they protect us in a way.
I've been thinking more and more how friendship of animals was truly the ideal state. Our enmity with them is a sign of the broken nature of our souls.. and the world. While God first brought the animals to Adam as friends, Adam and Eve's fall from grace also caused God to take pity on him and give them "coats of skins, and clothed them". The first sacrifice of an innocent, for the sake of humans. Abel also knew this the sadness and mystery of it.. when he offered up his firstlings of a his flock to God. While Cain actually offered the very thing God signified as part of a curse: the work of tilling in the field. Probably a whole subject one can write a book about. It's as if Cain was throwing God's curse back in his face. But I digress. The Lord himself decided to embody these beloved animals, and even became the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
Is it God's design that dogs tend to not like black people?
Say what? Africa has some beautiful dog breeds, like everyone else. They're man's best friend. Not "Man's best friend.. except black man." lol
Reminder to be on the look out for any animals left in inadequate or hazardous conditions outside this winter and report it if you suspect anything.
Not denying that
It's still a common experience that dogs, especially German shepherds so I've heard, do not like blacks.
They're definitely very territorial dogs. Maybe some are get really used to one type of environment/atmosphere, but I don't see how one could be from birth.. like through genetic/muscle memory or whatnot.
I did have a dog once who didn't like fat people though. Not my fault.
The funny thing about dogs is that they pick up habits from their owners. Chances are, if the owner isn't fond of blacks the dog will pick up on it and not like blacks as well.
Just like if a ņigger hates crackers the dog will end up hating crackers as well.