Has anyone noticed that there very well could be the "Mark of the Beast" going on or developing right now? Not a sort of barcode or anything like that… but the mark of the beast is the number of man - supremely human, and nothing divine. You have to be an atheistic liberal, who rejects the True God and True Divine morality for "humanistic morality" of beastliness, thinking than Man is nothing more than an animal, embracing everything that comes with it. This is the result of the secular liberal progressive viewpoint. It's more and more clear that you cannot to business without publicly acknowledging that you subscribe to this worldview - or at the very least you cannot publicly oppose it. You'll be thrown out of most schools, jobs, etc. Advertisers will drop you, you'll become unemployable. Isn't the Mark of the Beast happening before our eyes. Are people just not reading the signs of the times?
The "Mark" of the Beast
Jews want to rebuild the temple of Solomon. Jesus says your body is a temple. The mark of the beast is acting like Solomon, a fedora, racemixing, prideful, idolator. Or in short, a liberal.
The mark in Greek is "charagma". As in, a mark used on coins and documents. Not a barcode. This was written for "things which must take place SOON". Not 2000 years later.
Six hundred and Sixty Six hides in Greek what is Hebrew gematria. Hebrew didn't have numbers, so it used letters to spell them out.
נרון קסר =NRON QSR
50 200 6 50 100 60 200 = 666
Read about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. Read Josephus account as well. It's everything Jesus predicted in Matthew 24.
Secondly, the book of Revelation wasn't written in AD 90. It was written before AD 70. A lot of the confusion especially has to do with this, with faggot Protestant scholars dating it much later, no longer making it apply to it's proper timeline, and applying to themselves and their Zionist fantasies.
But I've only seen Protestants make the connection you do, and they use it to claim Rome is the antichrist because Nero.
Who bore "Nero Caesar" on them, and when did people who refused the mark get banned from buying and selling?
Only the ones tied to some form of classical Christianity in some way (err.. historical reformed types, I guess?). The church largely has been amillenialist though. This is why Calvin or Luther somehow juggled the historical conditions and rejoiced at AD70, and in the same breath, believed they struggled with their own "antichrist" in their own time. haha. Because to an amillenialist, both the gospel and the struggle for fighting for it is perennial and we all sort of live in trying times and there are many types of antichrists, as the Apostle John said.
I probably should have said evangelicals.. who are largely premillenial and Zionist.
I take it as meaning wide spread ostracism in general. Not some literal mark. They refused to play along with the Roman system. Christians were actually called "atheists" and considered revolutionaries and couldn't get a break anywhere, because they refused to participate in much of anything the rest of society did. None of their events, feasts, wouldn't worship their gods or Caesar, etc.. They were an easy scapegoat especially when Nero finally blamed them for the fire in Rome. Because everyone hated them to begin with.
And he murdered them in the thousands, and literally lit the streets of Rome at night with the bodies of flaming Christians. If that's not apocalyptic imagery, or "beastly", I don't know what is.
Lastly, first and foremost, the Apocalypse is a letter of comfort. Not just a prophecy, but something to give hope in this trying time. That they have to be patient and God would win in the end. It would have been cruel (and deceptive) to say "this must take place soon" and have it not even apply to them.
Here's another thing I dislike about typical evangelical teaching. That Constantine was the "downfall" and the beginning of the end of apostolic Christianity. They invent all kinds of conspiracies around him. But it was victory. This tortured church eventually conquered the heart of Rome. It was the beginning of something good.
Your "take" is not consistent with the text. It obviously does not fit with the 1st century AD.
Read the book again in the premillennial view
Hey man I'm just a bystander in this thread but you need to actually use evidence to support any refutation you supply in this thread, instead of vague generalities.
You couldn't pay me to do that.
Everything that literally comes out of your mouths comes from a psy-op. First to get people to hate anything about 2000 years of Christ's victory and his Church, to forget AD 70, to hate Constantine, to believe in some retarded theory that Russia is "Gog", and pretty much worship Jews so they can create an abomination of a "temple" and forget about the real temple, who is Christ. Everything you do takes people away from the Orthodox, funnily.
So, no.
I'm pretty sure the mark of the beast is a literal mark.
