Hey Zig Forums I have been doing research on the topic of DMT entities for quite a while now as they once fasinated me, I only now see them as a demonic deception. I bet you have often heard how this substance is bad but with no explaination. I encourage you to really approach these posts with a truely open mind, and to share this information with whoever you think it may help.
Here are some primers:
3:06 "we're Just going to fix a few things" Operating on a human trying to "fix" things is incredibly suspicious.
3:26 he is being affirmed that he is not one of Gods creations, but an insignificant little monkey whos life ultimatley boils down to pleasures.
4:30 lets a demon eat into his neck, getting into his heart. Claims that it was nessesary to just let it happen and to not resist to avoid the trip going "bad"
6:46 Demon mocks him (presumably for being so blind about the true nature of the universe)
7:13 gives soul to demon of all demons. Claims hes not religious and its "very archetypal." This man is seeing a demon right in front of him and completley disavowing religion altogether. This being also has horns.
8:48 kisses the demon of all demons on the head, showing love to evil (essentially worshipping evil)
9:20 After showing the demon of all demons love, he is gifted with "beautiful demons"
9:59 demon of all demons comes back as a giant sea serpent (levithan) asks to do a soul trade
11:23 Marcus is gifted with a vision of Satan and "a Jesus like figure" making out and having gay sexual intercourse with Jesus as the "bottom" This vision
There are other points in this video I didnt really have time to put down. But sometimes its fun to make your own conclusions.
When delving into the realm of entheogens, 'entities' are literally always encountered. These beings are often incredibly complex in ways the human mind struggles to wrap its head around. Terrance McKenna, a self proclaimed psychonaught coined the term ' self transforming machine elves'.
The most common explanation for these entitites are categorised by the secular western world as 'archetypes' embedded into every human by evolution to guard mankind. Another explanation is that since psychedelics link so many parts of the brain together, they are just figments of the users imagination. These are nice explanations if you only beleive in the physical, so you can toss the spiritual part of these experiences to 'a higher state of conciousness.'
A popular lie amongst psychonaughts is that the negative experiences are meant to teach you lessons about yourself that your psyche has brought to you. However, there are too many connections that can be made about these entities to conclude that they are only psychical interpretations of your mind on a simple compound.
It is important to note also that spiritual practices of Yoga, Meditation, Psychedelics, all 'clear the mind' potentially eroding mankinds barrier to the spiritual realm exposing them to nefarious entities in the process. If you know a thing or two about hypnosis, youll often hear that to be open to hypnosis or to be susceptible to it, is how willing you are to be hypnotised. This is why hypnotisers must build up the stages of hypnosis when performing. Now, an incredibly common piece of advice given by most psychonaughts is that you should imagine a piece of white light in your heart. This helps the tripper ground themselves in a trip to help remind them they will be ok. This practice of imagining yourself as a piece of bright white light is common in kabbahlistic spiritualism. The other piece of advice is you MUST give in to the experience no matter how terrifying or enjoyable. Which is exactly what you would need to do to be hypnotised.
The first of these entities are often seen present as little beings of light. They claim they are there to fix a few things and then proceed to enter the body and head of the user. This normally occurs when the user is being distracted by other visions to keep them steady until the main part of the trip. It is important to note that when the tripper denies these little light doctors ( or any entities for that matter) they start to become very upset and even violent very quickly which also occurs later on during trips.
When the user reaches past the hypnosis part of the trip they move on to a dazziling display of lights. (look up AJNA LIGHT on youtube) during this stage the user often sees many symbols of egyptian or mayan origin as well as other origins. These entities are often made of light (almost like little g gods.) Adding to the dazzling display of lights, many experiences of people suggest a 4 dimensional space, as they cannot comprehend the complexity of the visuals and entities.
I encourage you to read researchgate.net
The appearance of these entites is rather facinatinating, which is a rather bad thing in my opinion. These alien like, snake beings often seen shape shifting into other entities resemble characteristics of predators on earth. I would like to think of 'HORNEDMACHILEDEVIL' as somewhat of a lionfish. Lion fish hunt by standing in the open, waiting for a fish to be caught in its incredible display of fins, which then the lion fish strikes and devours the fish. There are many other sea predators such as the cuttle fish which uses the lights and colours on its body to hypnotise small fish until it is too late. youtube.com
On top of resembling some predators, they can appear as numerous Idols such as Bhudda, Shiva, or other pagan entities. You will find in much 'visionary art' clear references to yoga & meditation, which encourages these Satanic spiritual pracitices. Another common denominator between these entities is that they often have a 'third eye' (I know there arent many examples here but a quick google search you will find hundreds of results) The third eye in Occult practices is said to be the crown charkra or pineal gland, and supposedly when it is opened you open yourself to the spirit world. Many people opening their third eye or activating their chakras have experienced psychosis, demon visuals and even seizures. DO NOT just disregard these practices are not real because they are very real and evil, disguised as a beautiful practise.
