This is my first time in Zig Forums/Christian so I hope you'll all give me the benefit of the doubt and allow me to demonstrate to you that I am a true and legitimate follower of Christ.
This is the only chan that I know of anywhere on the Internet (except for those few, rare chans that are exclusively Christian chans) that actually has a Christian board. I have never seen another. Anyway, I hope you'll all welcome me as a brother in Christ with humility, Agape and joy that we all share in a life in Christ.
So, as the image suggests, how would you describe those parts of your life in Christ as making it worth it?
One of the first premises of this place is that only your words are shared, not your name or history, so the value of each post is judged on it's own merit. There's no need to try and prove yourself.
Robert Campbell
You've apparently never seen Vols use your post history against you. ;)
Welcome, OP. Stick around a while. Lurk for a bit to learn how the system works and join conversations.
Anthony Lopez
Welcome OP, I am sure you will make a positive impact on this community. This is a legit place and I've been here for a few years now by the Grace of God. It is always good to hear from a new brother in Christ. Welcome and God bless.
That's great and all but it's not really all it's cracked up to be. Diversity is not a strength so don't expect this board to be a cool hang out place of ecumenical unity, it's really a board to debate Catholicism vs EO for the sake of educating Prots. Not that any of us deep down actually want Christian unity.
I dunno user. When the fedoras and LARPagans loiter after midnight central time I think our collective love to defend Christ and His church from their (((lies))) is a go show of our unity in Him.
Catholics, Orthodox, and conservative Prots may not be unified in dogma, but we are unified in our struggles agianst principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Is /ourboard/ when we all get along to defend what we love.
Just don't mind to be banned a few times if you mess with Caths haha. Nah I'm just playin'.
Joshua Miller
I was highly amused by that picture user, ty.
Xavier Bennett
I'll admit that ordodox isn't the root of evil in this world and thus I would side with them over any Protestant. Prots paved the way for liberalism and will always maintain it.
LMFAO imagine actually believing this. What a world.
I dunno man. In my area there is no TLM mass nearby. Like…I cannot really choose in a town big enough between TLM and NO mass. I hope God will have mercy on me because the only alternatives to NO for me are Orthodox mass or protestant "meetings"
Daniel Moore
protestants: too good to try (tm)
Nathaniel Ross
Tbh, not all NO masses are pozzed. I am eternally thankful my NO parish isn't. I hope yours isn't. Give it a try, you never know unless you try. Even if it is, make the effort to venture out to the nearest TLM church. When I was a LARPodox I knew this family that traveled 45 minutes to go to the Orthodox church I attended to. Nice people, big family too. If they can do that I know you can do the same.
If that doesn't work, beg the preist(s) to think about doint TLM masses for those that want it.
Josiah Morales
Novus Ordo gets too bad a rap here on Zig Forums imo. Really its biggest flaw is that it allows for so much variance. There are lots and lots of parishes that hold beautiful and reverent Novus Ordo Masses every week, in spite of all the parishes that hold bad ones. The NOM's primary meric comes from the fact that it is highly participative, and when the congregation adequately participates the hymns and recited prayers really bring you into a sort of collective with your fellow Catholics and with God. The TLM's merit is that it's highly contemplative, it takes a different approach to approaching God , through silence rather than participation. Both of these approaches are equally valid, and when done in the right spirit, can be equally beautiful and reverent. You can't just discount the main product of an entire ecumenical council you know.