And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. Rev 16:2
He answered: it's a metaphor
I say: that's bad hermeneutics
Poisoning the well
Look you need to provide evidence, what you are doing here is ad hominem.
Provide texts, things that will back up your claims.
Well, at least you understood it. All I hear from your side is the sound of slurping Jew cock.
Not a joke. I'm serious. The whole evangelical worldview comes down to that. Perhaps many of you are victims yourselves and just repeating the words of the actual slurpers. But you've been psy-op'ed.
Did you reply the wrong post?
I don't know why I'm bothering with you, but here I go
Evangelical =/= Zionist
Catholic=/= Zionist
We hate the Scofield Bible too. Nobody uses it. It predates the evangelical theological movement as we know it today.
An evangelical is defined by his commitment to biblical inerrancy.
No, you called his post poison. Ad-hominem.
I'm geussing you're a troll.
I some times think that the "mark of the beast" is the "identities" prescribed by identity politics.
You goober
He was "poisoning the well" in fallacious terms by saying every evangelical source is not to be trusted outright
And in the next post…
I'm the one pointing out the ad hominem and not engaging
Sounds like MTF trans.
I don't think based on that verse you can really take it as being literal, because I mean especially with the Apocalypse, almost everything is highly symbolic.
The other thing is that the end times have to be coming in such a way that most people won't be able to identify it, but only some people, who can see the "Signs of the Times". This makes sense since Jesus said he will return like a thief in the night, as well as his parallel with the Flood, that before the flood came, people were just going about their business. So if people were literally getting a literal mark on their forehead such that they couldn't do any business, almost everyone would be like - THIS IS JUST LIKE REVELATION etc. Everyone is familiar with the idea of this, religious or not.
Having to subscribe to the dogma of liberalism is basically becoming more and more necessary to do any sort of business, to hold a job etc. This seems to fit more with what it was said about it, while still being something that not everyone really realizes.
It doesn't matter if it's the Scofield or not (which is just the extreme end.. dispensationalism). Evangelicals still push Israel in both their pulpits and all of their media (Fox/news radio.. which is funnily full of Jew hosts telling you how much they're all like you.. People like Medved, Prager, etc.. sitting at your tables, talking like you all believe in the same God.. and none of you calling them out as you should). It's the slow drip of "Judeo-Christian values"/rebuild temple/Israel/chosen people/etc.
And ALL evangelicals have a cynical view of church history and don't rejoice in God's works through the ages (or somehow think the church only started in 1517..and was only good before that in early pre-Nicene times. As if the Holy Spirit was incompetent and never guided anyone for a thousand years). Nor do they teach the immense signficance of AD 70, which was important to all the Church Fathers and even your reformers. It's the elephant in the room or the "13th floor" of Evangelical teaching - and despite the glaringly obvious, you simply don't talk about it.
I could go on.. and mention how you all literally live in some kind of Rocky IV movie theme (which is another part of the golem psy-op), making you think America is the Greatest Nation on God's Green Earth (as you wipe out actual Christians in the hundreds of thousands), but I'll stop here.
Honestly I don't see what you're doing is any different. Oh well. But yes, I see your point, sorry for appearing one sided (I'm not), I did unintentionaly focus on your posts.
I see what you're saying here and you're comming from a more neutral point than I first realized. Sorry.
Everything you're criticizing is the definition of "neocon". That's not what evangelical means.
I just turned in a report to my (EVANGELICAL) seminary that was a review of "On Pastoral Rule" by Gregory the Great
You know what, it is in the present, but I'll wait and see if it changes. That's the best I can do.
And I'm not a Catholic btw. John Paul II is just as bad, if not worse, than John Hagee.
That's not what it is "in the present"
If you want an evangelical go listen to Albert mohler. Tell me if he's a universalist with Jews and Muslims. Tell me if he reveres church history.
that's their argument!
It applies across all the spheres of Christianity. I was just using baptist for example. Orthodox, Catholics, Calvinists, Baptists.
Liberalism is the downward slope that leads into Satan's territory.
No, any Catholic or Orthodox that slips into the modernist heresy does it on their own, neither Church has changed their doctrine. That they are preyed upon by outside forces and inner reprobates is nothing new.
