Apparently he’s like a proto-reformer, and also some Orthodox consider him a saint? What was his theology? Why was he burned in the first place? Is he a saint?
What’s the deal with Jan Hus?
He had it comin’
Why? What’s he do?
Intend to read about him more. But he was basically proto-reformer and a heretic.
The fact that Orthodox consider him a saint (along with few communist collaborators in my country) makes me uneasy.
IIRC he caused a sort of precursor to the Reformation by starting a church called the Hussites which believed most of the things Protestants would later believe.
Unfortunately there's a lot of Eastern Christians who are just as fanatical in their hatred of Rome as any fringe Evangelical group, and they'll side with anyone who opposes Rome no matter what their actual stances are.
I know Hussites. I also know he translated some English guy who was a complete heretic (even denied transsubstantiation). While he held only some of his views I want to know what exactly Hus preached in order to understand why he was burned.
Right now my opinion is that he probably had it coming.
Yeah. This is what bothers me the most. The guy was inspired by someone claiming eucharist is crackers, even translated his works in order to spread heresy and they proclaim him a saint because…obviously muh latins.
This is why I want to know more. Also I view with scorn making wwii communist collaborators saint while codreanu is painted as an "extremist". I realize this is the case with RCC now too. But it is all so tiresome. Especially making a proto-protestant heretic a saint.
This is what I found:
Jan Hus: Religious Reform and Social Revolution in Bohemia (International Library of Historical Studies)
Patron saint and prophet: Jan Hus in the Bohemian and German Reformations
I already got the books but now I am short on time. Intend to read them though. Should be enough to see into what he preached
I don't know of any Orthodox that considers Hus a saint and i'm pretty sure there is none. I also don't know about his theology but i believe that burning him alive and the attitude of the Catholic church of that era in general is what gave birth to the reformation in the first place. Don't forget that the Templars were also burned by the Catholic church for similar reasons.
Hmm just like the baptists and the adventists and basically every evangelical christian
Treated the Eucharist as bread, is responsible for raising angry anti-Catholic mobs that murdered monks and raped nuns.
For whatever reason, Protestants have this nasty temptation to idolize evil men. Hus himself seems to be propped up more out of Czech nationalism than any rational religious purpose.
Actually, I'm forced to retract; looks like all the mess Huss is responsible for happened after his execution.
"Noel Alexander enumerates the errors of Huss under thirty heads (3). We will only take a succinct view of the most important ones. The Church, he said, was composed of the predestined alone (Art. 1, 3, 5, 6); and the two Natures, the Divinity and the Humanity, are one Christ (Art. 4). Peter neither was nor is the head of the Catholic Church (Art. 7, 10, 11); and Civil and Ecclesiastical Lords, as Prelates and Bishops, are no longer so while in mortal sin (Art. 30); and he says the same of the Pope (Art. 20, 22, 24, 26). The Papal dignity is derived from the power of the Emperor (Art. 9); and Ecclesiastical obedience is an invention of the Priests (Art. 15). Everything the wicked man does is wicked, and every thing the virtuous man does is virtuous (Art. 16). Good Priests ought to preach, though they be excommunicated (Art. 17, 18); and in Art. 19, he reprobates Ecclesiastical censures. It was an act of iniquity to condem the forty-five Articles of Wickliffe (Art. 25). There is no necessity of a head to rule the Church, for the Apostles and other Priests governed it very well before the office of Pope was introduced"
No surprise the Orthodox likes him, it's basically Orthodox + OSAS Baptist teachings.
Wait, WHAT?
NO, Eastern Orthodox do not consider him a Saint. He is a complete heretic whose heroes included Muslims and Hermeticists. Why would we consider him a Saint when he denied many of our teachings too?
The only ones who might consider him a saint are Anglicans and Lutherans because they have a tendency to canonize anyone who "btfo'd papists" even if they're heretics like George Fox.
Well, nobody likes heretics
Translating someone's work doesn't mean you agree with them. What a foolish notion.
Orthodox church considers Jan Hus as a heretic as well as Calvin,Luther or the current pope.They all deviated from the line drawn by the holy fathers: St. Anthony the Great
- St. Ephrem Sir
- St. Arsenius the Great
- St. Isaac Sir
- St. John Chrysostom
- St. Basil the Great
- St. Gregory Theologian etc.etc.
Does that mean that Jan Hus's and Jerome's martyric deaths could be considered martyrdom for Orthodoxy?
—It was precisely of Orthodoxy that they were accused. This was one of the points of accusation of their heresy. However, they considered themselves Catholics and officially were so. Only at the end of the twentieth century did the Primate of the Roman Catholic Church, John Paul II, express his deep regret over their burning at the stake. But he did not go beyond regret. And they both, Jan Hus and Jerome of Prague, died for the undistorted faith, for the pure faith of Christ—that is, for Orthodoxy. Therefore we are completely justified in canonizing them as saints. This has already been confirmed by the Church of Cyprus and the Greek Church. Other Orthodox Churches also support us.
This is a quote by Blessed Archbishop Christopher of Prague, Metropolitan of the Czech and Slovakian lands
This goes over huss from the Catholic perspective
I mean you don't have to fully retract that, just amend the statement. He is still responsible for the angry mob of proto-prots even if he himself didn't raise them. If he hadn't promoted his heresy that mob wouldn't have committed the atrocities.
considering how czechs are all atheists, his ideas were probably not very good
Latins can't meme. Martin Luther was a Catholic monk, we had already schismed with you guys for half a millenium by the time of the 95 theses.
God bless You for being honest.
You have to consider that most catholics on this board are clueless about everything related with Christianity and they just throw words around to cause unrest. The majority of them are just LARPers anyway who've never set foot on a church, there's a reason why catholic churches around the world are empty and dying.