
This woman had a seventh month abortion. She said in her original post that she is sorry, she 'loves' her son, but that isn't the time to have him. She even named him.
This is true evil.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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God truly is merciful and longsuffering for not wiping us out yet.

If I didn’t feel anything reading these, what am I?

The hour is nearly upon us.

What is this feeling? It's like my insides are exploding

Will there be Justice done by God at the end?
Or will it be all forgiveness and mercy?
It seems paradoxical to me.
Which is it going to be?
A combination of those?


To grant mercy


what a winnie the pooh whore.

should we do something about this? i feel like an accomplice by not doing anything, but even if we did something, that might be wrong too.

Such is life in this world.

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Feminism is a mistake and a cancer upon all of society.

If, or should I say 'once', sacralism returns within western society. Everything this culture indulges right now will be used as evidence against future revolutionaries. So, congratulations secularists, you did this to yourselves and will come to a downfall.

This makes me sad. Communists really destroyed the moral fiber of the Cuban people. I'm so glad I wasn't born in that wicked place.

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tranquilo hermano

based pastor

Everyone who still thinks that this society is healthy and isn't satanic should look at this


Reminder that there are about 3,000 (and that's the lower number) babies aborted every day in just America. That's a 9/11 of babies every single day. And this is from 6 years ago, probably worse now.

This is the sort of shit that just makes you done with the world. The sort of shit that makes you want to scour it with Holy Fire.

We all deserve the fire.


Killing the wicked is mercy to potential (and actual) victims.

Brothers and sisters are a holy blessing from our Lord. My condolences.

Welp, gg boys, it’s over. Doomer-tier here I come.

13,303 abortions have happened since I opened your link.

I can't even imagine what God has in store for us on judgement day.

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I like the message, but exercise caution with your sources. Steven Anderson isn't the most reliable person to go to for consistent Biblical truth.

Friendly remind ((Zig Forums)) supports this.

Double friendly reminder:

So does ((Zig Forums))

Nah, normal Zig Forums too. Blacks abort 1/3 of pregnancies in the US, and Zig Forums is proud of that. They support abortions because it serves as a degenerate self-culling, not that I necessarily agree.

Why would you agree at all.

Yes, and Zig Forums wants abortions because muh feminism. Both are terrible reasons to support murder as they both feed into a very jooish industry.

Nice damage control attempt. That sure made ((Zig Forums)) look better.

((Zig Forums)) sure care about the white race.

Turd burglar, where in my posts did I say Zig Forums dindu nuffin?

That’s proof enough of you being passive aggressive about defending ((Zig Forums))

Lying is a sin user. If I wanted to play your game, I can easily say you are defending Zig Forums with your garbage posts.

The fact is, both are bad.

Holy shit. She actually realised that she killed her son and she's happy for it.
What the winnie the pooh this is literally satanic.

What did God mean by this? Is it time for a Babylonian captivity of the faithfuls?


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Feminists belong in the trash.

I'm really starting think whether not these people aren't really humans but demons

These people make me believe that what was written in the Book of Enoch is true: fallen angels descending to the Earth and taking the daughters of men as wives

guys i think thats just a troll, afaik you cant even get a 7 month abortion anywhere in the US

aaaa ok ok I see where you guys made the mistake, It's not a 7 month abortion she is celebrating, its a 37 day abortion, in the US we write our dates month/day/year must be a euro who wrote OP. But yes this is still disgusting no one should be celebrating an abortion.

"This blood sacrifice is doing wonders for my complexion."

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Good Lord, is she possessed?

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lady doesn't even realize the amount of mental turmoil she going to go through I feel sorry for her.

no just a honest fool

Try again shills. You will burn in time.

as my Catholic creative writing teacher said: reality is far more scary and brutal than anything you can conjure with your imagination…

You can literally start an abortion thread on Zig Forums right now and the first responses will be "good because SJWS and tiggers"

((Zig Forums)) biggest supporters of abortions. What have you been smoking?

