So you want to tell me that all of these things aren't for the sake of the Good, that sexual purity and sexual modesty isn't the Good? That modest dresses for women isn't the Good, that fighting this Jewish death cult parasite that is feminism isn't the Good and that preserving society with sexual pure, modest women (and men) with traditional natural roles for each sexes and having a pure society for better marriage and strong families to procreate a lot of children and to raise them in pure loving families isn't Good ?
Is this some kind of sick joke ? What kind of Christian are you ?
What kind of idiotic reasoning is that ? Women wearing dresses that are good looking and that hide the form and curves of the body and drastically reduce the exposition of the flesh is obviously not lusting but the complete contrary. It's modesty, it's sexual modesty, it's simplicity, it promotes beauty and love instead of lusting and envy for the flesh. And yes, femininity and womanhood is deeply associated with dresses, that's the way it's meant to be in Christian societies, women have to dress modestly not to arouse and tempt men and yet, they have to look attractive and beautiful in the same time to make them good-looking and to allow love (opposed to lust and fornication) and thus to allow pure marriage and strong families.
Now, thanks to (((feminism))), women started to dress pants like men which is a disgrace and then, they wear clothes that are really sticky to the skin and they also wear as little clothes as literal whores. They are turning themselves into sex daemons and corrupting and undermining the Social Order and Moral Order of Society, ultra-sexualizing society, turning society from Love,Faith and Spirituality to Lust/fornication, atheism and materialism/carnal materialism and thus leading to cultural suicide and demographic suicide, since it completely obliterate the foundation of society, namely pure and strong marriages.
This is a christian board,we are taught that men and women aren't born inherently good by nature but that we have a (very) bad side, our fallen side because of the original sin. But yet, we are taught that we have that not only we can but we have an obligation to control our passions, to control our urges and impulses with the use of Logos (reason), which will control the Ethos (the Will) which will control the Pathos (Emotions, passions). We are rational creatures, we can control our passions and we will never be tempt beyond what we can manage so we have no rational excuses to sin.
Men are visual and Women are beautiful, that's the why it's supposed to be. The reason we are civilized and christian is because we submit ourselves to the diktates of the Moral Law, which will guaranty the Social Order. If a woman can't help herself not to dress as a literal whore and to parade her boobs and ass like a savage monkey, then men also can't help themselves to take women by force and rape them violently, since we are "biologically hard wired" for it. If you want to free yourself from the Moral Law, then you just ask for society to go back to the primitive animalistic ways, just like savage tribes in South America. The fact we have civilization is because we have rules and often times, the very first step to society and civilization are dresses for women. I also think that men ought to wear decent clothes that don't overexpose muscles but it's a lesser problem, women are way less visual than men.
So men have a biological weakness toward rape and rough sex and also to be violent and kill and women have a biological weakness to dress and parade like literal whores, yet the bible and the Christian tradition is clear that we have to use reason to deal around that, to deal around the original sin and so that we have to submit our will to reason, to Logos. And that's why we have civilization, that's why we have spirituality, that's why we have LOVE (instead of Lust and Fornication) that's why we have Faith. And by letting women dress as little as whores, and by promoting non-feminine clothes and roles, you are destroying and corrupting all of the founding of society, it's a direct assault on the foundation of Society and that's intolerable, we ought not let individuals undermine and corrupt the Social Order because of "Americanism", "Liberalism" and "Freedom", those are all protestant heresies which will allow Satan and Jews to use them as vector to spread darkness and corruption at an epidemic rate, without any levers to defend against it.
Attached: Moral.png (806x236, 22.3K)