The symbols a user will often encounter during a dmt trip are called 'sacred geometry' but a look at the bible will tell you that it is actually the star of Remphan, another name for MOLOCH or SATAN. This is the same symbol used by king solomon to summon entities, and is used by occultists such as marina abramovic, along side the pentagram. As you may know, the word HEX comes from hexagon, which is the same shape used in this star of Satan. Acts 7:43 "You have taken up the tabernacle of Molek and the star of your god Rephan, the idols you made to worship. Therefore I will send you into exile' beyond Babylon."
As you saw in that joe rogan clip, He was terrorised before he was given 'beautiful wisdom' I beleive this is a deception tactic. IN the interview he said he was quite shaken after just being totaled for the whole trip, and then was brought beautiful knowledge. If these entities were really good, why would they feel the need to terrorise him? I feel like this ignorance of terror is due to the hypnosis. You will often see users of DMT with the same fake enlightened look in their eyes.
TO SUMMARISE, these entities should be considered nothing else than an APEX PREDATOR, their cunning and trickery knows almost no ends as different types of entities are being discovered daily. The hypnosis is perfect for deceiving its spiritual prey, its pretty lights a great distraction from its sinister intentions, and often times looks like a predator, (even though they can shapeshift into anything they want almost) It seems like these entities are truly demons posing as gods with every predatory gift of any animal on earth at its disposal.
2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
There is so much more I simply didnt have time to discuss today, I really encourage you all to do some digging as there are some questions about these entities i havent quite been able to answer yet.
I was meant to post more, but for whatever reasons they didn't post. Here are the rest
Here are even more….
user, yes the occult is real.
I wouldn't teach about it as you are now, you do not know the harm it could cause to others.
Please stop going down this route, the temptations will grow beyond your control.
How should one be to teach about this ?
What harm could this cause? It is simply a warning to all those who wish to engage in DMT aka Pharmekia. Please read all the posts before making any assumptions.
I did, and my post is a warning to you.
You shouldn't, this is considered occultic.
This is literally a warning not to do these things.
Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
I have heard stories of many "Christians" doing DMT and thinking nothing of it, this is due to lack of education on how these occultic topics are truely bad. The Wests facination with psychedelics will only grow with time as the secular world strays further and further from God.The only way to fight deception is to talk about it and expose it, not talking about it is counter-productive to the intrests of the general public and to Christians of all denominations.
I am really interested in the occult and I really hate it. it consumes me.
I want knowledge the truth. Thanks for the warning.
Knowledge can be obtained through heavy amounts of research. I suggest you do this and look into Kundalini Psychosis to start you off to really show you how bad this path is.
I know that feel. Ever since dabbling in it, I have found a greater appreciation for ignorance is bliss. Only suffering will come from it. OP is doing God's work shining a light on this Pharmakeia (poisoning by drugs aka sorcery) and why it is bad for your spiritual health.
Again, thank you OP for the effortposting
How do you deal with DMT being produced in the body naturally?
Thank you so much for the bump and your kind comments. Please, help spread this information to people who may need it as the only real explanations behind the deceptive evil behind DMT as it is bathed in good news constantly. It doesn't help when the only exposure most people have had to the argument that DMT is bad is alex jones going "THE DMT THE DMT THE DMT" Not really that helpful alex….
I've heard this argument before. The way I see it is an object of free will. Any one who wishes to do evil in this world may definitely do it. DMT can only be secreted through the body with occultic practices such as Meditation and (yeah I know) Yoga. This has to deal with opening your third eye. If you dont beleive that these practices are harmful i suggest you look at kundalini induced psychosis and seizures. The effort of clearing your mind may be what allows you to activate the psychedelic states, inviting such entities to your presence.
True, if only I knew this earlier.
Its hard for me to make sense of reality these days.
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.
And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."
This is very true, you reap what you sow. Maybe not in this life, but in the next.