March for Life 2019: Abortion 'greatest injustice in nation'…

March for Life 2019: Abortion 'greatest injustice in nation'…
"I'm a Christian and I believe that all life matters, including those who are unborn"

WASHINGTON - Thousands of anti-abortion activists, including many young people bundled up against the cold weather gripping the nation's capital, gathered at a stage on the National Mall Friday for their annual march in the long-contentious debate over abortion. Signs reading "Choose love, Choose life," "I am the pro-life generation," and " Defund Planned Parenthood " dotted the crowd gathering under hazy, wintry skies at the morning rally.

The 46th Annual March for Life rally was held on the National Mall in Washington D.C. Friday afternoon, an event to demonstrate objections to the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision. Rep. Daniel Lipinski, D-Ill., who is one of the only anti-abortion Democrats in the House, also addressed the morning rally. Ben Shapiro, a popular conservative commentator, was the featured speaker.

Pence and his wife Karen also made a surprise appearance at the Friday rally with a video message from Trump.
He later tweeted about the administration's nomination of conservative judges and allowing "states to defund Planned Parenthood. The first march took place on the west steps of the Capitol in January 1974, the year after the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, which affirmed the constitutional right to access safe, legal abortion.

On the other side, the new Democratic House majority vows to block Trump actions affecting birth control access and abortion services. Nathan Elfrich, 19, and Carolin Quinn, 18, both students from Xavier University, see the annual event as a way to bond with peers. Michael Gladu, 55, an operating room nurse from Gaithersburg, Maryland, said he thinks public opinion is changing and moving in support of the anti-abortion movement "because … the younger generation is seeing this as good. Barry Wood, 67, and his wife Susan, 65, of Richmond, Virginia, were married in 1973, the same year as the Roe v. Wade decision, and have been attending the march almost every year since.

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Most of Planned Parenthood’s federal funding is from Medicaid reimbursements for preventive care, and some is from Title X. With the government shut down, PP won't get its federal funding.

That doesn't stop private donations, though.

I don't have faith in Trump or the Supreme Court. This could easily all be solved with a snap of the fingers (if the right hands). This idea that you have to wait for consensus to protect the lives of children is retarded, and possibly a worse symptom of modern society than abortion itself. For it is what produced abortion and a hose of other ills.

Planned Parenthood doesn't get money for abortions. Medicaid does not reimburse for abortions.

i could have taken off work to go to this (i live in DC) but i decided that i don't think these marches really do anything. my only real motive would have been to find a trad gf, so i felt like my intentions were impure and went to work instead.

plus, ben shapiro being the speaker made me feel like the whole thing is pretty questionable

I love the work a lot of these people are doing (both in the march, but day-to-day as well), but the only real solution is putting the fear of God into society. There's no way around it. Not all of these people will believe in consequences or hell, but you can certainly create a hellish existence for them on earth. Repercussions are the only convincing solution to murder.

It needs to be the standard meme.. then things change on a variety of levels, even beyond abortion. Right now, we live under the meme of "freedom". Which will always work against God.

Except they do

I thought Zig Forums was smarter than this.

Than prove to me its debunked and i'll change my tune.

More relevant undercover video

You're making the claim that it's true. It's not my job to prove you wrong. You can easily use Google and find the debunking … if you're smart enough to use Google.

I don't see anything about these being debunked. Aren't they the same vids that got the filmmakers in trouble for violating privacy. They were actually indicted. Why would Planned Parenthood file charges if they were fake videos?

You are making the claim it is false, ergo it is up to you to prove YOUR claim. Though im not suprised you can't prove the video testimonies wrong.

Lol, you have nothing, baby murderer.

Seriously. We're talking about literal ghouls who've made a career out of selling infant body parts. There's little they're NOT capable of after that. Lying on a message board would be the least of their worries.

It's called "slander", which is why files were charged. Are you telling me that if someone made videos talking about how you have sex with goats, you'd just shrug it off? Prove you don't have sex with goats!

You really are this retarded …

The charge wasn't slander. It's violation of privacy.

Fine, but you still haven't proven that you don't have sex with goats.

I don't have sex with anyone or anything. Sadly, I can't prove that. Maybe if I was a woman, I could. So accuse away. I don't care.

My favorite quotes from your wikipedia link:
>According to several experts in the field, the money Planned Parenthood received for fetal tissue was too little to make any profit for Planned Parenthood and constituted reasonable compensation for the costs of procurement

Did you catch that? They do receive money. What was your initial claim again?

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Pathetic. Atomic Dog showed you the way, but you are afraid to walk it, while children are dying.

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I wonder if these Catholics will be memed 500 years from now, like those Guy Fawkes masks. What is it about the Catholic church that produces heroes only remembered centuries later?

Not a Catholic here, but I do admire the gumption.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals examined the tapes and ruled them authentic.

I don't know where you get your talking points, but they're all wrong. Planned Parenthood's own president has recently said, in a public speech, that their primary goal is to providing abortions. Whenever this isn't seen as a positive, they say two things:
1) Abortion is only x% of what we do.
False: They get away with this by dividing an abortion up into multiple services and only counting one of them as an abortion. The ultrasound, drugs, cleanup, gown, clinic use, doctor and nurse fees, and 'fetal tissue disposal' are each counted as a separate, non-abortion service even if their sole purpose is to get an abortion.
2) No federal funding goes towards abortion.
False: See number 1

Planned Parenthood is a modern day temple to Moloch, where children are sacrificed daily in order to appease a society's desire for material pleasure. They've proven time and again that's their only real goal, and their supporters have largely left the following two questions unanswered:

1) If funding Planned Parenthood is all about things having nothing to do with abortion, why not segregate the two parts of the organization or just give the federal funding to a different organization that does everything PP does except abortion? Surely that would eliminate a lot of controversy.
2) If there's nothing wrong with abortion, why are defenses of Planned Parenthood always "They don't do much abortion," and not "Abortion is good?"

if each one of the people who went sacked up and killed one abortion doctor each, systematic abortion would be over. its all just talk and no action

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