What does the bible says about mentally ill people with extreme paranoia that commit suicide?
Should they be blamed because they killed themselves because of their extreme mental illness?
What does the bible says about mentally ill people with extreme paranoia that commit suicide?
Should they be blamed because they killed themselves because of their extreme mental illness?
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The Bible teaches against suicide in principle when it instructs to honor your body as a temple and to do the Lord's work. Suicide is counter to these instructions.
In specific illustration, suicide is shown as dishonorable when Judas does it and when King Saul does it. Even when the boy admits to assisting Saul in his suicide, (1 or 2 Samuel), that boy is sentenced to execution by David. (This might not be prescriptive, because David's reasoning was that Saul was the Lord's anointed).
Who else could be blamed? The committing of sin is an action, and actions are performed by actors.
You're probably asking in regards to salvation, which is framing it in the wrong way on first principles. You cannot be saved by avoiding sin enough, even a terrible sin like suicide. Redemption is purely through God's grace.
yeah, but you're not aware of how winnie the poohed up those mental illness can make you live.
paranoid people suffer from a mental illness and 10% of schizos end up killing themselves.
There is the possibility that mental illness may be a sufficient cause to doubt that the suicide was done in full rationality, which is actually one of the main ways the Church defines a mortal sin.
Thats no excuse to do so.
Just because some mentally ill people murder doesn't excuse you of murder.
You already know it's a sin but still ask us to condone it. We will never condone it no matter how many mental gymnastics you perform.
Go see an exorcist already and pray the rosary. I'm so sick and tired of having to explain this to you every month.
the bible calls demons and posessions what we now know are just mentall illness.
Doesn't mean Demons don't exist. OP has been making these threads for months now and needs to see an exorcist.
The church says we don’t know. It says to be a grave sin you need to have control of your faculties, and some argue the mentally ill don’t have that. So we don’t know for sure, but we definitely shouldn’t encourage it or test it out. Pray for the best, but live your life assuming the worst. Pray they be saved, but act like God will damn you if you do it.
Strange, that user isn't making that point at all.
The only mental gymnastics seem to be coming from you, if the mentally ill kill themselves in a fit of invincible irrationality, the line of intent and full understand is completely blurred.
Once again, a mortal sin is defined as a deadly sin that is done with full knowledge and full rationality.
Wrong, the Bible separates what it calls the possessed and the "lunatick" pretty clearly here:
"The KJV has an accurate rendering of Matthew 4:24, in which we learn that Jesus’ “fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.” That’s a neat threefold distinction between those whose diseases and torments are spiritual (daimonizomai, those tormented by demons) mental (selēniazomai, lunatics / the mentally ill) or physical (paralytikos, paralytics). In other words, Jesus is healing the soul, the mind, and the body."
I've always thought, maybe Jesus has knowledge of God, and since he's the son of God, he knows how to heal mentally ill people.
However the bible was written by mere humans, and they lack Jesus insight.
So, maybe the bible we have has the understanding of the disciples of jesus, which at their time, when compared to our now scientific understanding, was very limited.
Dunno if this has been considered by christians ever.
There's nothing new about this heresy.
The Bible was written by men, inspired by the Holy Spirit; authorship is rightly also attributed to God Himself.
Jesus Christ, is true man and true God, being the second Person of the Trinity: consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
So no, Scripture is in itself infallible; only the Church Christ built upon St. Peter has the authority to bind and loosen what is on Heaven and Earth, to teach the true teaching.
Suicide is murder, he absolutely is making that point.
He is completely rational. OP has been making these threads for months now. The fact that OP hasn't off'd himself yet is proof he knows that suicide is a sin and he doesn't believe his own BS.
The fact that you are agreeing with him that he can have a vaild excuse to kill himself is just as concerning that OP wants to kill himself.
From what I know the OT was an oral tradition for several centuries before being written, and linguists have found three major writters who rewrote the OT in three diferent times to make it more logically consistent.
the gospels of the NT, were written about 70-120 after jesus died.
So, from WHAT I KNOW, it seems the bible suffered from a game of telephone since the beggining.
This doesn't even take into account all the revisions after the first council of nicaea.
We may not never know the real truth.
I'm not that guy, I was watching a lecture about schizoprenia, and wanted to know what the bible says about it.
I'm unaware of whatever silly purpose the OP has in making this thread, it's the argument i'm concerned about. A lunatick who kill themselves cannot be said to have made their choice in full rationality, if this OP is as you have said, he pretty clearly would not fall under this definition.
who? nobody in modern biblical scholarship deny the idea that the OT had editors, but the "3 source" idea hasn't really been held up seriously for a while now.
By His Apostles, whom were blessed with the Holy Spirit at least two times (once by Christ, after when they received the tongues).
You don't seem to know much, you should read this:
I shiggy diggy
I know one saint has canons saying that if someone commits suicide because of demonic possession or psychiatric delusion, they can receive a funeral service. So it implies that it's not a sin grave enough to kick one out of the Body of Christ, assuming you are mentally deluded of course.
I'm bipolar 1. 80% of bipolar people contemplate suicide, 50% attempt it at least once, and 15% manage to kill themselves. I've tried to kill myself more than once and I'll probably try again at some point, because being alive feels like Hell. But if I do go ahead with it, I fully expect to be eternally condemned. There is no room for murderers in the Kingdom of God.
I have bipolar 1 but I don't want to die and go to hell.
Provide evidence to back up your claim.
I mean the "I fully expect to be eternally condemned" for myself, not for other people. If you're Catholic or Orthodox, if you let your priest know that you are mentally ill and delusional/psychotic/depressed it's likely that you'll receive a funeral as a member of the Church.
And obviously, if you don't ever feel suicidal, I don't see why you should worry about that.
Speaking of mental illness…
What? Literally nobody mentioned sola scriptura itt, did you mean to post this somewhere else?