Eh, kind of. I was taught the zionist heresy by my jesuit college. Idk if you can call a Catholic college an "outside" force. The jesuits there seemed to love flirting with communist theory too.
The Jesuits have been compromised and need to be suppressed. That our Tradition is unchangeable is what allows us to say that.
Individuals are the people I've been talking about since the beginning.
Christ never promised us that the Church would be free of the reprobate, only that the chafe would be separated in the End.
A mark is something visible. The back of the hand and forehead are usually uncovered. It's something to make you immediately identifiable to others, not something you can't even tell if you have it or not.
So the Beast was actually a good guy? Cool
that's a pretty interesting exploration, OP; the idea that unless one subscribes to the secular, atheistic view that man is merely a beast, he can't do business or receive respect to his person or thought
i won't deny it as an aspect of the Spirit of Antichrist which is at work in the world, but i don't think it's the totality of that evil, since the Scripture depicts a future person who is the Antichrist; embodying everything of that nature and speaking profane boastings against The Lord – but that's a fascinating observation on your part, and a good thing to hold in mind while furthering one's studies in this area
Nero persecution christians. He was far from a good guy. The only reason why he destroyed the second temple is because the Jews were rebelling. That's what happens when you disobey God one too many times.
Pardon my autism, have some art and a sage
I was thinking about this lately too and realized that the Mark is probably not some kind of barcode or credit card number, it's a sign of loyalty, so it's the same for everybody. And it probably will be used as part of a two-step payment system: the Mark authenticates you and then you pay using card or whatever. This will work because society will be made cashless (because cash offers the easiest route to bypassing this authentication system), so even black markets will be much more difficult to establish and participate in.
Hmm.. well, I got banned. Not sure if it was for calling out Jews or saying Evangelicals fellate them. Either way, my conscience is clear. Calling out fags and Zionists is a sacred duty.
As for your question, they're no better than anyone else the Lord saw fit to use when punishing apostate Israel in the past. Babylon, Greece, etc.. Or just using plagues in general. And what the Lord is doing as we speak, by punishing the west with a plague of locusts called Islam. It deserves it.
Banned again. Pretty ironic considering the theme of the thread is about forbidden access. I'm pretty sure (in the symbolic/amillenialist sense) we're dealing with the Mark of the
Beast as we speak. Surprising to see at Zig Forums though. This is Reddit/Catholic Answers/Christianforums tier behavior.
When people don't want you to even discuss something, know you're on the right track.
I think it's pretty clear that (((they))) will get rid of cash and cards in the near future, and that they will try to force everyone to receive a chip in their right hand or forehead. A chip by which one will be able to buy and sell. A chip that will have the number of the beast in it in some way or another.
It's clearly stated in Revelation that the mark of the beast is something we can receive in our right hand or forehead. That's a pretty clear indicator that the mark of the beast is something physical that can be " implemented" in our body.
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
- 2 Peter 3:8
Yeah, the most obvious candidate is cybernetic/transhuman tech implants, surely? Which in addition to lots of other things would have something to do with buying and selling as you say. And all related to one world religion, government, AI etc etc. I speculate that the forehead element could be some sort of tech which relates to humanity(/the controlling AI) trying to access utilise and manipulate what is possible in terms of spiritual perception and knowledge through the peneal gland or whatever its called, in the future when we know more about it if it turns out that scientists/neurologists come to the conclusion that it actually does have 'spiritual' significance.
See, I've heard tinfoil evangelicals say that it's chips, credit cards, cell phones, literally anything other than a literal mark. If the antichrist were to come today, I could easily see anti-Christians "ironically" receiving a literal 666 tattoo to "own those silly Xtians".
1. Nero wasn’t in power when Jerusalem was sacked. Vespasian was.
2. Although Jesus made the temple void with the crucifixion, it should be noted that the Christian community in Jerusalem worshiped in the temple and that it’s possible St. James the Just (who was a son of St. Joseph) probably died during the whole ordeal
3. The book of revelation is a curious thing, and i think that’s by design. Because the symbols in it could apply to so many different things throughout history, it always keeps believers on their toes, since they don’t know if they’ll be the final generation or not until they’re gone.
Point 3 just doesn't vibe with pic related for me.
no one on this board has ever read their bible