This…if anything, they want to seize it and use it to control the “inferior races” from growing in number and to “remove” those who “pollute” the “white” gene pool…kinda scary, like something out of a horror novel.

post the fukl size

Considering the high density of JIDF activity over there do you really think that's surprising?

As long as (((they))) can keep pushing a pro-abortion agenda it wont matter which side they claim to be representing just so long as people like in OP's post continue the steady stream of sacrifices.

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The time of mercy is now.. when God calls the world to Repent. Once that ends, there's no mercy.

that statue is literally anime-tier. based

Can't come soon enough.

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Imagine billions, maybe even trillions, of children starring at their mothers, each telling her what they would have become. And then forgiving them, but telling them that God’s wrath has been set in stone. imagine the judge mental stares shot at every doctor who has performed an abortion, treating a human life as just another medical operation.
The true fires of hell isnt the actual flames, it’s the guilt.

It gets worse. I'm pretty sure the NHS used poor Alfie as fuel.


If killing that baby doesn't mean anything to her why is she sharing her thoughts?
I don't post on the Internet everytime I take a shit.
Its almost as if she is lying to herself.

Akita soon brothers.
The living will envy the dead.

I don't get the UK on Alfie (may he rest in peace). If Italy and the Vatican wanted to take him from them and pay all the shit why didn't they let them? Even if I supported euthanasia I wouldn't care if someone lived because first he would leave the country and secondly they would pay his bills.
And the murderous winnie the poohers did it against the will of their parents.
What happened to the "with euthanasia you decide if you want to die" meme?
Did they just wanted to take a human life? Do they get off that that?

Do you have sources for that. user? I could use some.

I honestly have no clue man.

what did he mean by this????

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The woman at the beginning is interesting to me. She says that the Pastor and the Christians are going to cause pain by making the women that choose/have chosen to get an abortion feel guilt over their decision.
She says that by not guilting people about the decision then she is better because at least she isn't making them feel bad.
However… People don't feel bad when they do something "good". People cannot be guilt-tripped by a only positive experience.
These women are clearly uncomfortable with the process of abortion from the get-go or else they wouldn't feel the need to fight so strongly against being "guilted" later on.
Christianity has a foundation in making you actually feel bad about your lack of moral rightousness. It makes you actually think about your actions and how they affect everything. It's why we, humanity as a whole, truly need the righteous wisdom of God imo

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I remember telling Zig Forums that supporting abortion, no matter who is doing it, is wrong. At first I was mocked, but I explained that certain "demographics" will never evolve until you remove the safety net, so to speak. In other words, if you take planned parenthood out of the picture, both men and women will be more inclined to use protection or abstain.

The Zig Forums argument, which is "omg you want women dying in alleys?", isn't really worth much because if a woman decides to murder her child in some dark alley, then what happens to that woman is up to God.

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My friend got engaged after seeing this girl after about a year and a half, she got pregnant and aborted the child about 4 months in without talking to him about it, then he caught her cheating.

Dude got messed up bad after he called off the marriage and engagement, he's a borderline alcoholic now.

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Wew lads.

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Your friend is in my prayers, user.

Why are we still here?

He definitely lucked out and didn't marry that psycho. I'll keep him in my prayers and I hope he finds someone that isn't a thot.

Now you see why becoming a monk, hermit or priest is the highest of calls…better to be the one breaking the bread than the one being broken all the time.
I’m so sorry for your friend…

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Anything can post there as well as here. If a pagan creates a thread on Zig Forums that mocks Jesus Christ does that make Zig Forums anti-christian?
At least this board has a ground: It is Christianity. There are many denominations but it is a christian board. Zig Forums is literally nothing and everything. All sorts of people post there.
Therefore saying "Zig Forums" is pro-anything does not make any sense. But you would know this if you've been there yourself for more than one thread.

Nice shilling you got there. Anything else?

Don't do it brother

Civilization that permits this and does not punish murdering children does not deserve anything else but God's wrath.

40 millions kids were killed via abortion in 2018 alone. And that's official and reported ones, imagine how much bigger the actual number is.


What the shit
I feel weird

Ether you are in Denial or ((Zig Forums))cuck trigger over becoming a laughing stock.

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