Was the Inquisition good?

Was the Inquisition good?

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Yes and no.
T. Prodesdandd :-DDD

Marketed good executed bad, just like 99.9% of what humanity does.

Toiletheads LARP as inquisitors just to make all rational discussion of integralism impossible. If there's a conversation about reinstating aristocracy, then the atheist/bureaucratist will want to focus the topic onto torture chambers and slave ships for forced converts while the integralist/monarchist will want to focus the topic on kings riding out onto the battlefield to repel the exact same threat that is pouring into Europe unimpeded today.

Partly thanks to Spain ruining many things for everyone.


Yes. Most people think the Inquisition targeted silly people like Steven Anderson, in reality it dealt with people using perverted doctrine for insurrection vs the state, proclaiming that marriage is polygamous, free love (sex), etc.


If it burned witches,new agers, and heretics I'm fine with it.


The Inquisitions were responsible for about 3000 deaths over 400 years. For comparison about 10,000 clergy were killed in the Terrors around the French revolution in a few weeks (by atheists). Two thirds of those deaths were deaths in custody, not executions, which when you think of the conditions in medieval dungeons it's not that surprising. Most burning at the stakes were effigies of people who had died in custody, and the remainder were garroted before the fire was lit.
The inquisition only had jurisdiction over Catholics. If you said you weren't Catholic, they would release you - probably to other authorities who may have done worse to you, but the point is it was about determining whether people were true to the faith.
The Spanish Inquisition was all about figuring out who was really Catholic and who were Jews and Muslims lying about being Catholic so they wouldn't get expelled from Spain by the King.
It has the worst reputation in English speaking countries. Most early English language histories about it were written by British or American protestants - and it's not like they were often at war with Spain, or had a bone to pick with Catholicism.

I ran across this BBC documentary awhile back.

Mainstream academics and media doing a post mortem and…. siding against the Protestants and Hollywood interpretations! Surprised me.

Just to add, I can't recommend this doc enough btw. I'm watching again.

In the end, Spain bore much fruit, even if Europe pozzed itself. Not financially, but built up treasure in heaven with many converts in the Americas.

Also, as an English speaker, I was assailed with images of how bad the Inquisition was.. or the Spaniards particularly. They even try to make you admire Queen Elizabeth for thwarting the Spanish Navy. Spain was on a mission from God! The Brits chose some woman as for a leader of the church and then increasingly pozzed itself with Jews and usury.. then infected North America with their disease as well. The world is damn near terminal because of it. Now everyone is infected with the sickness. The proof is in the putting on who truly was in the wrong here.

God sent the storm

If he did, then he just wanted to show people what happens when a adulterer founds your church, his daughter become head of your church, and you become a haven for usurers and Jews. And then some. Their own weapons of hatred (Puritans) ended kllling their own king as well.

Sometimes God builds things up just to become a byword to the world. He let Babylon and Greece and Rome flourish in their day too.

Apparently, what happens is your enemies are crushed and you receive the largest and most powerful empire in history

t. prot

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An empire that eats itself. A Paki (former colony) runs London now.. and Muslims influence the politics of the same country that once sent out Richard Lionheart (although he hated England himself.. but still. Heh).

I can't believe how soft we are on jews today.
We could crush them anytime, and I'm starting to think that we should.

This. Also, what is the point of an large empire if it bores no spiritual fruit? Does England have missionary martyrs like Spain and Portugal does? Does it have state sponsored missions like the iberian nations had? did it keep colonies just to evangelize them like Portugal and Spain, or did they only kept them for money? England is the home of liberalism and hobbesianism, and started it's empire from stealing resources from the spanish. Absolutely shameful


Probably just the Spanish and Portuguese one gave a bad name to it since they worked for the state sometimes even against the interests of Rome. But it was needed nonetheless thanks to it prots never got a foothold in the iberian peninsula.
In other countries it worked as it should. And no it didn't kill people and in fact more aggressive inquisitors were called of by Rome. The qualities the church wanted on an inquisitor were kindness and all those stuff. They were always waiting for heretics to convert, and when some didn't well the state applied its laws and either arrested them or in the worse cases killed them.

It killed thousands of people and made Christians look like Communists and Nazis. In other words, it was horrible. Inb4:

This is what atheists actually believe

100% Based.

You do not allow agent provocateurs into your nation / religion without dire consequences. A certain group of people who seem slightly over-represented in the American media and academic circles take issue with the fact that conversos and lobos were tested and found wanting.

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If atheists think murder is wrong and that you should follow a specific commandment in the Bible then they’re not as foolish as I thought

The inquisition never really killed witches as far as I know, aside from a few isolated cases. Churchmen have forbid belief in witchcraft on a number of occasions. The bar was set very high for proving a witch simply because the church didnt believe in witchcraft really. Most of the furor came from peasants still wrapped up in their traditional superstitions.